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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • An emotional work in progress.


    Here is my work for the day.

    Most of you will recognize this composition. I poured an immesureable amount of emotion into painting today, and I hope that is conveyed in what I’ve accomplished so far. This is just the underpainting. I will probably finish this piece tomorrow, and I will try to remember to breathe.

    (Where’s my chocolate?)

    Thank you once again, you know who you are. I am so deeply touched at your care and concern, I don’t even know how to express it.

    xoxoxoxo again, guys.

    2 Completed, One new one in progress


    I have the final scans of Mo & Cleo for you, both have been varnished and are ready to ship. I love both of them, they are beautiful animals.

    I have my webcam on already. My head and heart are both in need of a major release. I’ll be working on my emotional piece, you may be able to see the sketch on the canvas and you may remember the composition. If the cam lags or anything just hop on Yahoo IM and holler at me there ok? (my ID is “intricateartist”.)

    I’m going to leave the webcam on all day, and probably all night, and all day tomorrow. I’m not going to shut it off until this piece is done. I may not check back in here until then either.

    Thank you. For your thoughts, prayers, and e-mails. I love you guys. (sniffles)

    Here are the two beauties of the day:

    Cleo’s reference (I’ve already posted Mo’s):

    Lot-O-Spam Friday


    Good morning!

    Just wanted to let everyone know, if you get an e-mail from me with an attachment, CHECK IT before you open it. I have not sent out anything with a subject of “Thanks”. Your best bet, if it does not have my sig line in it, do not open the attachment. I’m getting mail from myself with a smiley face and attachment, bah. If those people would just spend their time programming or building websites they could make alot of money instead of spending their time being malicious. Meanies.

    I have a teenie revision to make on Cleo this morning, and I’m going to start another piece. I’ve revised my commission schedule to give me a couple of days to do something else; I have a few things to do around the house to finish up a project, and I will paint this other piece before I start my next commission.

    It’s another emotional painting. Much like my Anniversary Rose piece, this one hit me lastnight and it hit hard. I’ve got it sketched out on a 20×20 canvas, nice and big. I’m not sure yet if I will paint on cam or not, I will let you know.

    Hope you have a happy Friday!

    Completed Portrait


    “” Here she is, she awaits approval, and I will sign her tomorrow.

    Cleo : Finishing Up on Webcam!


    Just getting things finished up around the house, I had my stitches removed (ouch) this morning and we had to stop and pick up some fabric and stuff. I’m finally settling down to paint, and plan on finishing up Cleo’s portrait this afternoon.

    The webcam is on if you’d like to watch. 🙂

    Cleo WIP #2


    Just turning the webcam off now, here’s Cleo’s progress shot for the day. She’s coming along nicely, I may finish her tomorrow afternoon.

    I will catch up with you tomorrow morning! Have a great night.

    psst……sorry I’m adding more political stuff! These are funny!
    (these will open in windows media player)
    Florida State Electronic Voting System
    Instant Kerry

    Webcam is ON!


    Finally! The cam is on, and I’m going to paint!

    Wanna watch? 😉

    (I am having a HECK of a time publishing to my blog today! UG!)

    Paperwork, Politics and Painting.


    I’ve been waiting for all you guys with rakes. Where have you been? I have a lotta leaves, and a gimpy foot! hehe.. no no no, Don’t feel sorry for me, the stitches come out TOMORROW! I still can’t feel my toes, but she cut 3 inches worth of surface nerves so I’m not expecting a full recovery right away.

    About the leaves, I hand picked these out of the yard last weekend and they’ve dried out. I really like the one in the foreground. Green or red? It looks undecided. That’s how I feel about the season, too.

    I am going to get three paintings (and a print) in the USPS system today, bon voyage, safe and speedy trips for you all! Paperwork…yes I procrastinated on the paperwork and I am procrastinating now. I will have it done by 9AM! ;P

    Mark is offline now until around Thanksgiving. We hadn’t seen eachother since he got back over there (I sent him a laptop and webcam), it’s a tough situation of course so being able to see us and our home is pretty daggone hard. Well since we won’t be chatting online for a month, we kicked up the cams and jeez. I didn’t think it would be THAT hard. I think we were all bawling.

    Politics: Let me just say this. I’m tired of it all! LOL What a couple of big children “No I want the job!”; “No! I want it!” … Have they thought for a second about how to actually sway people into voting their way? Perhaps something more intelligent for us to chew on, and quit the bickering and finger pointing? Sorry, my cable TV covers the swing state of Iowa, so every commercial is a political one. Thank God for the internet, I can shut the TV off and do my research online. 😀 You know that the whole thing is going to be held up in litigation for 4-6 months anyway, will we still know who our President is on Election Day? Bah! I know I’m still young to the political world, This will be only my third vote, but has it always been like this? I mean just chaos? I don’t remember all the chaos. LOL

    PAINTING. Yes I’ll be working on Cleo again today. As soon as I get my “administrative” stuff done, I’ll start up the cam and let you know!

    It’s Wednesday. Hump Day. Day before Stitch Removal Day. Day to do the stuff you said you were gonna do yesterday day.

    Have a good one!


    Welcome Home, Erikie!!!!

    I hope you had a FABULOUS trip, I MISSED YOU!!!


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