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  • Smash


    So. Jay’s rash is looking great, huh? Considering it’s been just a couple of days since she saw the doc, I think it looks just smashing! Pardon the pun. It turned out to be contact dermatitis, caused by a viral infection – the infection presented as a rash, and she’s been on prednesone & steriod cream for a couple of days now.

    First thing this morning, though, there was a little-voice-a-screamin, at the top of her little lungs, “not againnnnnnn!” And I went running. And there was blood. And it was dripping.

    She smashed her thumb in the bathroom door. She didn’t just smash it a little, there’s a pool of blood beneath the nailbed, and the skin just below the cuticle was all broken and bloody. Thankfully, I kept the padded aluminum stint for little fingers that we used when Cait had stitches in her finger years ago (that’s another story for another time), and I was able to fix ‘er all up here at home. I’m having a hard time getting her to put it on an ice pack though, and it’s throbbing as you can imagine.

    I asked her nicely if I could just start calling her Smash, and she said “NO!” so forcefully that I think she’d kick my butt if I continued to do it. She definitely has my angry face. heh!


    ginger said,

    OUCH! BIG OUCH. Poor baby. That stinks. 🙁

    4.15.2006 @ 8:00 pm
    Patti said,

    Double ouchie!! Hope little “Smash” mends quickly! :meow:

    4.15.2006 @ 8:04 pm
    Charity said,

    aw poor girl. My daughter a couple of years ago dropped a can of pepsi on her toe, and it did the same thing, and after a couple of weeks we were cleaning the toe where the cuticle had died, and a lot of stuff came out….gross I know, but be prepared. A bubble of stuff had formed under her nail, and after it all came out of the small hole in her nail there was an empty space left. It ended up having to be cut, and then….cringe…she was 3…she pulled the rest of the nail off. Granted there wasn’t much left by that time…but ouch!!!!

    4.15.2006 @ 8:28 pm
    Angel said,

    Oh the poor darling 🙁

    I’m glad you found an answer to her rash–I was going to say it looked just like my son’s arm after he had EMLA cream on it (he has eczema and had a reaction to the cream). I hope she’s feeling MUCH better soon!

    4.15.2006 @ 10:49 pm
    Mrs. Fun said,

    poor girl :sorry: I hope that her luck turns around.

    4.16.2006 @ 12:24 am
    Shelli said,

    Poor, poor baby. The Easter Bunny better give her something special for that! :meow:

    4.16.2006 @ 1:30 am
    Ocean Lady said,

    Ouch! I hope today is making her feel better!

    4.16.2006 @ 1:55 pm
    YellowRose said,

    OW!! Poor kiddo! Lot’s of hugs sent her way! :cheerful:

    4.17.2006 @ 12:52 pm
    Ficklechick said,

    Poor little thing! What a trooper. 🙂

    4.17.2006 @ 11:08 pm
    Jeanette said,

    oh my goodness. you know it’s bad when she acts like an experienced trooper. “not again” indeed. poor baby.

    4.18.2006 @ 12:15 am

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