I’ve just drawn ten random numbers from all entries using this random number selector.
Here are the numbers/winners of these awesome Lee Jeans!!
12 : Taba
72 : Grace @ Sandier Pastures
81 : Mary Beth I
70 : Lady Lu
20 : Becky
17 : Mir
66 : MomW
91 : Charlotte (Life’s a Charm)
5 : Usedtobeme
61 : Patois
Congratulations!!!! I’ll be dropping you an e-mail to get your size, color preference and mailing address!!
Here are your choices:
The One True Fit premium bootcut comes in four different washes: Union Blue, Blackdigo, Shadow Blue, and Galaxy blue. Union and Blackdigo are darker and Shadow and Galaxy are more of what you think of when you think “blue jeans.” These are available in sizes from 2-16, short, medium or long. The plus size scale ranges from 16w to 26w, available in short or medium. For this jean, there is also a petite scale from 2-16.

Thanks to everyone for participating!
Thanks, Leanne! And thank you, Lee Jeans! I give away stuff on Want Not all the time and you have no idea how thrilled I am to win something for myself. 🙂
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! :dance:
Congrats to the winners!
I might be wearing a pair of those jeans right now…I don’t know. LOL! I just bought myself 4 different OTFs…I like the way they fit me.
Thank you very much Leanne and Lee!! Woohooo!! :rofl:
Well, well, well, I guess 61 is going to be my new favorite number! Yippee!
OMG OMG OMG I won! Yippee!!!!!
Okay, Um, I’m not sure what size I need. I’ll get back to you on that one. xoxoxoxxo Me
oh thanks for this fabulous giveaway!
Leanne, thank you very much for this fabulous giveaway!!
I got my jeans yesterday and surprisingly, they FIT me! Oh yes, they do. I’m a very happy camper and want to thank you, Leanne! I never knew they’d be so comfy.
Great news! Glad to hear they fit. Most everyone (aside from international, which I shipped first class yesterday/Monday) has received their jeans now – Lee was fast with their generosity!
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