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  • My Mouth Hangs Open


    At the audacity of some people on this planet. Truly.

    I have never given an artist a critique unless they asked – no, more like begged for it. I hate giving my opinion on things as sensitive as art. Hate. I mean, really, if the person you’re critiquing is having an overly sensitive and self-critical day (as most artists tend to have frequently) you could do some serious damage to their self worth. And that’s nothing I take lightly, and absolutely nothing I want to live with having had an impact on (unless it’s positive, of course!).

    purple tulip original india ink painting
    I got a comment in my portfolio yesterday, where a person suggested that I should have used a different color in one of my paintings. Um, ex-squeeze me? What? Did I ask for a critique? No, I don’t believe I did. And honestly, I don’t ask not because I don’t care, but because I do what the Holy Spirit leads me to do, and I believe every choice I’ve made in every painting is a deliberate one that has been directly impacted by something far bigger than I am. The end result is exactly as it should be, and I don’t ever question that. This particular piece is one that I love dearly (because it’s my favorite flower, and from my own garden), and is hanging in a lovely home and appreciated every day for exactly what it is.

    So, how do you react to that kind of situation? It’s one thing when your mother (or mother in law) is giving you unsolicited advice on how to raise your kids, you can tell them to bug-off a bit easier and without being snottish, you know? But this? This came from someone who claims to be a “fellow artist”. Fellow. As in comrade. Member of the same group. Really? Are they really? Because wouldn’t an artist know not to EVER give unsolicited advice like that on a completed -and sold- painting?

    I try not to come off as an arrogant artist with an overly inflated ego. I am *not* all that. I am what I am, and that is all. I do what I know I can do, I learn the things I’m driven to learn. I never claimed to be an expert painter, or the best portrait artist on the web (and trust me, there are artists out there who claim exactly that). For the most part, I don’t even know that I know what I know until I try to explain it to someone who has asked. And even then, I think I don’t know what I’m talking about. (Didjya get all that?)

    Could I be more humble? Because that’s all I really want to be when I grow up.

    So I replied in a way that told my “fellow” artist that the painting was sold, and if they wanted to commission one with the advised changes, I’d be happy to provide a quote.

    Yes, I do say on my portfolio that I love feedback. I do love feedback. Perhaps I should modify that so that even an artist would understand that a critique is not being requested, because I just don’t “get” how someone could not “get” the difference.

    ….closing my mouth now.


    All Adither said,

    I get a lot of critiques when I put my writing out there. But then, that’s different because I can go back and make changes.

    Your artwork is beautiful.

    2.11.2008 @ 9:01 am
    Renee said,

    Some people are just like that. I don’t know why.

    If someone ASKS for my opinion, I try to give it in the nicest way possible. (I usually say “it’s not my taste.” and leave it at that.) But I was always taught that if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

    I’m sure you know, Everyone is different…we all have different tastes and opinions. But I’m right there with you on the unsolicited critique.

    I think your answer was great. hee hee And I love that flower.

    Renee’s last blog post..Time to deliver the cookies

    2.11.2008 @ 10:01 am
    pam said,

    Art is subjective, but I’ve always thought that your finished artwork looks exactly the way it’s supposed to, if that makes sense. YOU, the artist, interpreted the subject YOUR way. That makes it perfect in my eyes.

    Also, some people simply have an overblown sense of their own judgment. :2cents:

    pam’s last blog post..Need for speed

    2.11.2008 @ 10:42 am
    Kimberly said,

    Okay..I’m done looking for the nasty comment. I guess you didn’t dignify it the publishment (yes, I just made that word up).

    I don’t have any idea on this earth why anyone would be compelled to be so pompous. Really, the nerve…

    Kimberly’s last blog post..Now What?

    2.11.2008 @ 12:06 pm
    YellowRose said,

    First off, you are much kinder than I….I would have had some real ugly words for said person! 👿

    One thing I do know is that some that live in the “art world” live in this odd state of being, which they believe everyone is just dying to hear their insight on EVERYTHING! :rolleyes: What they haven’t figured out is, if it’s not asked for, don’t give it! A true artist (like yourself) knows this. Your work expresses your feelings, your moods and it’s a piece of your own body. How can another critique that?

    You keep doing what you are doing….cause you rock my friend! :hug:

    YellowRose’s last blog post..123 MeMe

    2.11.2008 @ 12:22 pm
    MOM said,

    Maybe it was more of an observation than a critique, and maybe you’re just having a sensitive day? Just a comment on the color, not the composition, style, layout, etc., and not your artistic talents personally, is not in my opinion, something to get so upset about, and perhaps was not meant to hurt?

