Please visit my new, improved website!

>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Getting ready to paint!


    The cam is on, I will start in just a few minutes!

    < --Webcam link over there

    Some info about the cam link: If my cam image does not appear, you may have a firewall up. You will need to disable your firewall, many of them see cam’s as “naughty”, and block all of them automatically. Mine is rated PG. 😉

    If your image is teenie, right click on it and you will have option to zoom. This will trigger Yahoo to pick up the full capture area.

    If it is just being a pain, you can download/install/open your Yahoo Instant Messenger. (My ID is ‘intricateartist’). Once you open it, you will have to add me as a friend. I have tried to disable the approve dialogue but can’t, so you may have to wait a few minutes for me to add you back. Once you see my ID on your list, there will be a link next to my ID that says “watch me paint!” Click on that, and the cam will open in a nice little window! 🙂

    Ok I’m going to prep! See you live!

    First Frost


    Mark is so excited to see the first frost of the season this morning. I, however, am not. LOL! I will have to rake, shovel, and freeze in general for the next several months until his final return. Bah!

    Looks like a mountain or something, huh? It’s a creeping charlie leaf in our backyard. About the size of a clover leaf. I love my camera. 😀

    Changed the blog again, I just removed the interior scrollbars. Better?

    I will begin painting on cam in about an hour (10AM CST), and will update again when I start! 🙂

    Painting Mark on Cam


    I’ve started up the cam if you want to watch me paint Mark’s portrait. My plan is to finish it tonight to list tomorrow.

    < ----Webcam link is over to the left now, make sure if you're only seeing a small portion of it that you right click on the cam image and enlarge the view. If that doesn't work, let me know! :) Also, Yahoo IM users can add me, ‘intricateartist’, it may take a few minutes for me to add you back, please be patient! Once you’re added, you will have access any time without having to go thru that silly approval thing! xoxoxoo 8:10PM CST Here’s his progress for the night. I’ll finish the lettering on his jacket and his face in the morning.



    Ssh don’t tell anyone else, but I changed my blog again. hehe!

    I hope this is easier for you guys, I received some feedback that scrolling the outside frame to get further down on the inside frame was frustrating – and I have to admit I was frustrated too! So voila, shrunk it down, now hopefully you will not be having to do that! 🙂 Ok ok I’m going to go paint now!

    P.S. That’s another zoo pic from yesterday’s trip. They were talking to eachother!

    Mount St. Helen


    Here’s a webcam link to keep an eye on Mount St. Helen. I really hope that folks are moving away from the potential danger there, the last eruption left ash and gook in a 100 mile radius from what I’ve read.

    We went to the zoo today, I have some fabulous pics, for now I just want to share one very fun one. Hope it makes you giggle!

    This guy came right up and pressed his face into the plexiglass at me! 😀

    Have a great night!

    Ebay listings coming soon!!


    I just wanted to pop back in and let you guys know what my plans are for the next few days artwise!

    I varnished my tribute to Vermeer (Girl with a Pearl Earring) painting today. Tomorrow I will scan her again and get her ready to list on eBay.

    I am also going to finish up Mark’s portrait (tonight or tomorrow), allow that a day to dry, varnish and ATTEMPT to scan it if that’s even possible, it’s a huge piece! I WILL be listing his portrait on eBay as well, and you will understand why once you see the auction.

    I am hoping to have both listings up by Monday night/Tuesday morning and will keep you posted of course!

    We have a few other things going on Monday thru Wednesday so I am really pushing to get these things finished up before our schedule gets busy.

    Once hubby is on his way back to you-know-where, I will begin 2 more commissioned pieces and those will both be viewable on cam! Stay tuned!!

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!

    Silly Family Photo Day


    Gotta love that ten-second timer!!!

    Happy Friday!!!


    What a great week this has been!!!

    No pics for you at the moment, sorry. It’s too early and I know nobody wants to see me in my new fancy Victory North Iraq baseball cap. 😉

    I made a “teenie” revision to my blog layout, could you tell? You likey the new style? I just love letting my brain get lost in html code, hehe. I’m really getting the hang of this CSS-thang too, so once I revamp the blog a few more times I’ll be able to dig into the site layout (again, lol) and get it the way I really want it! Chant with me… “PHP! PHP! PHP!” (Erikie you know what I’m talking about!)

    I am going to work on my order info page today. I swear. Really I am. I will link you when I’m finished, so no peeking! I’m going to have a very cool surprise for everyone too, just in time for Christmas portrait orders! (Was that enough of a hint?)

    Ok enough of the procrastinating, I’ve gotta get on the ball!


    p.s. I’m still procrastinating, but we’ve been productive! Here’s a piccy for you!!! 😀

    Thursday Eye Candy


    Mark spoke to Caitlin’s classroom this afternoon. The kids are so curious!

    I have been painting today, too. 😉

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