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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Paperwork, Politics and Painting.


    I’ve been waiting for all you guys with rakes. Where have you been? I have a lotta leaves, and a gimpy foot! hehe.. no no no, Don’t feel sorry for me, the stitches come out TOMORROW! I still can’t feel my toes, but she cut 3 inches worth of surface nerves so I’m not expecting a full recovery right away.

    About the leaves, I hand picked these out of the yard last weekend and they’ve dried out. I really like the one in the foreground. Green or red? It looks undecided. That’s how I feel about the season, too.

    I am going to get three paintings (and a print) in the USPS system today, bon voyage, safe and speedy trips for you all! Paperwork…yes I procrastinated on the paperwork and I am procrastinating now. I will have it done by 9AM! ;P

    Mark is offline now until around Thanksgiving. We hadn’t seen eachother since he got back over there (I sent him a laptop and webcam), it’s a tough situation of course so being able to see us and our home is pretty daggone hard. Well since we won’t be chatting online for a month, we kicked up the cams and jeez. I didn’t think it would be THAT hard. I think we were all bawling.

    Politics: Let me just say this. I’m tired of it all! LOL What a couple of big children “No I want the job!”; “No! I want it!” … Have they thought for a second about how to actually sway people into voting their way? Perhaps something more intelligent for us to chew on, and quit the bickering and finger pointing? Sorry, my cable TV covers the swing state of Iowa, so every commercial is a political one. Thank God for the internet, I can shut the TV off and do my research online. 😀 You know that the whole thing is going to be held up in litigation for 4-6 months anyway, will we still know who our President is on Election Day? Bah! I know I’m still young to the political world, This will be only my third vote, but has it always been like this? I mean just chaos? I don’t remember all the chaos. LOL

    PAINTING. Yes I’ll be working on Cleo again today. As soon as I get my “administrative” stuff done, I’ll start up the cam and let you know!

    It’s Wednesday. Hump Day. Day before Stitch Removal Day. Day to do the stuff you said you were gonna do yesterday day.

    Have a good one!

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