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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Painting tonight!


    I paid dearly for my chocolate binge lastnight, I have NOT been able to get going today at all! So far today the only thing I accomplished was moving stuff around here in the blog. It took 7 hours just to publish these changes, so while it was lagging I kinda sorta fell asleep. Chocolate gives me a serious drunk/hungover feeling, I wish I would remember that BEFORE I eat it! :P~

    So now you know, I’m a vanilla girl. If only they made vanilla brownies. haha!

    I’ll paint tonight after the girls go to bed, having a nap under my belt I should be able to stay up reeeealy late! It will be about the same time as lastnight, around 8:30-8:45PM CST for those who want to check back then. I’ll update when I turn my webcam on!


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