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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Bump Be Gone!


    See the bump closest to you, that’s my ankle. The next one, with the red pen markings, that’s GONE! YAY! And I had to show you my stylie footsie. I had a matching hat, too! LOL

    It went well, my doc is fabulous! Unfortunately, the regrowth was really abnormal. Last time it was under the muscle and didn’t invade the bone. This time she had expected to retract the muscles on the top to get to it, but when she opened up my foot it was right under the skin, had damaged those muscles it was sitting on and growing through…and was all the way down to the bone and had sqwished the nerves. She’s not optomistic about me getting the feeling back in my toes, but I can already feel them more than I could before the surgery. She showed it to me, it was the size of a large marble. She said they did cut into it and a honey-like fluid came out of it, that it was the size of a golf ball with the fluid in it. She said she got it all though, and I believe her! No, Taba, I didn’t take my camera in! 😛

    It was a nice nap, the anesthesiologist (sp) was super cool, I told him what I wanted and didn’t want and he was perfect. Everyone was great, and now I have this ski-boot type thing only it’s in the shape of a regular shoe. I’ve got my post-op on Tuesday and bandages off in 2 weeks.

    Thanks guys for your thoughts and prayers! Love you!!

    Gus – WIP #1


    Here’s the first work in progress pic of Gus…

    I’ll be having surgery tomorrow, so if I don’t work on him more tonight (which I may not since this really needs to dry before I start lightening his fur), I’ll work on him later tomorrow or Saturday. 🙂

    Have a great night!

    Gus wins!


    I’m going to start up the webcam in a couple of minutes and hope to start painting by 9:30am CST!

    I had hoped to start earlier this morning, but Muffin (we’re watching my in-laws pup) woke me up a few times lastnight and I couldn’t even crawl out of bed early enough to chat with my hubby. 🙁

    Then we ran out of milk. LOL

    Ok going to prep and start the cam! (Cam link over on the left…you know the drill, right? If you don’t, just holler, I’ll check in!)

    Teenie Brushes!


    In case you were wondering, hold up a dime to your screen on top of my dime here. These brushes are actual size and some of my favorites!!

    Ya can’t paint hair (fur) without a hairbrush (furbrush), right?

    Yeah, I love those little details. 😉

    Pick my next painting!


    Ok guys! You get to pick my next painting! 😀

    Choice #1: Gus

    Choice #2: Baby

    Choice #3: Mo

    Leave your comment here, anonymous if you wish, I’ll be painting one of these on webcam beginning tomorrow!

    An hour to go.


    All in all, I really enjoyed the positive response from Mark’s Portrait listing. I still can’t help but sit here and literally shake my head at the thickness of the people who took the time to write negative comments though! Even after adding big bold text at the very top of my auction to clarify the purpose of the listing for those who did not “get it”, they still don’t “get it”!

    The funniest one, someone wrote to ANOTHER artist to tell her that she must have been experiencing double-vision when she listed my auction. ROFL – This, from someone so many clicks away from where he started I have to wonder if he even found his way back. :O

    Some folks are really, really strange. What a wild way to find that out! LOL

    For Mark: Sorry honey, you know I love you with every ounce of my being; I am SO ready for this listing to end, let those negative folks find something else to hate for a while! ;P~

    Head’s up! Custom Pet Portrait Auction


    With the holidays coming up and a growing list of commissions as well as a couple of scheduled surgeries, my current penny/no-reserve custom pet portrait auction will be the last one of the year. I want to be sure that I will be able to get everyone’s commissions done before Christmas.

    Just wanted to give you guys a couple of days notice before the auction ends, it is still low, less than my 8×10 Christmas Special pricing! Happy Bidding!

    Tuesday already?


    Another warm & fuzzy about my hubby, he checks up on us every chance he gets. He knows how my auctions are doing, what I’ve written in my blog and if I’m painting live within 5 minutes of logging on. (If the connection is good, that is!) Awwwww.

    I know I’m supposed to be upset/offended at the “awful awful mean person” whose intent was to make fun of Mark’s portrait, but you know I ended up having a bit of a chuckle. Whoever “added my link” obviously didn’t understand the intent, and of the thousand or more folks who viewed it yesterday I bet 90% of them understood it just fine. I did add a little text though, for those who actually thought I had the paintingat a million bucks, hopefully that will clear things up for a few folks.

    Tomorrow is my pre-op appointment for my foot surgery on Friday. Yes I’m a little nervous about it, it’s not easy for me to be off my feet for any period of time! Last time I had this surgery I was off my foot for about 1/2 hour. Got up and drove myself back to work. LOL

    I’m grateful that my job is one where I can prop my leg up if I need to. 😉

    Today I’m either going to start working on the layout of one of my custom pet portraits, or start painting another. I’ll sketch two that don’t require layout first, and try to get the layout of the other figured out, but if there’s a delay on that one I’ll go ahead and start painting one of the first ones! Yes that’s a little confusing. There are actually 4 paintings, which I’m guessing will go in the order of (1)Dog (2)Cats (3)Dog (4)Cat. Then I’ll be working on a huge one that I am realllly excited about, (2)Cats and their Mom! That will be my first person/pet combo portrait and it’s a big one. Fun fun paintings ahead!!! 😀

    r />Ok off to “work” (hehe! work! I love my job)…



    Found where Mark’s portrait is linked:

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