I’m not eligible for prizes, of course, but I threw my two carvings into the contest for viewing:
Last Leaves

These are two of the three visions I doodled at Church on Sunday. Mark is going to do the third one.
Updated to add: Mark started the third one lastnight and I finished it up – the Crown of Thorns is another of the visions I had for my Pumpkin Carvings this year. 🙂
I’ve also modified the contest voting information to be more specific:
Deadline for pumpkin carving submissions: Tuesday, October 30th, 2007 5PM CST
Voting Info: The poll will open on Tuesday, October 30th around 6PM CST. Vote through 9PM on Wednesday, October 31st.
Voting starts TONIGHT at 6PM, after the last entries have been uploaded. There are about 45 entries to consider – so have a browse – they’re all so creative! TELL YOUR FRIENDS, because you only get one vote per person/computer. No clearing cookies or cache and voting again from the same computer/IP, that is disallowed automatically in the voting software.
wow, those are fabulous!!!! Its too bad the pumpkins don’t last longer when they look like that.
That’s just awesome! I don’t know which I like better – I think the sunset – might also suit as a sunrise! 🙂
Um, you are awesome, do you know that? Those are so cool.
I’m utterly impressed!!! :clapping: Your talent is never ending!!!
Happy Halloween! (I voted!)
Your carvings are sooo beautiful!!!
Wow! Your carvings look great! I never got around to doing mine… :bawling:
Sleeping Mommy, you’re very sweet, thank you! I’m happy they all turned out how I saw them in my head! 🙂
Thanks, Sue! I finished up that third one lastnight, took a photo of all of them lit up outside, they’re so neat!
Mom – the photo I took of all of them outside lastnight is neat, too. 🙂
YR- yes, I’m fairly certain my talent has an end. I just refuse to do things I don’t think I’d be any good at. 😆
Sword Girl – thank you! Check out that last one in my full pic from lastnight!
Lulu! I’m surprised, I thought for sure you’d be carving this year! I’m familiar with the whole lost time deal – it’s getting worse by the day!
I wanted to vote for them all. Everyone is so talented.
Are you feeling better?!?!
I am feeling MUCH better, thanks, Nancy!!
Stunning pumpkins really! Can’t even choose a favorite!
…and all the others! *whistles* What a devotion to pumkin carving. I’ve never seen anything like it over here, just plain pumpkins. That’s sad.
I’ve mentioned your pumpkin contest in my Halloween Party post too.
Mr Butcher is awaiting to serve a lot of scared guests with malicious moth watering dishes!
Everybody is welcome!!!!!
The party is going on until witching hour.
Make sure you come here holding your ghoul friends hand and be sure to read the haunted house rules properly!
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