Last week’s winner was Brenda Vance with her submission and touching story of the path that led her to her beautiful horse, Maggie May. You can read her entry here.
A note on framing for portrait winners: I recommend the Nielsen Bainbridge Archival Gallery Frame, available through Dick Blick.
Weekly Contest Announcement!
Entries will be accepted through Friday afternoon around 5PM CST, at which time I will close comments and select one winner from the entries received. I’ll announce the winner on Saturday and post the completed portrait with the following week’s Giveaway announcement.
Qualified entries will include a valid e-mail address, and the comment should include one link to a photograph owned/taken by the entrant. If you do not have a place to upload photos to link one, you can e-mail it to gallery *at* intricateart dot-com. Your entry, however, should be included in the comment section below, with your story – should you choose to include one.
The Selection Process: In case you’re curious, I’ll share my little artsy process in selecting the winner. First – I do not read any entries at all during the week. I do not read them because I don’t want anyone’s entries to have any more time than any others to settle in my creative brain. At the end of the week, I close comments. When I sit down to go through all of the entries, I read the story first, and open the photo link in a new window. When I finish reading, I flip over to the photo and my initial reaction is what I go by.
If your entry is not chosen, you may enter again. I encourage you to include a short story with your entry.
- : Pets, Animals, People (1 subject only)
- : Friday, April 3, 2009 (5pm CST)
To Enter
- : Leave a comment, include a link to your photo. For e-mail submissions,
leave a comment with your story
- as your entry, attach your photo to an e-mail separately, and send to gallery *at* intricateart dot-com.
Note: *G* Rating only
Your challenge? To inspire me! Choose your photo wisely – I will select a winner based on how the photo and/or story moves me.
Good luck!!

Put this button on your blog to remind yourself to enter each week!
Link it to:
Don’t want to wait? Commission your own 5×7 graphite custom portrait
for just $70.00 right here in my shop!
(Checkout using PayPal)
Leanne: Your work is amazing and you absolutely captured the essence of my Maggie Mae! Thank you so much for selecting me and Maggie Mae as the winners this week. I’m thrilled and will be singing your praises! I’m going to put this on my blog – with your permission, of course. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
just a little shot i got lucky on at niabi zoo :squirrel:
This is the reference letter I wrote to Kellie from Mintern’s German Shepherds where our Mo-Jo came from:
I have been meaning to send this but knew it would take me a few minutes so I just wanted to find the right time.. Please sit back a spell while I tell my story.
We were the proud owners of two German Shepherd girls….CHELSEA and HANNAH!
CHELSEA a passed away very close to the age of 11. We were just heart broken! Both of my sons (14 & 21), my husband and myself cried when she passed away. So many, many memories there!
After a bit, I hunted down CHELSEA’S breeder as she had moved. I found out that nobody had any puppies from the dogs in CHELSEA’S line. Sigh……
I talked to Annette and told her what we were looking for. I was searching for FRAN-JO on the internet and found the Mintern Shepherds in regards to GIZMO.
Gizmo and Mandie had just had a litter! We drove the three hour drive to Burghill to meet Kellie, family and dogs. WHAT A VISIT! I felt like I had known Kellie forever from that first meeting. What an INCREDIBLE person she is!
We have always had girls and my boys wanted a boy this time. Of course, I had to think about it. Kellie was very instrumental in matching us up with our first male, MO-JO.
The three week wait was the longest ever! We got to hold our little guy when he was three weeks old! Where can you go that you can meet not only the parents but also the grandparents, and even the great grand parent of your new pup?
Kellie has just been the greatest when answering any of our questions. She has always been there for us from the start!
And about our dogs…..
MO-JO is just the most beautiful boy! He literally stops traffic! People want to know about him and I have given out Kellie’s business cards to quite a few people! Mo-Jo is coated and just gorgeous. He was a fuzzy little thing when he was younger! He is highly intelligent, sweet, and just an INCREDIBLE member of our family. My husband calls him the “FABIO OF GERMAN SHEPHERDS”! Most people say, “WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SHEPHERD”, when they meet him. WE LOVE HIM DEARLY! Loves to play ball and is WILD about a FRISBEE!
