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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Thank You’s & Stuff!


    I have to thank you guys, Paige, Carrie, Erika, Mom… you all gave me the sniffles yesterday! I don’t get mushy all that often, but when I do it is really awesome to see how much positive impact it has on people we’re close to!! Erikie you are right, too, I could not ask for more as far as the support and encouragement, Mark is the best!! So thanks to each of you, so much, for being there for me and for us! HUGE kisses & hugs for you!!

    I dropped Jay off at school and she was miserable and wanted to go home. 🙁 It was reeeealy hard to leave, but I know she needs to be around other kids her age more often and sitting around the house watching me paint can’t be much fun for a 3 year old! My truck was leaking when I left there so I stopped at the oil change shop and I have antifreeze leaking down the back of my engine again. 🙁 After I pick Jay up today we’ll head down to a shop to find out if it’s the heater core or a hose or something. fooey on this big stupid expensive Isuzu. Don’t ever buy one of those things, they are way to expensive to maintain! BOO!!!

    psst…I added a subscription box over to the right there, you can enter your e-mail addy and get e-mail notifications when I update my blog!

    I ended up not painting yesterday – partly because I want to drag this piece out for some reason, I think it’s because I love painting her! It was also stormy and gloomy all day yesterday and the flourescents in the studio really alter the flesh tones so it’s something better done in daylight.

    Now today is nice, lots of daylight out there so I am going to get back to the studio! I’ll be turning the cam on momentarily. I keep repeating myself, I know, but for anyone who doesn’t already know…

    webcam link is over there—————–>
    (right click on the image and zoom for full view)


    yahoo IM: add user ID ‘intricateartist’
    (might have to wait for me to add you back)
    then click on “watch me paint!” next to my ID. 😀

    Back in a while!

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