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  • Perspective


    Have you ever wondered about someone you don’t talk to anymore? Thought to yourself, “what did I learn from that relationship” or wondered whether or not you were right or wrong in the final hours? Have you ever wished you could go back and change a couple of things you said, or maybe swallow your pride enough to make amends? Have you ever questioned every single decision you’ve ever made in your life, wondering how on earth you even made it this far? How you can fix things and make things better from relationships all the way down to the kitchen sink? Is it worth fixing? Is it really? And when all the stuff is spinning in your head and all you want is ice cream and kleenex, do you ever wonder why the hell Eve bit that freakin’ apple?

    That bitch.


    Tommi said,

    That shot of the flower is awesome.
    I like-E!
    Okay- have a happy day! 😉

    9.7.2005 @ 8:14 am
    Mrs. Fun said,

    what a beautiful picture 🙂

    9.7.2005 @ 9:34 am
    annie said,

    Holy cow, now it’s getting deep. Get that ice cream, honey.

    No, I was right and I know it and when I end a relationship, it’s for good reason (like, betrayal, for instance) and then I cut it completely. Well, except for the occasional poke with a sharp stick when the opportunity presents itself.
    The only relationships that I worry about is my immediate family, Mom, husband, children, and ONE friend I’ve had since I was 12 years old. We are there to support and love each other no matter what. If I have any other friends, well, that’s a nice bonus.

    It was not Eve’s fault. She was the WOMAN, the companion made for the man, the weaker of the two. It’s ADAM’S fault; Where the HELL was HE? when Eve was being tempted? If he would have been at her side where he SHOULD have been, it wouldn’t have happened!

    9.7.2005 @ 10:15 am
    mom said,

    Funny. Rayne just asked me yesterday where my mom and dad were. I told them that they had died. She wanted to know who killed them! I thought about it and told her “EVE”! Yes she did. b-t-h! 😡
    I love the new way to look at a flower – makes it quite more spacious!

    9.7.2005 @ 10:28 am
    mom said,

    On the other hand – YEAH!!! WHERE WAS ADAM!!! 👿

    9.7.2005 @ 10:29 am
    Leanne said,

    Oh c’mon Annie, you know where Adam was, he was off at the nearest pool of water flexing his muscles at his reflection and measuring himself thinking “I rule!”, then he went off playing “I can fart louder than you can” with the local elephants. He never cared about Eve to begin with!

    9.7.2005 @ 10:37 am
    Wickwire said,

    🙄 Wow, that’s one gigantic flower! (kidding) Beautiful.

    9.7.2005 @ 12:11 pm
    Sandra said,

    Yeah… I have regrets. I regret I didn’t knock someone up side the head instead of being “nice”. I wish I would have told more people to go f**k themselves, instead of being “nice”. And now I wonder how in the world I’m going to get this last grown-ass kid off my ass… the one who thinks a mother is suppose to always take care of them, always give them everything they want. GRRRRR

    9.7.2005 @ 12:33 pm
    Jeanette said,

    I never end any relationship from a fit of anger. It’s usually they’ve crossed a boundary and have no intent of stopping what they’re doing. My brother, for instance, became abusive when he started seeing the girl he’s with. I miss him from the point of I wonder what he’s doing, but I don’t miss how he treated me.

    And, yes, I always question every decision I’ve ever made. BUT, the question I always ask myself is, if I had continued with that relationship would it have enriched me? Would I be happier for it being there? The answers to those questions usually validate the decision I made.

    I have no regrets.

    I love the picture. That’s really beautiful. (hug)

    9.7.2005 @ 3:15 pm
    Clara said,

    I love your photo, but I am missing your paintings! As for the rest, too deep for me today, as I have no ice cream in the house! Hugs to you and yours, clara

    9.7.2005 @ 3:40 pm
    E said,

    This is a gorgeous perspective in this picture. And yes…I’ve definitely been there as you describe. I do believe we take something from every relationship, regardless of how long or short lived it may be. Everything and everyone enters our lives for a purpose. Sometimes, it’s just hard to figure out what it is.

    9.7.2005 @ 8:53 pm

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