We knew that when we got MO-JO that HANNAH would not be with us too much longer. We have always believed in having a pair as there is just something that another dog can give them that we can not. When CHELSEA passed away, HANNAH did not eat for a week!
She adopted MO-JO as if he was her own even though she was an older dog never having any puppies of her own. MO-JO gave HANNAH the best last seven months of her life!
After HANNAH passed away, we waited to find the new addition to our family.
MANDIE had a litter with DIESEL. Kellie was extremely happy with the matching of JAZZY to our family. So were we! MO-JO was with us in the car on the trip up. He accepted her from the very first touch! And that reminds me….they are both great on car rides!
What can I say about JAZZY? She is my sweet girl and my shadow! We just love her too! You should she these two when they go outside……side by side….looking at each other…..knowing they are gonna play and have a good time!
We have been extremely happy with the OLD FASHIONED MINTERN GERMAN SHEPHERDS! I would not hesitate for a second to go back to KELLIE for another GSD should the need arise. Her dogs are beautiful (have you every seen an ugly shepherd?) , loyal, and caring…….just incredible lines!
This is a picture of my 11-year old, long haired Chihuahua named Bailey. This shot, which was taken by a friend, is one of him sitting in the sun in the morning…which he has done since he was a puppy. With the sharp-contrast lighting and the thoughtful expression on his face, it reminds me of a Vermeer painting and it is one of my favorite pictures of him. The warm colors, his soft eyes, and the details in his ruff makes my heart melt. I love this dog.
My name is Pricilla (you can see my head shot here: http://pricillaspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/01/how-you-can-become-spokesgoat.html) and I am the head goat on the Happy Goat Farm. I want to tell you how much I love it here with the other goats and cats. It is all because of the publicist and the male person. They take such good care of us. For example; all of the cats were wandering around hungry and without a home before the publicist took them in, fed them and gave them a warm place to sleep. The male person is not so happy about the cats as the publicist but he loves her so he deals with the cats.
They take very good care of us goats too! There are four of us; me, Pricilla, Abby and Michael (my daughter and son) and Luke who came to us from Spokane. We are Nigerian dwarf goats. They give us a nice warm barn, lots of hay, grain and apples. Yum! we love our apples. (http://pricillaspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/02/tale-of-extra-goat-treat-part-i-luke.html)
I am about to have kids and the paparazzi were stalking me calling me “wide load” (http://pricillaspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/02/cursed-paparazzi.html) not to mention the other goats! But the publicist put an end to this. She understands how hard it is for a goat at the end of her pregnancy. I am NOT fat – I am pregnant! I can’t wait to have my kids. I am hoping for doelings.
The publicist will take good care of the kids too. In fact the male person just built me my very own pen so I can have my kids in peace away from Abigail. (I have some problems with Abigail – but that is another tale.) (http://pricillaspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/03/big-changes.html and http://pricillaspeaks.blogspot.com/2009/03/barn-photos.html.) If this doesn’t show you how special I am treated, nothing will.
I am very thankful the publicist and male person took me – and even Abigail – in to live with them. My life is very happy.
I want to thank you for this wonderful contest. You draw such beautiful pictures of animals. I think mine would look great in my new pen but the publicist would probably put it in her new house. Which is a good think because I suspect that Abigail would try and eat it.
I just realized that the URL I provided didn’t come up…so here it is…
Thanks for your entries this week!! Stay tuned for the unveiling of the winning portrait! Facebook fans get a sneek peak on Sunday!
[…] Last week’s winner was Pricilla, an entertaining account of her life on the farm – as a pregnant goat! I am the head goat on the Happy Goat Farm. I want to tell you how much I love it here with the other goats and cats. It is all because of the publicist and the male person. They take such good care of us. For example; all of the cats were wandering around hungry and without a home before the publicist took them in, fed them and gave them a warm place to sleep. The male person is not so happy about the cats as the publicist but he loves her so he deals with the cats. […]
[…] her story here. Next Project […]
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