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  • Thursday Thirteen #18

    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, December 22, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    Leanne’s askin’ 13 questions today! Put your thinkin’ caps on!

    1. What color are your eyes?

    2. Is there one gift you’ve purchased (or made) for someone this year that you really love, and are excited to give?

    3. Are you already planning a New Year’s resolution?

    4. If you make a resolution, what are the odds you’ll keep it?

    5. What is your favorite color?

    6. Do you have a favorite animal? What is it? (that’s part of the question.)

    7. How often do you visit my blog?

    8. How come you never call?

    9. You really don’t love me, do you?

    10. Could you telll I was just kiddin’?

    11. When is your birthday? MM/DD

    12. Is Santa bringing you fancy pressies, or coal? Maybe a bit of both?

    13. D’jya know there’s only 2 days left til Christmas?

    BLOGROLL: Please check my sidebar for the TT Logo and Blogroll. If you’re not on it and you participate in the TT, You can ADD YOURSELF TO THE TT BLOGROLL HERE! Those blogs with the yellow/black exclamation points have been recently updated.

    1. Lisa @ The Shizzle
    2. Colleen aka Chickadee
    3. Marie @ Practigal
    Picking up on Friday where my puter dropped me off Thursday…
    4. Tommi
    5. YellowRose
    6. Barbara
    7. LadyBug Crossing
    8. Nancy @ CraZedMoM
    9. Uisce @ Whiskey Talking
    10. Lyndsay
    11. Colleen @ Loose Leaf Notes
    12. Charity
    13. Allison @ Geronimo!
    14. Ivoryfrog
    15. MommaK
    16. Ocean Lady
    17. Andrea @ Real School
    18. Lisa @ The World According to Me
    19. Mrs. Fun
    20. Interstellar Lass
    21. Renee @ Fefyfomanna
    22. Crystal
    23. Steph @ Mom2mke
    24. Running2K’s
    25. Kodijack
    26. SquashedToad
    27. SusiePie
    28. Sallwood
    29. Jen @ Jen’s Horde
    30. Janet @ Fond of Snape
    31. Jennifer @ Open Book
    32. Craig
    33. Kristi @ Life as I know it
    34. Judy
    35. Jennifer @ Happy at Home
    36. D
    37. Texas Ivy
    38. Lily Bleu
    39. Ahavah
    40. Angel
    41. Shelli @ Shelli’s Sentiments
    42. Keb
    43. Magnolia Mom
    44. Cynthia
    45. Dawn @ Neville Farm
    46. Kat
    47. Holly @ Crazy Momma
    48. Sheri & SuZan
    49. Cindi
    50. Raehan

    Leave your link in comments & I’ll do my bestest to visit you today!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
    View More Thursday Thirteen Participants

    For those playing, claim your blog at Technorati to get on their listing if you haven’t already!

    Thursday Thirteen #17

    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, December 15, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    1. I don’t have a Christmas wish list. I don’t need anything, and I don’t want for anything, either. No one sells replacement body parts, so I guess I’m outta luck this year.

    2. I am still working on my Christmas cards.

    3. I still have homemade dough ornaments to paint and put together, and ship.

    4. I would like to finish Joey’s underpainting this week, and I’m not sure when I’m going to have the chance.

    5. I would have liked to finish reading all of the TT’ers from last week, too. I’m sorry that didn’t happen – I tried. I will continue to try every week, that I can promise!

    6. I’ve had horrible dreams this week, I attribute it to the sinusitis. I keep waking up crying, or tossing and turning in fear and worry. Then I can’t breathe right for the rest of the night. Blech.

    7. I have several more gifties to go, and Saturday looks like it’s THE DAY. THE DAY to get every single thing we’re getting. All in one day. That’s the way to do it! (Except I snuck in some stuff the last few times I ran errands. heh.)

    8. Our baby girl (not such a baby anymore) was recommended and accepted into the TEC Program (TEC = Thinking, Enrichment, Challenge) ’cause she’s a smarty pants. Just ask her.

    9. My favorite spoil-me-rotten cookies are Pepperidge Farm Raspberry and/or Orange Milano’s. Did you ever notice that a Milano is shaped like and is the same size as the average tongue? “The easier to eat you with, m’dear!” That’s what I’m sayin’.

    10. People were slowing down and looking at me funny while I was building our snowman yesterday. SO? I’m a GROWN WOMAN out PLAYING IN THE SNOW all BY MYSELF. SO???

