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  • I am retarded.


    Sometimes, I really do wonder who I got this retarded gene from, because I’d like to poke them in the eye with a big pointy stick.

    I’m sitting here, my yahoo launchcast is cranked up and I’m coding away like a mad woman, trying not to play with the bunnies. Yes, I’m working on a new design for Icklebug, but at the moment, I’m wondering where I put my brain.

    I have spent the last 20 minutes trying to figure out why my footer won’t display right.


    Why on earth can I position the thing, set the parameters, but it will NOT show up?! I’m on the verge of requesting assistance (read: crying like a big baby) when I think maybe I should check to see if I uploaded the background images. I. did. NOT.


    / end feeling like a big dummyhead


    Paige said,

    You are so NOT retarded! It may just be a case of “part-timers”. Look at the bright side. If your memory gets any worse you can hide your own easter eggs next year! You would have so much FUN! :bunny:

    6.14.2007 @ 9:17 pm
    usedtobeme said,

    smooth. I do that all the time. Get all flustered and then it is always the simplest thing that was causing me grief. Arg!

    6.14.2007 @ 11:01 pm
    Leanne said,

    I mis-spoke. I can’t possibly be retarded.

    Retarded is getting up at 7am and mowing your lawn. Only not picking up the rocks and sticks, first. So when you’re waking everyone in the neighborhood up? You’re doing it with the sound of a mower eating big chunks of things that it shouldn’t be.


    6.15.2007 @ 7:32 am
    Robin said,

    Just step away for a while…go for a walk or watch a show or clean…then start again.

    6.15.2007 @ 7:54 am
    Mary said,

    Oh my, ROFL! You poor thing! I’m glad I’m not the only one… i call myself a Techno-tard, but rarely use it online because I’m afraid of offending someone. 😀 You made my day, i hope you were able to fix it w/o “asking for help”. 😉

    6.15.2007 @ 11:22 am

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