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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Cleo WIP #1


    Here’s her underpainting… I will leave the cam up for a few minutes more, but this image is a thousand times better than the cam image anyway!

    Yes, the grass will grow up over her body & legs.

    By the way, Cleo is my 50th painting of the year! 😀

    Painting Cleo on Webcam!


    I just turned the webcam on and will start painting in about 10-15 minutes (10:30-10:45 am CST). I have to prep, get all the supplies & stuff ready, so you might see me moving around a little bit. 🙂

    I did get a few things on my list done, and 3 paintings (and a print!) in their packages, I just have to do their COA’s and stuff, so they will ship tomorrow! I bet if I could paint the paperwork I’d get it done much faster. LOL!

    See you on cam!

    P.S. Is it just me, or does he look like he’s saying “duuuuhhhh!” :P~



    Today’s Mark’s last day online until Thanksgiving. Somehow hearing that rooster gives me a sense of calm every day, to know he’s just a click away.

    Mark – be safe, don’t pull your back moving that heavy stuff, and you can catch up on paintings when the rooster crows again!! Love you hugely…

    Next up….


    I’ll be starting my next piece tomorrow! I had originally planned on working Scarlett & Sebastian, but their mom is on vacation so I’m pulling a schedule switcharoonie! I’ve got this cutie pie of a pup, her name is Cleo. She’s just one of those “awwwwwww” dogs. I’ll update in the morning when I’m ready to paint & get the webcam up and running. 🙂

    We’ve been busy around the house today. Over the summer I tore apart our playroom with the intent of turning it into a family room with an entertainment wall sorta thing – well it’s been sitting half done for a while. I’ve been working on it in bits and pieces over the last week in the evenings (in all my spare time! LOL), and today was “hurry up and get it done!” day.

    The exterior walls in that room have NO insulation. I tore down one of those walls, insulated & drywalled it, but the other 2 still allow a brutal amount of cold air in over the winter months. I picked up fan-fold insulation, the type they use on the exterior of your home underneath siding, and picked up several yards of a really nice teal fabric. I cut the insulation pieces to fit the wall, then hot glued the fabric around the backside. They look like fabric panels! I am hoping that this solves a lot of the chillies we get in that room, it may be another year or two before we can handle tearing the rest of the walls down to insulate & do them right.

    I’m nuts, aren’t I? LOL

    Anyhoo the room is about 3/4 of the way done now, and will stay this way until probably after Christmas. It is now, officially, a family room. Aaaah!

    I have so much other stuff to do! I have to get some paperwork done, pack & ship a few paintings, and make some website updates. I’m not sure if I’ll get to any of this tonight, at this point I’d just like to veg!

    I hope you had a great day, and I’ll see you bright and early on the webcam!


    (P.S. Did you vote today? And can you all see Miss Cam’s pic up there without a prob?)



    Just turned the cam off. Here’s Mo, he awaits his Mom’s blessing. 🙂


    psst…awww look at this..I have to have one!!!
    Half my heart is in Iraq magnet

    Miss Cam is ON


    My webcam is on, and I’ll be painting in a couple of minutes!

    (Sheesh, you’d think I already set my clocks back!)

    Foopy. Mark’s moving.


    Good morning!

    Mark is going to be moving, which is a good thing. The green zone isn’t much like a green zone anymore, ya know? So I’m glad he’s going to get out of that area. The bad part is that they’re going to be offline for a month or more until they’re set up.

    If you need his new mailing address, e-mail me.

    I am going to have hubby withdrawls!! I will do my best to paint right through them, but bear with me. I remember when he first got over there and all we had was the phone, and he couldn’t get to the phones but every week or two. I think I was ok for 3-4 days, then the WD’s kicked in.

    I woke up with a headache this morning. I’ve had ’em for 3 days now. What’s up with that?? Of course I’m out of Tylenol, and I am hesitating to take Aspirin because of my foot stuff, so I’m taking Caitlin’s junior strength Motrin. The headache is almost gone now (we were up 2 hours ago), so I’ll be getting ready to start painting shortly.

    I’ll be finishing up Mo’s portrait today, and layout my next painting, which will be two kitties, Scarlett and Sebastian. Cute names, eh? I’ll start painting them tomorrow. So hang around, I’ve got a lot of paintings to do and you’ll be the first to see them!!

    I’ll update again when I turn the cam on, I’m guessing it will be about 10am CST.

    See ya in a bit!

    Mo’s WIP #2


    I’m finished on cam for the night. Here’s his second WIP pic, *his* right ear, forehead, right eye, and muzzle are finished. I’ll be painting again tomorrow to finish him up. 🙂 Have a good night!

    Baby’s Finished!


    I did all my babbling earlier this morning, so I’ll just post her pic and scoot! :P~

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