    11. Hubby is home now for the Holidays! WOOHOO!

    12. I hope to get to the Church to finish up that mural before Christmas, too. Now that Hubby is around, I just might get caught up on things!

    13. I gotta make more cookies. What’s your all time favorite Christmas Cookie, hands down?

    BLOGROLL: Please check my sidebar for the TT Logo and Blogroll. If you’re not on it and you participate in the TT, You can ADD YOURSELF TO THE TT BLOGROLL HERE! Those blogs with the yellow/black exclamation points have been recently updated.

    1. Momma K
    2. Shelli @ Shelli’s Sentiments
    3. Better Safe Than Sorry
    4. Carolyn @ A Prairie View
    5. Chickadee @ Musings from the Edge
    6. Kat @ My Single Mom Life
    7. Colleen @ Loose Leaf Notes
    8. Holly @ Holly’s Happenings
    9. Enigma
    10. Lisa @ Just a Girl
    11. Tommi
    12. Marie aka PractGal
    13. SusiePie
    14. D @ Straddling the Line
    15. Ivoryfrog
    16. Judy @ Insecure
    17. Ocean Lady
    18. Fionna
    19. Sallwood
    20. Tammy
    21. Lily Bleu
    22. Jakapk
    23. Sandra
    24. Running2Ks
    25. Lisa @ The Shizzle
    26. Renee
    27. Raehan
    28. Lisa @ The World According To Me
    29. Suzy

    Leave your link in comments so I can visit you today!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
    View More Thursday Thirteen Participants

    For those playing, claim your blog at Technorati to get on their listing if you haven’t already!

    Thursday Thirteen #16

    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, December 8, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    1. If you are a Thursday Thirteen regular or beginner (planning to be regular) and haven’t added yourself to the blogroll, you can do so here. I think that will really encourage regulars to try to stay in touch throughout the week.

    2. Obviously, I’ve added a new theme to the selection of TT Tables. It matches my new theme, no? Yes? I think so. 🙂

    3. I was so very proud of myself for reading all of the 13’s last week! Yahoo! Everyone I linked, I read, and I read thoroughly. I believe I left a comment with everyone, too. Go me! There’s so many, it took me hours, but it was so worth it. You guys are just too cool, I’m so glad my regulars are my regulars – you know who you are!

    4. I received a phone call the other day from Canada. Strange, I thought. I answered the phone and it was someone calling from Pizza Hut. Wierd. He said “Can I speak with the person who recently ordered a Pizza Hut Pizza?” very nicely. I said “No, you cannot!” very nicely. He said thank you, I said bye. Why do those people even make phone calls? A phone bank for preffered pizza orderer inquires? Wha? Poor guy. He should just deliver, I’m sure there’s more money in delivery.

    5. I sing. A lot. Did you know that? Sometimes I sing off-key, sometimes I’m dead on and (I think) am pretty good. Today, not so good. I would sound like Elaine from Seinfeld, if you can imagine what she sounds like with her nose plugged. I couldn’t even compare myself to Karen Walker’s squeaky little voice from Will & Grace, good gravy that woman can sing. Did you know that? Here. Listen to her here, tell me I’m wrong.

    6. I had a total meltdown this week after painting for about 15 minutes. I was in the groove, which took me all day to get into – and within 15 minutes it was shot. I lost it. I threw my painting in the garbage and have to start over now. Yes, even I have fits of “artist like” behavior. There’s no way I could have gotten back into that painting when I would have related it to frustration. Better to start again.

    7. I’m finished with a book I bought, The Regime. It was incredibly good. I’ve already read the Left Behind series, and this one seems like it should have been the first in the series. It was neat to go back, refresh my memory on the characters. The rest of my series disappeared along with my brother, my second set from the secondhand bookstore are in Iraq, so I’ll have to buy a new set to re-read.

    8. I haven’t gone to the gym in a couple of weeks. Maybe even a few weeks now – I can’t remember, and that’s not good. My back doesn’t hurt – and that’s great, but my hips have reminded me – ever so soft and jello-like – that I haven’t been. I hate them. I would like to retaliate against them with my treadmill, but I’m in the Christmas laze now. Isn’t that what it’s called? I’m in need of motivation (along with last weeks attitude adjustment, someone better get on the ball sending me my stuff)!

