Lastnight was a little VIP party and public “coming out” of the Catfish that were done for the Catch-A-Catfish program. These fish are all going to be auctioned off to the highest bidder in August, and I’m hoping mine comes in 1st place as far as charitable dollars goes. We shall see. The comments people were making were amazing, everyone was so nice and complimentary about my painting! Kids who passed my fish smiled and pointed at that guy trapped inside.
It looks stunning with its clearcoat, so I took a bunch of pics. The colors are really enhanced, the gloss works perfectly with the glass reflection I painted on the belly. I am very pleased that it did what I thought it would do!! (See category archives for previous pics.)
The skywalk is really beautiful too, so I’m throwing a couple of pics of it in here, too! It’s a “new feature” to the Mississippi Riverfront in Downtown Davenport, Iowa. It connects a parking garage to a casino (which, ahem, I broke even on lastnight.), and it has moving lights at night. It’s really nice for a big expensive sidewalk suspended above an occasionally busy road. LOL
Lastnight I also learned a lesson, but it’s kinda one of those lessons you learn the next day, you know what I mean? Tequila – not my friend. 😛
It was the first night out with my hubby alone in forever – I think Caitlin had to have been about 3 the last time we were out together. It was very nice date, I think I’ll have to go out with him again sometime. 😉

Leanne! It looks awesome!!! 😀 That place where that are exhibited is too cool! It looks beautiful at night 🙂 I hope yours gets the most bids too! You sooooo deserve it! xoxoxoxoox
NICE your fish looks great and you look even more impressive 😉
Do you ever wish you could have one of these projects to keep on your front yard?
Very cool, but where is the tequila story?
I had to laugh when you said it was your first night out with Hubby in forever, and there you are all dressed up with a fish. I’m assuming he is NOT your hubby? tee-hee!
You may slap me now.
Annie – that’s a trick question! I’m all dressed up standing next to a fish, that’s true, but my hubby is not only trapped inside of the fish, he’s also standing behind the fish (in that bottom pic, in the orangey shirt)! LOL
The tequila story, well it’s pretty boring, and did I mention I was a little drunk? It was pretty flunny (as you put it, which I admit I said a few times as the night went on)!
I want a fish like that!! He came out great, L!! And you look great too, you sexy braless thing, you!!:wink:
[…] of you searching for the Rock Island Clean & Beautiful Catch-A-Catfish project, I give you the full view of my catfish “Trapped”, when it was on display in Davenport. Also, have a look at the painting in […]
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