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  • Non-Irrational Fears


    Some people think I’m crazy for having a fear of bridges. I live just a few miles away from three bridges spanning the Mississippi River, and I only feel safe on one of them – and that’s only relative to my fear of them.

    This is why I am afraid of bridges. Holy moly, here’s a video of it happening.

    This is such a horrifying event, I can’t even imagine the thoughts and fear that these people experienced as they were just driving along on the bridge thinking everything was just fine. Many worlds collapsed yesterday and will never be the same, and those people are in my thoughts and prayers as they heal from the shock of the ordeal.

    I also have a fear of heights, and getting on and off escalators. Yes, escalators. To my credit, I once fell from a pine tree like a pinball in a pinball machine – and my fear of escalators was confirmed when, while shopping with Lisa, it bit a chunk out of her leg. So there. Totally substantiated.

    Tell me, do you have any fears that people thought were silly – and later on you had that “see?! This is EXACTLY WHY” moment?

    And also, tell me if you know anyone affected by this tragic bridge collapse. I have confirmed that the few people that I know live in the area are okay, but it’s a small world – everyone knows someone who was affected by it.


    taba said,

    holy shit. yea, that confirms my irrational fear of bridges as well. that’s insane. :no:

    8.2.2007 @ 9:55 am
    Nancy said,

    Thi sis crazy. My niece lives right there. As in, right there by the bridge. I am sure one of those buildings you see in the footage is hers. She is fine, but had just been on the bridge. I think she is on almost everyday……I have not talked to her today so do not know what may have happened to her friends. Her boyfriend is ok. Slams things into perspective very quickly!!!!

    I had an all out panic attack the first time I HAD to go across the George Washington Bridge. And, tunnels……EEEKKKK!!! or is that ACCCKKK!!

    8.2.2007 @ 12:11 pm
    Kimberly said,

    Not making light of this at all but now you see why I’m so scared of bridges. I always thought something like this could happen and now I know it can. It’s like the boogey man has come to life. Seriously, I’m freaked.

    8.2.2007 @ 12:20 pm
    YellowRose said,

    It’s a horrible thing…I am not scared of bridges, use to be, but I concurred that fear…this may bring it back though. As for escalators, I hate them! I get a sinking feeling in my stomach everytime I have to get on one. I make hubby get in front of me, I hold on for dear life. It’s a full on panic for me. The worst has been at the airport when I have a rolling suitcase with me….I have to not think about what I am doing or I’ll have a full fledged panic attack. Thankfully hubby is usually there and helps me through it. Worse part, elevators are usually never close by or handy! UGH!!

    8.2.2007 @ 12:51 pm
    Jenny said,

    Bridges scare me too. I had a dream not too long ago about a bridge collaspsing and my family in the midst of the terror. Although my dream was only a nightmare, I feel so deeply for those people affected by this latest tragedy. I can’t imagine. There have been some wonderful stories of survivors and I hope to hear of more. Sometimes out of tragedy, those are the stories that help. People overcome amazing things. The news should report those heroic acts every day. I will probably never look at a brige the same, and this will do nothing but increase my fear as well. My heart and prayers are with Minnesota.

    8.2.2007 @ 4:32 pm
    usedtobeme said,

    I have no fear of bridges, heights, etc. But I am deathly afraid of mice. Someday I’ll tell the story. I have had nothing confirm my fear though.

    8.2.2007 @ 7:10 pm
    Geekwif said,

    I live just a few miles from that bridge. Thankfully so far I am not aware of anyone I know personally who was on the bridge.

    8.2.2007 @ 9:51 pm
    sleeping mommy said,

    Girl I’m right there with you on the fear of bridges (and escalators!)

    My husband and I both looked at each other and agreed that THIS is exactly why crossing bridges make us very nervous.

    Last year we had a bridge that was part of a major highway (1-40) that collapsed and several people were killed here in the state. We will be crossing that bridge when we drive to Disney World. You think I won’t be holding my breath?

    8.2.2007 @ 11:02 pm
    Leanne said,

    It is SO good to know I’m not alone. My friend once hugged me for meeting her for breakfast across the river, she truly appreciated that I crossed a bridge to see her. (That sounds crazier than it is!)

    Nancy, I’m glad your niece and her boyfriend are okay.

    Usedtobeme – mice, huh – I know a lot of people who freak out about mice. I get the heebie jeebies around big spiders. Not the little ones, just the ones that are bigger – they seem more intimidating to me and I run squealing for my hubby to kill ’em.

    Geekwif, a few miles is pretty close, I wonder how that detour is going to work and how they’ll remove the bridge debris?

    Sleeping Mommy – I hold my breath and clench the steering wheel over EVERY bridge – so yeah – I can imagine! I think all cars should come with emergency flotation devices.


    8.3.2007 @ 7:52 am
    Geekwif said,

    I wonder how that detour is going to work and how they’ll remove the bridge debris

    From what I’ve heard, the main concern with the detour is whether the other roads can handle the traffic. With 140,000 cars per day using that road, any alternate routes are going to be taking a lot of extra wear and tear. And, of course, people are now concerned about other bridges, especially on the alternate routes. (There are a lot of bridges in this city!)

    Removing the bridge debris and rebuilding is going to be a HUGE challenge. I heard one prediction that it could take 2-3 years to rebuild but I’m not sure if that is accurate or not. They can’t even begin to clean up the debris until the investigation is complete and while they are starting on that right away, it is going to take a while due to safety concerns and other obvious difficulties.

    8.3.2007 @ 5:49 pm

    awful accident, horrible! I’m not scared of bridges but maybe I should be. I’m scared of heights and I hate escalators, especially really steep ones.

    8.4.2007 @ 3:18 am

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