    9. Tussinex with Codene is my friend.

    10. Clara is my friend too, and she just had a birthday yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLARA! I do like you better than the codene. Pinki swear. Oh yeah, speaking of “PINK”… (hint)… what’s new? (C’mon, share with the class.)

    11. That’s mistletoe up there, you know.

    12. I get really frustrated (every week) because there’s this thing I keep meaning to include, this thing that I haven’t shared before, and I can’t EVER remember what it is when I sit down to write my 13 things. Completely at a loss. Why can’t I remember this thing? It’ll come to me in the middle of the day one day and I think “yup, that’s the thing, I’ll put that in this week” and then it’s gone. ARGH I hate when that happens.

    13. I have not had any froo-froo lattes this week at all. I have been sitting on my tushie in my pajamas with this doopid duffy head. I am sad that I haven’t had any froo-froo lattes, and if the blizzard we’re expecting stays away, I will have to go get one today or tomorrow. What flavor do you latte lovers recommend I try?

    BONUS: Lisa is giving away a blog design! You need to go read this post that will tell you how to include yourself in the drawing. Make a NY’s Resolution post on your blog, trackback/link to the entry at EW’s Design Blog. Go on and read all about it here.

    (may or may not be duplicates, I’ll check this later! oy! LOL)
    1. Mary @ Fireflies & Frogs
    2. Practigal
    3. MommaK
    4. Lisa @ The Shizzle
    5. Dawn @ Neville Farm
    6. Heather @ This Moms Life
    7. Nancy @ Crazed Mom … first timer!
    8. Cynthia @ VIP … first timer!
    9. Jenny @ Jenny’s Journal
    10. Colleen @ Loose Leaf Notes
    11. Texas Ivy
    12. Marisa
    13. Terrilynn
    14. Sandy….the first one to join the TT Fun!
    15. Judy @ Insecure
    16. Susie @ SusiePie … first timer!
    17. Colleen aka Chickadee
    18. Sleeping Mommy
    19. Raehan
    20. Megan @ The Color Purple
    21. Janet
    22. Jennifer @ Happy at Home
    23. Holly @ Crazy Momma
    24. Shelli @ Shelli’s Sentiments
    25. Bone
    26. Cin
    27. Lisa @ The World According to Me … First Timer!
    28. Keb
    29. Yellow Rose
    30. Jen @ Jen’s Horde
    * * * * * MY BLOGMARK * * * * * (I’ve read everyone above this line!)
    31. Carolyn aka Prairierose
    32. Running2k’s
    33. Lisa @ JAG
    34. UziCue
    35. Sugar Mommy
    36. Twisted Cinderella
    37. Lindsey @ Suspension of Disbelief… First Timer!
    38. Mrs. Fun
    39. Netchick… First Timer!
    40. D @ Straddling the Line
    41. Jeej
    42. Fattypants
    43. Kathy @ Lazy Daisy Log … First Timer!
    44. Krisco
    45. Barbara
    46. Better Safe Than Sorry
    47. Angel
    48. Emily @ My Blather
    49. DivaP … First Timer!
    50. OldOldLady of the Hills … First Timer!
    51. Jakapk
    52. Enigma
    53. Ivory Frog

    BLOGROLL: Please check my sidebar for the TT Logo and Blogroll. If you’re not on it and you participate in the TT, You can ADD YOURSELF TO THE TT BLOGROLL HERE!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
    View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
    For those playing, claim your blog at Technorati to get on their listing if you haven’t already!

    Thursday Thirteen Blogroll


    If you participate regularly in the Thursday Thirteens and would like to see a blogroll separate from your regular blogroll with only Thursday Thirteen participants, please go here.

    I just created a blogroll *only* for Thirteeners, those who are regulars or those who intend to be may add their blogs to the blogroll, and put the blogroll on their blogs.

    I am working on a webring too, an additional feature that would make surfing TT’s easier. 🙂

    Any questions, just holler!

    * * * CURRENT BLOGROLL * * *

    * * * * * *

    Thursday Thirteen #15


    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, December 1, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    1. I finally made an image for all/any Thursday Thirteen regulars interested in having it, you can right-click save this image:

    You can link it back to the Thursday Thirteen code page. At some point, I think I’m going to have to create one of those ring things, where you click “surf random Thursday Thirteen blogs”. How neat would that be?

