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Archive for September, 2008

September 30th, 2008

My Own Little Web

This spider was sitting in the center of its web, at the intersection of the badminton netting in the backyard. He was not even as big as the tip of my pinky – Catybug noticed him and pointed him out to me. He had woven this cute miniature web to catch cute miniature bugs, and […]

September 25th, 2008

Handbag Planet

H/T to Ammie, who pointed me to Handbag Planet, who is giving away one handbag an hour for 24 hours on October 15. Go! Enter!

September 23rd, 2008

Quintin, the Qthead

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore our little Quinnie the Quaker? I do. I had fun photographing him last week, and just fiddled with his portrait in PhotoScape a bit. I’ll try to get video of him soon! That’s it for my daily distraction, I must stay on task. (rinse, repeat.)

September 22nd, 2008

And You Smell Like One, Too.

Chickeymonkey thanks you very much for the wonderful birthday wishes! She had a lot of fun this weekend, and in fact her birthday is STILL being celebrated today at class with monkey brownies. Everybody has been ooh’ing and aaah’ing over this cake, and for anyone who wants to get creative with their next birthday cake, […]

September 20th, 2008

A ChickeyMonkey Birthday

Tomorrow, my little Chickeymonkey turns 7. Today, she and her friends will be bouncing and playing for hours. Yesterday, I spent the entire day working on this beautiful and tasty moist marble monkey birthday cake that I will be slicing into little pieces and serving to several children. I will be wiping monkey remains of […]

September 19th, 2008

Pretty, Pretty, and Oooooh, neat.

If you’re looking for a plant that will attract bumblebees, honey bees and butterflies – this one does it all. My favorite aunt gave me a bit of Sedum from her landscape in the Spring of 2007, and it has quadrupled since I brought it home and put it in the yard. I was surprised […]

September 16th, 2008

Making a Spectacle of Myself

As promised, here’s me in my new specs! They’re going to take some getting used to, of course. When I walked out of the clinic they immediately transitioned to the sunglasses which was SUPER cool – but they’re slow to transition back so there’s a bit of a tint left over. Still, overall, I like […]

September 15th, 2008

“Spec”tacular Coincidence!

On September 3rd, I had my annual eye exam. It was a normal exam, nothing unusual about it other than they dilated my eyes and I had green eye gunk (and post nasal drip) for the rest of the day. I know, too much information. You’ll have to deal with it, my blog, my story. […]

September 12th, 2008

Reeelaaaaax. It’s Friday.

Sheep says: Mmmmeh.   Barn Owl says: Look eento my eyeeees. You are getting verrrry verrrry sleepy.   Gibbon Monkey says: unh. yeah, looking… *yawn*stretch*flops down*   Barred Owl says: ZzzzZZZ wootWOOOOooooo ZzzzzZZZZ   TGIF!

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