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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Pearl Earring WIP1


    Work in progress shot #1 after an evening of painting (2 hours or so)…
    this is 16×20 by the way! Also, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Vermeer or this painting, here’s a link where you can see the original. 🙂

    Coon Work In Progress (2nd Day!)


    This was the end of day progress from yesterday. You can see my reference photo stuck up there on my oil case.

    I will be finishing this piece today, so I’m thinkin’ I’ll have the cam on from about 10-5 (CST), you are welcome to watch as I add his fur, hair by hair!

    I will update right down here if I’ll have any long breaks or any unscheduled down time.

    cam link ————- over & up there! ————>

    New Painting Work in Progress!


    Here’s a digital pic of the piece I’m working on now.


    Going to start painting!


    Okie doke! I am going to turn the cam on and dig into my next piece! I’m actually kinda hoping you can’t see my sketch. hehe, a guessing game would be fun, wouldn’t it? 😉

    (ok for those of you who DO know what I’m working on..shhhh….)

    p.s. to see a larger view, right click on the cam pic and select 200%, I think any bigger the image looks really pixelated.

    cam link! —————————————— over there! —————->

    Sandy’s Done!


    I just finished! I will leave the webcam on him so you can see him “live”, and post pics later on today (here in this entry). I will also scan after he’s dry and post another true representation of the painting along with my reference photo.

    That was fun! It was my first webcam painting. Now you can watch me work on my next piece, that I have scheduled to finish in about 3 days. I will start prepping later today. 😀

    Have a great afternoon!!

    Finishing Sandy on Cam



    What a busy morning! I think I’ve got everything settled down now and I’m getting ready to turn the cam on while I finish up Sandy’s portrait.

    I’ll update this entry if I need to stop or anything. 😀

    cam link ———>

    Sandy’s Portrait Progress (Day 2!)


    Today was productive! I got pretty far on Sandy’s portrait, I’ll wait until tomorrow now to finish up the details and paint the sides. I will shut down the cam in a little while and post when I get ready to start up again tomorrow.

    We had some errands to run this afternoon, Caitlin had her first day of 3rd grade today! Sheesh they get so big so fast. Makin’ me feel old. LOL

    So here is the progress pic if you missed my painting session today. 🙂

    Painting Sandy on the Cam today!


    I will be painting on cam again today, I’ll start at about 10AM CST, have to finish up some things before I dig in!

    The link is over there to the right, under Mark’s pic. Also, I’m not sure how good the quality is for you, but if you right click on the image you can increase the size. It might get pixelated. When I get some time I will try to find a new/better cam service that will allow for a larger view. 🙂

    Cam link is over there! ———->

    10:37AM had to take it down for a little bit, will be back shortly!!!
    11:00AM I’m back on!
    1:50PM I’ve repositioned the cam over the painting for now, I need to step back from it for a while so I can refocus on it. Will be back in a bit!

    Sandy’s Progress


    Just in case you missed the cam today, here’s the progress on Sandy’s portrait today!

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