Here’s our Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Tucker, before his first furcut. As you can see, he’s quite the leaf and dirt magnet in this picture, and he looks like a pretty plump pup. Really, he’s not, it’s an illusion created by massive amounts of long fur that is really as soft as a down pillow.
I know, he’s so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Yeah. He is. (grumble grumble… don’t even bring up the 3 disgusting gross happenings in his kennel on the ride to the groomer yesterday. ugh.)
After a few hours at the groomers, I had a nice time chilling out (and coded up a little bit of a project that I’ll be finalizing today so I can get back to my freshly reorganized studio) – and when I picked him up I was absolutely thrilled with his new “doggie do”. This is what Wheaties should look like! He’s quite handsome now, and the whole event seemed to chill him out, too.