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  • A Peony!!


    Did I ever tell you guys about our peony saga?

    3 or 4 years ago, I decided I wanted to have our own peonies so went and picked up a 3 pack of baby roots. Mark followed the instructions and started digging, to this day we are sure that the instructions read to plant them 21-inches down. Yes, 21 inches. We were confused, but that’s what it said, so that’s what we did!

    Needless to say, we didn’t get peonies the following year. Or the year after that. We kept hoping they’d make their way to the top, and his dad still teases us that we probably have large beautiful peonies growing a foot under the soil. hehe!

    Well I decided to pick up more, so I planted 3 more while Mark was gone. About 6 inches down. Now we have 4, because one of our 21-inchers actually made it up to the top! You can imagine after waiting several years for my own daggone peonies how excited I was this morning to see this:



    taba said,

    thats hilarious!!

    4.28.2005 @ 10:20 am
    Patti said,

    That was one little determined peony!

    4.28.2005 @ 10:43 am

    […] it’s taken me to grow Peonies? Yes? Well if you don’t know the story, you can read it here. Now I’m so excited to have them, I cut them as soon as they’re ready and keep bouquets […]

    6.5.2008 @ 9:05 am

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