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  • Wierdly Tagged


    Thanks a lot, Shelli and SusiePie, you wierdos!

    1. Go write (six, I think?) weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your blog, then tag six more people!
    2. Then leave a comment that says “You are tagged” in their comments telling them to read your blog.

    • The second toe on my left foot is longer than my big toe. I’ve heard that means I’m supposed to be rich – whoever made that up is a big fat liarpants.
    • I cannot have naked toenails. Iew iew iew, they’re ugly! I took a photograph of my naked toenails over the weekend, and I’m afraid to post it. I picture all of you simultaneously vomiting, or something.
    • I get sweaty palms driving over bridges. They make me nervous.
    • There are so many naturally strange things about me, I can’t think of anything unusually wierd for this thing.
    • I turn a lot of things that I say to the girls into songs or rhymes. They think I’m crazy – and they’re right.
    • I rarely go out. Seriously. I can’t be the only person who thinks people out in public are just rude, and should have their licenses revoked. I’d rather not subject myself to even one moron like this. I’ll stay right here in my house where it’s safe and I can order whatever I want online, thankyouverymuch!

    There. I’m officially wierd x6.

    This post is tag free – let me know if you do it though, and I’ll link you!


    Shelli said,

    Yep, it is official. You are weird! Seriously weird. I don’t like to drive around either. I prefer to have someone else drive or at least ride with me. I know…weird. Thanks for picking up the tag. Luv you, you weirdo! :hug:

    4.18.2006 @ 10:34 pm
    Angel said,

    Well, I blogged this awhile back, but I’ll comment, so you know you’re not alone in your weirdness 😉

    1. My 2nd toe on my right foot is bigger than my Big toe 😉
    2. If I have to make a left turn, oh say 4 miles away, I get in that left lane and STAY THERE.
    3. I get wigged out if someone with double-jointedness shows off their skill.
    4. I am skeered of kites. Hush.
    5. I used to only eat one food on my plate at a time–so like I’d eat all my veggies, then my rice, then my meat. I’ve mostly conquered that weirdness LOL

    4.18.2006 @ 10:49 pm

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