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Archive for August, 2005

August 4th, 2005


Caption this Peacock! (As many times as you want, just for fun!)

August 3rd, 2005

Something about Friendship

I’ve given a lot of thought to what friendship means to me lately, and this is how I see it. I am fortunate enough to have some very, very fabulous, warm, caring, thoughtful people in my life. Some friends I talk to a couple of times a year, some a couple of times a month, […]

August 3rd, 2005

Dr. Demento!

I was up at 6’ish this morning, thinking I was going to have a productive couple of hours before the girls got up. Boy was I right! (Only it wasn’t the same productivity I thought it was going to be..hehe!) Just a few minutes after I got my coffee, I started chatting with a friend […]

August 2nd, 2005

Insightful Linguist

Catching up over at Loose Leaf, Colleen posted a link to an IQ test. I took it. Hehe! I did need a small piece of paper to scribble on, and I’m not sure if that means I’m not as smart as it says I am, but through most of it I found myself seeing the […]

August 1st, 2005

Harley Mouse WIP #2

Another of the little 4×4’s I’m (finally!) working on.

August 1st, 2005

Polish Chicken WIP #2

I started several 4×4 paintings a couple of months ago and I’m finally getting back to them! I just finished the underpainting on this polish chicken, and will work on a couple other underpaintings tonight as well. You can have a look at my project calendar to find out what I’ve got planned!

August 1st, 2005

Girlie Room

Mark and I had a backbreaking weekend working in the girls room, but I think it was worth it! Here are the before shots – messy as they are, I had started emptying their room and then remembered to take the before shots. Woops! BEFORE: And here’s what we did:

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