    2. Also TT related, I apologize that I didn’t get to see everyone last time, and that I bailed on Turkey day. It’s been a hella couple of weeks, and man I’m ready for things to calm down.

    3. If someone happens to have a spare attitude adjustment lying around, could you please forward it to me? Or maybe I should just add it to my Christmas Wish List?

    4. Four is a good number. In fact, it’s the exact number of 4″ x 4″ canvases that I have sitting here on my desk. So with it being #4, and my having 4 – 4×4’s sitting in front of me, how about I offer them to the first 4 people who claim them for $44? A custom painting. Anything you want! AND, bonus, I’ll get them done in time for Christmas. Pinki Swear. Want a super cheap oil painting? They’ll never get cheaper than that, and if they are they won’t be nearly as purdy and articulate as mine are. Speak now, or forever pay regular price. One per person, please, don’t hog ’em all up. 😉 **Edit: 12/5, Not so sure about the getting them done in time for Christmas thing now, you better check with me to be sure!**

    5. While shopping for blue light specials one day last week (YES I shopped on Black Friday. Late in the day, but I shopped! Did you fall over? Should I send help?!), I saw a big display rack of perfumes and colognes. Imagine that. Well imagine my drool when I saw that Stetson has a new poster child. Can you guess who it is? HOT dayum, Matthew.

    Sigh. I think he’ll be replacing Tim McGraw. Oh, yes, and as Maid of Honor to Lisa, I have to figure out a way to get him to New York for her wedding. Er, the days before her wedding, I mean.

    6. Sigh. What number am I on? ::wiping drool off my keyboard::

    7. I’m almost finished with a book I bought last weekend, The Regime. I plow through the Left Behind Series books like nothing else. In fact, I still have three classics I bought this summer that I haven’t read. What is wrong with me?!

    8. Our Christmas Tree is up, and beautiful. I will take pics of it in bits and pieces and show you some of our favorite ornaments.

    9. It is my hubby’s first Christmas home in a couple of years. Well, he was home for Christmas in 2003, but it was sad because it was “Christmas Leave” during months of training, and on top of it we miscarried while he was home. This one is special, and he’s excited. That makes me excited, and it also makes me want to bake more Eggnog Cookies.

    10. If Matthew is going to show up to Lisa’s wedding, I better get back on my diet, huh? :cloud9:

    11. We woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground this morning, and I have to run errands. Blech. Snow. It’s just wrong. Pretty, but wrong.

    12. I have been even more of a recluse the last couple of weeks than usual. PMS, I think. I’ll be better, I promise. At least for the weeks inbetween PMS. I miss everyone, and am having bloghopping withdrawls!!!

    13. I was gonna tell you something, but dang if I can remember now after doing those other twelve things. That’s about how long my memory lasts anymore. OH yeah! We have a new “slogan” for the TT (Thanks, MommaK!), see? And just in case, because even I had to look it up (yes, I admit it!), here’s what that big word means. And just for mom, this is the definition of meme!


    * * * * * * * * * THURSDAY THIRTEENERS * * * * * * * * *
    If you can trackback, please do. I’ve installed inline trackbacks so your link will appear right below my TT. I’m looking forward to reading all of the Thirteens over the next few days!!

    1. MommaK
    2. Colleen aka Chickadee
    3. Judy @ Insecure
    4. Enigma
    5. Texas Ivy
    6. Sage @ A Cluttered Mind
    7. M.E.
    8. Lily Bleu
    9. Tommi
    10. Better Safe Than Sorry
    11. “D” @ Straddling the Line
    12. Carolyn @ PrairieRose
    13. Sleeping Mommy
    14. Mary @ Fireflies & Frogs
    15. Mrs. Fun
    16. Terrilynn
    17. Running2ks
    18. Jen @ Jen’s Horde
    19. YellowRose
    21. Lisa @ The Shizzle
    22. Twisted Cinderella
    23. Sallwood
    24. Phoenix
    25. Squashed Toad
    26. Angel
    27. Raehan
    28. Angie @ Big Red Couch
    29. Uisce
    30. Renee
    31. Craig
    32. Carnealian
    33. Carolyn @ Geeky Mama
    34. Shelli’s Sentiments
    35. Janet @ FondofSnape
    36. J&J’s Mom
    37. Rashbre
    38. Jennifer @ Open Book
    39. Jessica @ Daydreams & Musings
    40. Lisa – JAGRABB
    41. Barbara
    42. Jenny @ Jenny’s Journal

    (Leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

    * * * If my link list isn’t updated, please check comments and/or click the link to the other Thirteen’s down below, I’ll update it as I can! * * * OH and for those playing, claim your blog at Technorati to get on their listing if you haven’t already!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

    Thursday Thirteen #14


    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, November 17, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    1. I helped my neighbor paint (another) room in her home yesterday, after I’d spent all day painting in my studio. Me? Paint much? Naaahhhhhh.

