Another perfect capture, in my opinion. We saw this Peacock strutting his stuff from a distance and hurried to be sure to catch him in the act. What is it about their plumage that is so hypnotic? I’m getting very, very sleepy.
Another perfect capture, in my opinion. We saw this Peacock strutting his stuff from a distance and hurried to be sure to catch him in the act. What is it about their plumage that is so hypnotic? I’m getting very, very sleepy.
GORGEOUS!!! Look at that blue! It just glows. Awesome picture.
Beautiful! And birds scare me, so I totally admire you for getting as close as you do to them! 😆
Just when I think I’ve seen your best, you outdo yourself 🙂
STUNNING, really!!!
How did you get a picture of Aaron after the talent show today ? Of course, he thinks he can book Carnegie hall now. You better get your autograph while you can!!!!!!!!!
Wow… He looks somehow otherworldly… 🙂
Just like a man!
That is so electrically spectacular!!! 🙂
[…] (all of these are available as prints, click them for their print info.) […]
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