You might remember the braids I put in Chickeymonkey’s hair for camp. It’s been a few weeks of easy care and cleaning, but like all good things, it had to come to an end. I just had to get a shot of the de-braiding before the thorough cleansing and pony-tailing. Alotta of ‘ings, to match alotta curls.
Wonderful capture; I love the darks and lights. She looks *so* very serious but you can tell that there’s laughter right behind that sober mask.
Wow, you couldn’t get kinks like that even with a crimping iron! Awesome!
Very sweet! :love: Did you change your copyright watermark? I just noticed it.
she looks sad to me. love the kinks though.
She must have felt so good to take all the braids out!
sweet! I used to do that with my Mojo’s hair. Oh, we got creative! Fishtail braids, rope braids, threaded braids. You name it, we tried it. And she’d sit still forever just to have a special hairdo. Then she turned 8. We were lucky to get a brush through her mop after that for about a year.
I miss those days. Thanks for bringing back good memories!
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