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  • Uh… iew!!!


    Excuse me, God? Yeah, it’s me again. I watched the news lastnight, and Mr. Weatherman said that this white icky stuff would not stick because the ground is still too warm. Were you not listening to him? I know you’re omniscient and stuff, but, well, I was just wondering if maybe the noise over on the other side of the planet kinda overpowered what Mr. Weatherman was sayin’. I mean, I understand you’ve got priorities and all that. God knows. (haha, get it? God? Are you laughing at my joke?) Anyhoo could you see to it that this stuff melts, pronto? I’d appreciate it. Amen.

    See, God? Even your beautiful flowers are sad and confused. :bawling:


    Tommi said,

    Let me hear an AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!
    I totally heard that same weather man last night! Was it some sick joke? Did someone tap into our news system just to mess with us? BLACHY!!! :rant:

    11.16.2005 @ 9:22 am
    Chickadee said,

    Beautiful pictures. Those weatherman can never get it right. I think it’s God’s way of reminding them who is in charge and He is the only who knows everything. LOL.

    11.16.2005 @ 1:27 pm
    Tommi said,

    Um, wait a minute… Who has beautiful flowers that are still alive now any way?
    LOL! They’re still pretty even with the snow! :cold:

    11.16.2005 @ 2:23 pm
    Texas_Ivy10 said,

    Looks very, very cold there! brrrr!

    We got a cold front through Houston yesterday and when I got up this morning it was about 45… I am a big wimp… I was freezing! LOL

    Pictures are beautiful nonetheless!

    11.16.2005 @ 3:40 pm
    Clara said,

    Leanne, if you move here it does melt, except in the mountains. Snows about 10 times a year and melts 3 days after it comes down. Its pretty, good for sledding and goes away, and if you want to see more of it, drive 45 minutes into the mountains and go skiing. Perfect! Not like that midwestern crap where you have the same snow on the ground in March that fell in December. yuck. What else do I have to do to convince you? Hugs to you and yours! clara

    11.16.2005 @ 5:50 pm
    b said,

    THIS IS THE BEST WEATHER !!!!!! yes yes it is..:yes::yes:
    i love snow..i hope we get more!:yahoo:

    11.16.2005 @ 6:14 pm
    Kathi said,

    i know what you mean by this stuff on the ground , im not ready either and i still have leaves to rake .. or they will be stuffed in my car …
    but you can look at your palm tree and think of the beach lol 😛 so quit crying okay .. and any ways they still have snow in Tenn.. mabey even more you cant ever leave me i will find a way to keep you here mabey ask God to change the climate here .. then you would stay.. I enjoy our talks and just the time you spend around me i have definetly found a true friend in you ..:friends:
    well i need to get to work now kathi:cold:

    11.16.2005 @ 8:33 pm

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