Do you know someone who would appreciate a free portrait of their pet? Share my contest with them – there are still a few weeks left in the year before my year-long giveaway ends!
Last week’s call for entries brought several amazing animals and touching stories! Thank you ALL for sharing, I would choose them all if I could, but since I can’t – I encourage you to enter again! (Tip: you can repeat your entry and photo!)
I selected Susan Gross’ Chinese Crested Powderpuff, Tyke, as last weeks winner. His cute little tongue and big, watery eyes did me in, for sure.
I have only had Tyke for a short time; however, I am just in love with this happy, energetic “old man.” He is such a sweet, funny little dog. Tyke loves everyone he meets, and his cute little face makes everyone smile. Wherever I go with Tyke, I make sure to let people know about the importance of adopting from rescue – especially the senior pets. I understood when I adopted Tyke that his time with us may be limited; however I believe each day with him is a gift.
What a cutie, Susan! Thanks for sharing him and he thanks you, too, for rescuing him and giving him a loving forever home!
Weekly Contest Announcement!
- : ANIMALS (single subject – dog, cat or any other critter!)
- : Friday, November 13, 2009 (around 5pm CST)
To Enter
- : Leave a comment as your entry (your chances are greatly improved if you share something about your subject), include a link to your photo. If you do not have a photo uploaded online, please indicate that you are e-mailing the photo and e-mail the photo to: gallery *at* intricateart dot-com.
Your entry must be left below, or it will not be considered.
Note: *G* Rating only
Nielsen Bainbridge Archival Gallery Frames
available through Dick Blick.

Entries will be accepted through Friday afternoon around 5PM CST, at which time I will close comments and select one winner from the entries received. I’ll publish the completed winning portrait with the following week’s Giveaway announcement. If you’re a fan on Facebook, you might just get a sneak peek at the winning portrait before I publish it here!
Qualified entries will include a valid e-mail address, and the comment should include one link to a photograph owned/taken by the entrant. If you do not have a place to upload photos to link one, you can e-mail it to gallery *at* intricateart dot-com. Your entry, however, should be included in the comment section below, with your story – should you choose to include one.
The Selection Process: In case you’re curious, I’ll share my little artsy process in selecting the winner. First – I do not read any entries at all during the week. I do not read them because I don’t want anyone’s entries to have any more time than any others to settle in my creative brain. At the end of the week, I close comments. When I sit down to go through all of the entries, I read the story first, and open the photo link in a new window. When I finish reading, I flip over to the photo and my initial reaction is what I go by.
If your entry is not chosen, you may enter again. I encourage you to include a short story with your entry.
Once you have won a portrait, I ask that you refrain from multiple entries, to give others an opportunity to win one as well.
Your challenge? To inspire me! Choose your photo wisely – I will select a winner based on how the photo and/or story moves me.
Good luck!!

Put this button on your blog to remind yourself to enter each week!
Link it to:
Don’t want to wait? Commission your own 5×7 graphite custom portrait
for just $70.00 right here in my shop!
(Checkout using PayPal)
Bullet was my loving Cat.
Bullet was definitely a one of a kind cat
I had got him from my mom as a birthday present in September of 2003. He was a handful as a kitten . Got outside and took me two days to Catch him because he was really fast that is how he got his name Bullet.
He was just a great Cat who was full of love and very loyal to me and His favorite place to be was in my room usually on my bed till night time when the kids where sleeping. I know I could always count on him for cheering me up after a bad day. When I would go to bed he would snuggle up with me just purring away and rubbing his nose on my head. He was truly my best friend.
Sadly He became ill on Wednesday and Passed away two days later 11/06/2009.
He was in my lap cuddling with me that morning comforting me and just being the Cat he was when he passed. It has left a big empty spot in my heart. Looking back 6 years don’t seem very long. Wishing I could have 6 more. But he truly made my days brighter just being in my life.
Photo emailed
How swwweeeeett…!!! :yahoo:
I finally have a couple of pix of Zeb. He is afraid of the camera, so getting a decent picture is difficult. Zeb came to us from a person who rescued him from a tough situation. Zeb barks at TV, the doorbell, anyone who dares come up the driveway, airplanes that fly over the house, and even the cat – we think he’s trying to tell us that something is happening. He is afraid of many thing, but he gets better every day. His favorite thing to do is go for walks with LLB. There is currently one picture HERE. But I’ll be adding the few I took today… Please pick our Zeb. He is the best!
This sketch of Tyke is just too too cute! I love it (and him) !
