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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Painting & Babbling (Again? No way!)


    This method of journalling sometimes really cracks me up. I love having this tool available to me to just quickly let everyone know what I’m up do since I did a miserable job of sending out notices to my mailing list group. I hate to intrude in others e-mail, so it makes ME feel better that everyone can come here at their leisure, and there’s no potential for “spam”!

    The other part of this that’s really interesting is just knowing you (being the reader) are out there, here, reading what I have to say right now. Do I know you? Does it bother me that I might not know you? Does it bother me that I DO know you, but you rarely comment? (Ahem! LOL) In all honesty, sometimes this stuff does bug me for like a fraction of a milisecond. The rest of the time it really doesn’t bother me. I mean if I’m going to have a blog, expect people to read it, eh? And if you think me interesting, fun, enjoy stalking me or are really just looking for your keys, it’s all good. Comment, don’t comment. I will reply if I can think of anything witty or intelligible to say, and I’ll keep rambling on, cause this is my little piece of the WWW, and not only did I pay for it, I learned how to use it. 😀

    (I never know when to stop with the commas or exclamation points, but grammar is another issue!)

    Alright that was my revealing moment of the day. LOL

    Now I have a question for ya! The last couple of days I’ve been listening to music that has really been reminding me of the good old days when I first became so enamored with my honey. I’m going to list the top three tearjerkers that have got me in the last couple of days, and would really like for you to tell me yours!! (I’m linking these to the samplers on’s music section!)

    1. Anita Baker – Giving you the best that I got
    2. Richard Marx – Right here waiting
    3. Jeffrey Osborne – On the wings of love (p.s. Daddy, Jayden wants you to talk like this.)
    4. Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram – Somewhere out there

    Ooops, that’s four. Math is another issue, too.

    PAINTING!! WHAT ABOUT THE PAINTING?I am painting today! I have the cam on ALREADY and will be starting REEEEALY early today! I’ll be working on Baby first. Wanna watch me paint? My webcam link is waaay up there to the left, Yahoo IM? My ID is “intricateartist”. Questions? Let me know!

    Phew! That was a mouthful! No, wait, that would be a handful? Or a fingerful. Which one? I should just put up another poll. LOL Hey! Speaking of which, you can vote again today! 😀


    Webcam is ON


    Just turned the cam on, I have a couple of things to finish up and I will start painting! 😀

    Painting today!


    I will be painting on webcam in a little while! Baby is dry so I am going to work on her today, and get back to Mo when her portrait is finished.

    Thanks, Mrs. P for the additional pics of Mo! They’re PERFECT! Mo is a therapy dog and in the pose reference photo he’s “in uniform”, wearing this cool cape sort of a uniform with his hospital badge. Since I couldn’t see the fur pattern on his shoulder, she sent me a few more of him on his day off. Yay! Thanks again!!!

    The lightswitch in the bathroom is still busted. Foo! Taking a shower is hard enough with a gimpy foot that can’t get wet, so let’s add darkness to the challenge! LOL The good news is that the SSG from Mark’s unit is going to stop over to fix it for me. THANK YOU! This is the first time I’ve asked for help from the Family Support Group, it’s unlike me to think “I CAN’T DO THIS!” You know? This switch is ancient, they don’t even make them anymore, so fixing it requires cutting a bigger hole in the wall. My approach to this type of situation would be to tear the whole room apart down to the studs since it needs to be redone anyway, and that’s just not an option right now. :P~

    Interesting stuff today, huh?

    I put a fun poll over there —-> Just for fun! You can vote daily even!

    Caitlin’s haircut turned out adorable! I think it’s the best cut I’ve ever given her, and she agrees! She was running late this morning (as usual) so I couldn’t get a pic of her before she left for school. I’ll snap a pic of her tonight and show ya what a cutie pie she is. 🙂

    Time for me to get movin’, I’ll update when I’m ready to paint (I’m guessing it will be around 10-10:30am CST) and you can check in on me on the webcam when you can!


