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  • Bathroom Pics!!


    Are ya ready? The ONLY thing left is the crown molding, my father-in-law will be doing that this weekend. You can’t see the ceiling anyway, really, and the rest is pretty much done!!!

    Aaah. I’ve had a shower and everything. For the first time since we moved in 9 years ago, I could actually apply my makeup in front of the mirror in the bathroom! YAHOO!


    sheila said,

    It’s wonderful, what a feeling of accomplishment you must have! Wow!

    1.21.2005 @ 2:37 pm
    Paige said,

    Way to go, Leanne! You did a great job. You should be proud of yourself. Love the paint job!

    1.21.2005 @ 2:45 pm
    Leanne said,

    I’m pretty dang proud of myself, indeed!! I poured some blood, a lot of sweat, and a couple of tears into the whole project, but it’s so worth it! I have a BATHROOM! I can take a SHOWER!! YAHOO!!!

    1.21.2005 @ 3:23 pm
    Clara said,

    Love the color, Love the lighting, Love the floor, Love the fixtures!!! You did awesome and you are proof that girls can do anything! Now go take a nap or something will ya’? Hugs, clara

    1.21.2005 @ 4:43 pm
    Clara said,

    Oh, where’s the fun little do-dad by your picture? Nothing new today. I was getting quite entertained by seeing what you would put up there next.

    1.21.2005 @ 4:45 pm
    Leanne said,

    Thank you Clara! I am ready for a nap. I was actually just trying to figure out how I could take a nap and clean the house at the same time. LOL

    And that explains why I never sleep.

    Yeaa! You noticed the lack of fun on my blog topper! No one was saying anything, so I left it blank today to see if anyone would comment on it. 😉

    1.21.2005 @ 4:49 pm
    kris said,

    looks great! i love the color.

    1.21.2005 @ 5:18 pm

    So very pretty! WOW! Found you from Annie’s site.

    7.8.2005 @ 8:25 am

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