This is Cano who was our 3yr old Chihuahua and a true firecracker. He was mauled by a 90lb dog just a few weeks ago and our house has been so quiet since. I remember running to my door when I’d come home from work because he was always so happy to see me it looked as if his head was goin to explode with excitment. I miss his little nails clicking on the hardwood floors when he was running to me or when it was time to eat. He loved my boyfriend more than me especially when it was bedtime, Cano always seemed to wiggle between us and get really mean when I would try and snuggle closer but that just made me love him more because he had some much personality for such a little body. I treasure this picture of him because it’s really the only good one we have of him, he was busy hiding in laundry baskets because he was camera shy. I hope I win this and I’ll surprise my boyfriend with it. Watching my lil guy die right in front of me was really traumatic and I know I’ll never get over it but I can’t help but think of the happy moments and would cute he was. We called him Moushy which is Farsi for mouse because it was so tiny…ok, enough of this, I’m going to cry. =(
I’d like to re-enter my Leelah Belz in your weekly drawing…I began her introduction last week, but allow me to continue! Leelah is sunbathing right now, enjoying the warm sunshine on her long coat. She’s a snuggler and has no qualms about walking right up to any houseguest and introducing herself with a head-butt to their hand or perhaps a swish of her tail as she leaps gratefully into most any available lap. My sweet princess is so patient and smart and funny…we’d love to be considered for your drawing! I’ve sent her picture to you in a separate email.
Bullet the kitty that I got for Kristen was a special cat that came from the Amish store and was saved from a life in the barn. Two summers ago he got out of the house.. he was being coy and hanging close by but would not come when he was called. Kristen made up flyers with pictures and hung them everywhere in town. Then one evening she seen him coming into the back porch area and she hatched this idea… they tried several things to catch Bullet who was enjoying his new found freedom and was never a very social cat with the kids and all the noise they make. IT is a very busy household.
Finally she got a large animal trap and caught him and it was if he had never left his perch….. he was always a fixture on her bed waiting for her. He was a special kitty indeed.
Leanne: I mailed a picture and story of our friends dog King for your consideration. I know they would really appreciate one of your portraits
Hi Leanne,
I figured I’d try again this week :cheerful:
I would like to submit a photo of my once in a lifetime “soul dog” Trevor.
He is a retired therapy dog & my closest friend. Unfortunately, he is now getting on in years and I find myself realizing we have more days behind than in front of us. My family certainly would cherish a portrait of him.
Trevor has been a true ambassador for his breed – brightening the days of countless people. Even though he is retired from therapy work, he still touches people.
He has been the inspiration for a whole area of the world wide web where Sheltie lovers gather to learn, inspire & educate.
One of my favorite photos of him can be found here.
Thank you for the opportunity to introduce you to him!
While my husband and I went on a little anniversary trip to downstate Illinois on Oct 10, we were surprised to see a little stray kitty near a sewer grate. I was struck by her appearance because she looked so thin, but also because she was completely white, just like another one of our kitties.
There was really no discussion, she was going to come home with us. Given that we were hundreds of miles from home, we had no supplies for her. So we drove across the river to Paducah, Kentucky and the nearest pet store. We decided Paducah would be her name.
Upon getting her home a few days later and taking her to the vet, we learned she had lots of issues: fleas, roundworm, ear mites. She has been quarantined from our other cats for the past month, only getting some intermittent play time.
She was finally given her “freedom” last night and now can freely play with all the cats. Her love and zest for life is amazing. I love to see her wide-eyed at all the new things that she discovered. She is hearing impaired, we think as a result of the ear mites, but we aren’t sure, so she is even more surprised by what she sees.
This picture is one of my favorites of her because it captures her personality to well:
Also, her is a picture I took of her when we first saw her on the street corner:
Thanks for reading! 🙂
My kitty Jackson, was found by a student of mine. It was a very bitterly cold evening and he heard a faint mewing in the bushes. On inspection, he found a tiny kitten, who he rescued and put inside a box with a heating blanket to warm him. He talked me into taking him home, and as I was going through a rough spot in my marriage and eventual divorce, Jackson was my source of comfort. He and I had a fast bond. He was so loving and knew when I needed him. He later went through a difficult surgery and recovery when he swallowed a thread, and I nearly lost him, but he pulled through and our bond was stronger. He would fetch and bring me toy mice to throw for him and had one of the best purrs ever. Sadly I lost him a year ago to the ravages of kidney failure – he was 15. I miss him all the time as does his cat buddy, Hooper. I would love a portrait of him to honor his beautiful spirit.
I will email you pictures of him.
Thank you for your consideration.
Nanci Moll
Tyke is so handsome! You really made his face smoochable, Leanne!
Dear Leanne,
This weekly contest that you offer is so generous of you. Your work is really wonderful and I’m so happy to have found your site.
I’d like to enter my sweet little pup, Penny. Penny’s photos can be found on the following public links:
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=30122165&l=2fa2ae7484&id=1544870846 and
Penny is a 2 1/2 yr old cockapoo. She has a heart of gold to match the color of her fur. She has deep, soulful eyes that make me feel as though she understands much more about this world than any dog ever could. Surely without her, my life wouldn’t be the same. Without a doubt, she’s my Penny from Heaven.
Thanks for letting me share a little bit about her.
Warm regards,
Thanks so much for your entries this week! Stay tuned for the winning portrait on Monday (Sunday evening for Facebook fans)!
[…] Chihuhua, Cano, was last weeks winner. This is Cano who was our 3yr old Chihuahua and a true firecracker. He was mauled by a 90lb dog […]
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