    2. Two swimmers picked on me yesterday at the Y because I have an ink splotch on my chest. It’s a tattoo. I suggested we all go have a few drinks and visit the new tattoo artist in town. (I want a Thumper tattoo!!)

    3. One of the swimmers name is Sam. That’s not his full name, he’s Iranian. He told me his full name but I could never pronounce it. I like Sam better anyway, because now I come up with little Dr. Seuss/Dick & Jane type rhymes “to and fro” the gym. ie. Sam Swam. Swim, Sam, Swim! Shamalamalam, Sam Swam! See? Think of more for me. It’s fun.

    4. I was going to make this whole list today questions for you. Then I remembered how most people who answer list type questions answer them in numbered order but leave out the question. I know this because I do it, too. And I can imagine how confusing it is to read “6. Yes!” and then have to scroll back up to see what the heck they said “Yes!” to. I don’t want to do that much work. Not today anyway. Maybe next week!

    5. I received my exhibition schedule for my first ever public display of my work! It’s March-April (the whole month), 2007. It seems so far away, but the space I have to fill is 15 feet wide, 6 foot high and 17 inches deep. I can put a lot of paintings in that space!

    6. While at Lowe’s last Friday browsing for Christmas lighting, I saw a lighted palm tree that I thought was cool. I thought it was a neat idea, for those of us stuck in this frozen terrain, to have something beachy and bright to make us feel warm. There were two sizes, the smaller of the two being 4 feet high with palm leaves, you know, spread out at the top. I didn’t get it of course, it’s frivolous, and I don’t buy frivolous stuff, I’m a necessity kind of shopper! Well, my husband, who spoils me absolutely rotten, ran down to Lowe’s on an errand and you know what he came home with?

    7. It’s fun to be spoiled by your husband. :cheerful:

    8. I had a couple of crazy dreams this week that I remember, but they’re not worth getting into. This week is a negative dream week, I don’t like those. I tend to wake up upset with whoever was mean in my dream. Why do I do that???

    9. Will whoever actually reads this list, say “Aye”!

    10. I read everyone’s 13 last week. Did you? Every single one of them. It took me a few days, but I did it. That’s the whole purpose of the thing, to get to know other people. It’s working pretty well, eh? 😀

    11. I’m getting spoiled with fancy coffee, and now regular Folgers tastes wierd to me. I’m slowly becoming a Coffee Hauser like my dear friend JaG. (She’s a Starbucker.)

    12. I’m looking forward to cooking a huge meal next week on Turkey Day. It’s been a couple of years since my hubby was home for Thanksgiving, it’s going to be a very warm cozy day at our house. :lovestruck: My turkey’s are always uber tender and fall right off the bone, Leanne’s “requires no carving” turkey. Nummy. I still end up calling my mom in the middle of cooking something to get a refresher on how to cook. Jeez. I should try cooking more than once a year. Most of the time I call for something silly, like “how long does it take for eggs to boil????” Doh.

    13. I baked pumpkin cookies the other day (courtesy Jeanette, thank you girl!), they are AWESOME and I will. never. reach my goal for body weight. Dang. (Tip: dip them in french vanilla cool whip! Holy cripes!)

    * * * * * * * * * THURSDAY THIRTEENERS * * * * * * * * *

    I’ll be painting today, and will try very hard to update my link list a few times today with everyone’s blogs! If you can trackback, please do. I’ve installed inline trackbacks so your link will appear right below my TT. I’m looking forward to reading all of the Thirteens over the next few days!!