    2.11.2008 @ 12:24 pm
    Leanne said,

    Hehe – Mom, I couldn’t even tell you the last time I *didn’t* have a sensitive day. Why would anyone tell someone they don’t even know what they should do differently?

    2.11.2008 @ 12:29 pm
    Sleeping Mommy said,

    Unsolicited criticism sucks. I’d question whether this other person really is an artist or just thinks they are.

    2.11.2008 @ 1:28 pm
    taba said,

    wow that is pretty lame. :grouphug:

    2.11.2008 @ 1:33 pm

    I think I’ll email Stephen King and tell him how he could improve his writing. Or John Grisham (well, he could use some pointers).

    The audacity! Hang in there babe. Maybe they will place an order.

    InterstellarLass’s last blog post..Reconnecting

    2.11.2008 @ 2:52 pm
    Lisa's Chaos said,

    I think they should have kept their mouth shut. I really don’t where people get off thinking they can give unasked for advice! Rubs me wrong!

    I think it is lovely just they way it is!

    Lisa’s Chaos’s last blog post..Fun Monday – My song

    2.11.2008 @ 5:13 pm

    Sheesh. That ones leaves me speechless, and trust me, few things do. I think my mouth would be hanging open, too. Unfortunately, when we put stuff out on the web, any fool can come in and tell us what to do. I had one tell me how I should have told a Scheherazade story, but he totally missed the point of what I was saying. All I could do was say, “thank you for your input.” If I had tried to say more, I would have torn him to shreds. Life’s too short to bother with that frustration. Breathe in, breathe out, move on.

    This Eclectic Life’s last blog post..Dora is Rumbling

    2.11.2008 @ 9:12 pm
    ANappyGirl said,

    Folks are a TRIP, and sometimes a…voyage! The stuff folks will say to you can make your head spin, and your heart beat faster.

    Sometimes folks say stuff, just to knock you off your square. That’s the only purpose. Sick, but true.

    Shake the dust off, and keep being…Leanne, “The Intricate Artist”.

    ANappyGirl’s last blog post..We?re Snowed In!

    2.11.2008 @ 10:15 pm

    He is a total moron! He knows not what he says!
    Should we track him down and beat ‘im up for you??

    Ladybug Crossing’s last blog post..My Desk

    2.12.2008 @ 5:52 am
    June said,

    I don’t think you need me to say this, but you’re doing just fine and dandy…don’t change a thing…that is unless your spirit calls you to! :beret:

    PS: I just noticed some new emoticons. Fun. Did some get removed or are these just extras?

    June’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday

    2.13.2008 @ 1:40 pm
    Thumper said,

    If people I know offer unsolicited advice, I bite my tongue. If a random stranger posts a comment about something I’ve written, I typically have something snarky to say (“Well now that’s why I make the big bucks and you just wander around online offering advice..”)

    This “fellow artist” surely understands that art is subjective and if he wanted a different color choice, then he can paint his own damn version…?

    I don’t get people sometimes. :dunno:

    2.13.2008 @ 7:13 pm
    Bob Walton said,

    Coram DeoLatin, meaning “before the face of God”.

    When David was escaping from Jerusalem from the usurpation of his son Absalom, Shimei verbally abused David without warrant. One of David’s mighty men asked if he could slay Shimei for his disrespect. David’s humble response was, “perhaps God told Shimei to speak to me this way; leave him alone” (paraphrased). David did return triumphant in the end, and Absalom was the one eventually judged. Shimei was rightfully punished in the end, and later put to death for foolishly disobeying the restrictions of his punishment (if I recall correctly).

    Moral – Even when we are right, in some folks eyes, we are wrong, no matter what. Some of our best intentions are frequently not good enough, and will never please. If the matter is truly individual taste, no big deal.

    Bottom line, as long as you are acting on the foundation of the word, and doing all in your heart as directed by the Holy Spirit, you have become a law unto yourself, Rom 2:14 & Gal 5:22-23.

    I believe all life ought to be lived under the principals of the word; therefore, when criticized (justly or unjustly), smile and thank the individual for bringing it to your attention, then bring it before God. If the crit is just then act accordingly, if unjust, just move on (as long as you’re right with God it doesn’t matter).

    If the unjust criticism is from someone close, that’s another issue altogether. In those instances I’d recommend a book by Ken Sande called, “The Peacemaker”.

    I hope this helps.

    2.15.2008 @ 8:23 am

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