    Mo – WIP #1


    Here he is, isn’t he a STUD! I have a lotta work yet to do, but I am happy that I got his base coat done. This will dry while I work on Baby tomorrow.

    So guess what happened while I was painting today?

    1. We ran out of TP.
    2. The light switch in the bathroom went kaput. (ha! Tie that in with the other and it was pretty funny if you think about it, and especially since it didn’t happen to you! LOL)
    3. We ran out of Paper towels.
    4. Caitlin reminded me that picture day is tomorrow. Guess who wants a haircut?
    5. Guess who wants a new outfit?


    Ok I better get busy! Gimp..gimp..gimp…

    Today’s Schedule…


    I am not sure yet what time I will begin painting, I have a few things that need attention this morning! I’ll update when I’ve got the webcam on to let you know!

    Happy Tuesday!

    Gus – the Scan


    Here’s Gus, the final scan. I didn’t make any further revisions, his Ma & Pa are happy and that’s that!

    What a wierd day, a friend of mine decided to give me a mindbender of a read about John Titor. If you haven’t heard of him, he (his name being an alias) is a time traveler who seemingly very innocently visited a public forum or two while he was (here) in the year 2000-2001, he is from 2036. Wild stuff, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it if you get a chance to read! Fact or Fiction?

    I woke up way too early today with way too much pain in my foot. The bruising has set in, and it’s creepy looking!! I actually began to think my foot was going to fall off. Then I failed miserably in the shower and got my bandages wet. Good grief, I’m going to get in trouble! My doc, sweet and smart and so very very thorough, has been very strict with me about helping her help me heal. And I’m a terrible patient, because I believe I know what’s best for me. :P~

    I did run (not literally) to Blockbuster lastnight and pick up “Day After Tomorrow”, what a great movie! (Mark? Did you see it? Want me to send it to you?) They also had “Girl With A Pearl Earring” on sale so I snagged it up too. I read the book, haven’t seen the movie yet. I’d like to sit down with some popcorn and Pearl later tonight.

    I’ll start painting my next piece tomorrow! I know Mo came in second with your pick, but I need to purr a little bit between woofs, know what I mean? So guess who I’ll paint next? 😉

    Hope you are all having a great day, it’s cold, raining, and eerily too much like fall turning to winter here! IEW!!! (Anyone with a rake, you are invited to my house as soon as possible. Bring friends, and have your friends bring their rakes, too.)


    Gus – Second WIP


    Gus is going to hang out and get some air tonight, and tomorrow may receive a little more tweaking, maybe not. I’ll get a scan of him and we’ll go from there! 🙂

    Here’s the digital pic of him (signed, as any further revisions will be minimal)…

    Painting Gus!


    I’m late, I’m late! For a very important date! ;D

    I just started the webcam, going to get the girls lunch and I’ll be painting!

    < -- cam link, and all that jazz.. need help? Ask me! I have it on "large image" (so right click on the cam image to zoom) Enjoy! Update 3:08PM CST : I’ve finished painting for a bit, I left the camera centered over the top of Gus for a while if you wanna have a look at him! 🙂

    Sunday Stuff


    Hi folks,

    Sorry I didn’t update yesterday, it was not a fun day! My sis left yesterday morning (pout), and I was feelin’ some discomfort so I spent a good part of the day with the leg up. Got a strong tummy? You can look at my owie without all the gauze, but be warned if you have a weak stomach!

    Click here for the gross stuff!

    Now I have a couple of cutsie pics too! Cocoa loves popcorn, so I made a bag and put her on the counter in front of a piece, and she was loving it..

    Within moments, though, she realized the bag was just a couple of inches away!

    Caption (from Dr. Doolittle) “Does my a$$ look big in this bag????”

    I will be painting Gus today, I’m guessing I’ll start up the cam around 11am CST, I have to figure out how to take a shower first. LOL

    See you soon!


    P.S. The benefits of bidding on my last custom pet portrait auction of the season – the top three non-winning bidders received second-chance offers at their max bid for a custom portrait of their own!

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