    1. MommaK
    2. Tommi
    3. Colleen @ Loose Leaf
    4. Dawn
    5. Terrilynn
    6. Jennifer @ Jennifer’s World
    7. Sleeping Mommy
    8. Pascha
    9. Kristy
    10. Shelli’s Sentiments
    11. Sally
    12. Sandra
    13. UziCue
    14. Lisa @ The Shizzle
    15. Texas Ivy
    16. Sallwood
    17. Jennifer @ Happy at Home
    18. Colleen aka Chickadee
    19. Better Safe Than Sorry
    20. Holly aka Crazy Momma
    21. Carolyn
    22. Jak
    23. Squashed Toad
    24. Mar
    25. Mrs. Fun
    26. Keb
    27. Jen @ Jen’s Horde
    28. HD
    29. Angel
    30. Running2K’s
    31. Jessica
    32. Sheri & Suzan
    33. The Toothfairy
    34. Janet
    35. Aimee
    36. Bone
    37. Jenny @ Jenny’s Journal
    38. Emily
    39. Carly
    40. Veronika
    41. Jennifer @ Open Book
    42. Catherine
    43. Jeej
    44. Renee
    (Leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

    * * * If my link list isn’t updated, please check comments and/or click the link to the other Thirteen’s down below, I’ll update it as I can! * * * OH and for those playing, claim your blog at Technorati to get on their listing if you haven’t already!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

    Thursday Things To Know


    Boy. Oh boy.

    Yesterday, yesterday was a huge day for the ! How exciting is that!? So exciting, I’ve altered the code. So please, don’t forget to get the new code next week, kay?

    My original plan was that people would participate, using the code, and go around visiting everyone elses, and by the end of the day everyone would have the same link list at the end. One big happy circle of bloggers, growing every week and getting to know everyone else. That’s not happening, and perhaps my expectations were too high?! NAH!

    :no: :no: :no: !!

    The new code has something special! If you use it, fairies will fly over to your blog and sprinkle statistic jumping dust ALLLL over it! Know why? Scroll down and look at my last thirteen. At the very bottom, there’s text that reads “tag: thursday thirteen”. That’s just a sample, the new code says “View More Thursday Thirteen Participants”. I put this in as a Technorati Tag, so now if people :ahem: get lazy (:no:) and don’t leave links or update their link lists, all you’ll have to do is click on the Tag on the bottom of one of the other blogs who did it right (:yes:)!

    You’ll be taken to Technorati, who will have allllll of the participants all nice and tidy like (as long as the code is used correctly, or at least the correct tag is included). Then you can be as reclusive as you’d like, we’re COMING TO VISIT YOU ANYWAY!


    And also, I think I’m going to make a fun little graphic for our regulars. You guys rock. I love your Thirteens, please keep participating!

    Any comments/questions/suggestions on how this whole thing works are welcome, that’s why the Little Monkeys Jump!

    Thursday Thirteen #11


    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, October 27, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    1. There are 3 days left to enter the Pumpkin Carving Contest. I have 3 new entries that I need to add, plus whatever YOU send me! (GREAT BIG GIANT HINT there, in case you didn’t notice!)

    2. I had another Armegeddon type dream lastnight. This time a meteor plunged into the earth causing a forest fire in the middle of the town I was in. The ground opened up and there was a brown gooey lava flowing, and some old guy almost put his hand in it to “see how warm it felt”. I was surrounded by idiots, at a carnival, during Armegeddon. Lovely dream. Then the phone rang and woke me up. ((Thank you for waking me up))

    3. I swam 10 laps yesterday, just over 1/4 mile.

    4. I bought some things from Coldwater Creek the other day. They’re having a 50% off sale on everything, and if I could have bought everything, I would have.

    5. I was up a lot of the night pulling the hair back from my 4 year olds face as she hugged the toitie. She’s pitifully sick, and even more pitiful when I mention “can’t go to school and throw up on your friends, honey”. 🙁

    6. I varnished Bindi’s Portrait yesterday and hope to scan it today. I’ll post it when I do that. I also have to put the work in progress images together for his mom. She’s making a scrapbook of his portrait, isn’t that too sweet? What a good meowmmy.

    7. I have to call three people at the school when my little one is out sick.

    8. I’ve done three graphic & illustration projects that I took screenshots of yesterday. I have to post those and get them up in my gallery, too.

    9. The Schwan’s guy showed up yesterday wearing a Batman costume.

    10. I bought pizzas from him anyway.

    11. And tried to give him our guinea pig (I’m allergic to her, and she lives in my studio now that the dander has gotten to the kids, too). He really likes her, and he’s not allergic to her. (He couldn’t take her.) My eldest kid accused me of trying to sell her guinea pig. I told her “that’s not true! I was trying to give her away for free!”

