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  • More Birdies (and Squirrels)!


    We’ve seen this Goldfinch a couple of times in the last week, so I picked up a thistle feeder to get him in a little closer. I’m hoping he tells his friends, and they bring their friends, and so on. heh. They’re pretty birds.

    This Cardinal mama is a beauty isn’t she?

    This was one of those precious moments this morning, baby all floofed up sqwaking at mom for more seed. I say, get it yourself, it’s right there on the ground next to you ya little fuzzball.

    I had moved this feeder up on the picnic table right outside my picture-taking window yesterday. The squirrels were loving it, even with me right next to the window. He looks like an addict, huh? I should drop a Nutaholics-anonymous brochure out there for him.

    Then Chickeymonkey realized that they couldn’t get her, and they wouldn’t leave, so she stood right next to the window and giggled for a while, pointing and waving at the squirrely.


    Hubby said,

    So I live in a house with a off shoot of the dolittle clan…I enjoy having the critters around, so much we went surfing last night(which I despise)…looking for land down south so we can build our dream log cabin home…time to pipe up folks…let us know about your area…send some web links…looking wooded…secluded..:twisted::oops:..with enough nature for more critters….looking in the southern US….

    5.12.2005 @ 7:16 am
    Clara said,

    Hey there, Love your animals. Just call you Dr. Doolittle! Glad to see you are keeping busy, but I miss you …so call me when you can. Hugs, clara

    5.12.2005 @ 11:57 am
    John Cunningham said,

    Super photos! made me nostalgic for my old home in the woods outside Fairbanks AK. A cow moose and her calf regularly devastated the bird feeders.

    5.12.2005 @ 2:23 pm
    erikie parikie said,

    I like the squirrel watching from inside best 😀

    5.12.2005 @ 6:09 pm
    Leanne said,

    Hey Clara! Hi! Called ya. Tag. You’re it! 😛

    John, I’ve always seen such beautiful photos of Alaska, why did you leave?

    Erikie, I called her a little nutty squirrely girl, and she said no. She’s a chickiemonkey, and she won’t be called anything else! 😛

    5.13.2005 @ 10:06 am

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