    12. I watched The Wedding Planner lastnight and cried at the end. I’m such a sap. My three favorite sappy movies that I’ve cried to are Serendipity, Sleepless in Seattle and The Notebook.

    13. It’s going to take a lot of caffine to get me going today. Man I’m sleepy!

    Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
    1. Momma K
    2. Phoenix
    3. Colleen
    4. Tommi’s First Thirteen!
    5. Better Safe Than Sorry
    6. Terrilynn
    7. InterstellarLass
    8. Texas Ivy
    9. Mrs. Fun
    10. UziQ
    11. Sallwood
    12. SleepingMommy
    13. Dee Jay
    14. Maggie
    15. MommyD
    16. Trinity
    17. Lily Bleu
    18. Jak
    19. Jen
    20. Renee
    21. Sugar Mommy
    22. Catherine
    23. Keb
    24. Marie
    25. Jessica
    26. Squashed Toad

    (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

    Thursday Thirteen #10


    Thirteen Things about Leanne, Thursday, October 20, 2005
    My other Thirteens

    1. I kicked off the Pumpkin Carving Contest yesterday. I’m waiting for my first submission. C’mon, people!

    2. I should have stopped drinking my coffee 1/2 hour ago. I’m not supposed to have anything 3 hours prior to my CT Scan today, but I’m not ready yet. Besides, aren’t appointments always 1/2 hour behind? In another 1/2 hour I get to drink 2 gallons of chalk. Yum. I bet you wish you were me right now, huh?

    3. I’m 5’6″!

    4. I dyed my hair Sunday. It’s like, orange, oh-mi-gawd! I was so frustrated that I got out my Wahl Clippers, threw the #7 attachment on them and shaved my head. There. Now I don’t have orange hair. I don’t have ANY hair at all! Oops. Good thing hair grows. Great thing, my gray hair grows SUPER fast. It hates to be ignored.

    5. My favorite pants are my “Y” yoga pants. They are so cozy that I want to wear them every day. They’re in the washing machine so I can wear them to my appointment, since they don’t have any metal in them. I wash them a lot.

    6. I sent MommaK pics of myself when I was (younger). She’s going to have a little contest today, and you should go play it. You can also see my goofy looking younger self. Holy crud, I just saw the one she put up of me. Bahaha! Okay. That’s hilarious!

    7. I received final payment for the Catfish project yesterday, which was (supposed to be) 10% of the final auction price. See that (supposed to be)? Yes. Well. This is not the first time, but I think it will be the last. It’s no easy thing to paint these giant critters, and for being the 3rd one I’ve basically given away, I think I’ve met and exceeded my charitable contributions for a lifetime.

    8. Now I’m reminded that I need to put my first two giant Frogs in my gallery. (Jotting that down in my handy-dandy-notbeook)

    9. I saw my podiatrist yesterday, the one who removed the lump in my foot last year. She is absolutely adorable and sometimes I wish I had more foot trouble. She is fun to chat with and visit! I wonder if Doctors have a “no patients as friends outside the office” rule. Or in this case, “no patients mom’s as friends outside the office” rule. Hm.

    10. I wonder how many people carve pumpkins anymore. Anyone? :bawling:

    11. I hate Halloween. Really. I do. People are having a hard time believing that I carved a pumpkin let alone bought costumes for the kids. What’s wrong with me? Well. Halloween teaches children how to beg, this much is true. MY children already do that very well. They’ve had much training. So, I think they’re ready.

    12. I bought a very cool model last weekend. I’ll buy her soulmate this weekend. I will get to use them on my next commission!

    13. I had two paintbrushes floop over on me yesterday. They quit on the job, those meanies. No two-week notice or anything. I hate when they do that.

    Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
    1. MommaK
    2. Jessica
    3. Terrilynn
    4. Phoenix
    5. Jak
    6. Colleen
    7. Jen
    8. InterstellarLass
    9. Better Safe Than Sorry
    10. The Toothfairy
    11. Sanda aka The Crusty Crone
    12. Catherine
    13. Erikie
    14. Marie
    15. Keb
    16. Texas Ivy
    17. PractiGal
    18. Sallwood
    19. Jenny
    20. Mommy D
    21. Rashbre
    22. Carlo
    (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

    I’ll add links as I have time today, please, browse my comments for links and go visit other Thirteeners!

    Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

    The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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