Please visit my new, improved website!

>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • LiveJournal Syndication!


    I hope that worked! Thanks, Erikie!

    I think my Livejournal syndication can be found here:

    So for anyone still on LJ, you can add me there. The top of the entry will have the link to the post, and since most of my entries here have pics, you might wanna stop over here and see them. Also, if you want to post a reply, you might want to do that here, as I may not see the comments over there. I will try to get in there and check, but there’s no way for me to set it up to receive comments via e-mail. SoooOOO that being said, you still gotta come over here! LOL


    Pearl Earring : Painting on Cam!


    Hey! I am going to be starting up my cam here in a couple minutes, and will be back & forth painting all afternoon! 😀

    Wanna watch? Click the cam link over there —————->
    OR, if you have Yahoo IM, you can add me, ‘intricateartist’, and see an even larger cam image than the one on that page. Once you add me, just click on my “watch me paint!” next to my ID and the cam window will pop up!

    I will post a progress pic later on, after I finish painting for the day.

    5:27 PM: The underpainting is finished, still SO MUCH work to do on her but I love how she’s coming along!! I’ll leave my cam on it for a while so you can see it there, I will get a digital pic after dinner, we’re HUNNNNNGRY!

    Here are the digital pics:

    No updates today :(


    Sorry, I wanted to paint today but it was not dry enough for me to start working on her skintones! Bummmmerrrrrrrrr.

    I did get my hair done again today, it grew 3/4″ in about 2-3 weeks! That’s the only bad thing about having a short hairstyle, it requires more frequent maintenance.

    Played with the girls this afternoon, we played pool online for a while, then downloaded Slingo from yahoo and Jay was kickin some Slingo-butt! We dressed snowmen and played a couple other pre-k type games, then the girls disappeared for a few minutes and when I went to see what they were up to they were cozy on the couch under blankets a half hour before bedtime. Awwww.

    My custom pet portrait auction ended this afternoon, and I’ll be painting a kitty for my lucky winner! >^..^< Meow! I will update again tomorrow, it should be dry enough for me to finish up the underpainting. Nitey-nite!

    Pearl Earring WIP1


    Work in progress shot #1 after an evening of painting (2 hours or so)…
    this is 16×20 by the way! Also, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Vermeer or this painting, here’s a link where you can see the original. 🙂

    Caitlin & Mom Collaboration


    Caitlin wanted to paint today, and I got her working in soft pastels. She worked a lot on this portrait of Daddy, and I helped her refine some areas and showed her how to blend. Not bad for an 8 year old, eh?

    I gave Chloe a bath today too. She smells so purdyful! 🙂

    I have prepped my next painting, and might maybe possibly paint on webcam tomorrow! I will be painting a tribute to Vermeer, his masterpiece “Girl With A Pearl Earring”. I had sketched a version of it (from the book cover) on a flight down to Louisiana, some of you may remember this sketch.

    That’s about it for today, I am off to raid the freezer for chocolates (daggone it!) and watch some really educational and informative public broadcasting. heh. :P~

    Lala Land Vacation Photos ;)


    Hey! Long time no see!

    Well I had a nice couple of days “off”, ha! I’ll try to catch you up on everything.

    1. I’ve discovered that there is no handbook on “how to do everything perfectly when your husband is off at war”. I searched everywhere! Bummer. I’m still wingin’ it.

    2. Jayden had TONS of fun at school, she really likes it! See?

    3. I’m trying to plan a new more sophisticated and browser friendly layout for my galleries. So far I came up with this, and you would click on the teenie tiny image and the large one would come up in that big blank space there. The menu on the left includes everything this time, it’s all broken down. You like?

    4. I got a package in the mail yesterday from Artbyus, which included a few of the postcards that are being sent out to thousands of folks around the world! See anything familiar?

    5. I have a lump on my foot, it’s a ganglion cyst, and I’ve lost about 90% of the feeling in my toes because it’s pressing down on my nerves and may have caused permanent damage. 🙁 Part of Lala land was a trip to see a very sweet podiatrist who has me scheduled for surgery on October 15th.

    6. I have a couple of other lumps (hehe!) that are also going to be removed. I’m just going to leave it at that. :X

    7. Jayden’s 3rd Birthday is September 21st. Guess what her birthday present is? C’mon…guess….

    nope. that’s not it.


    now guess who is going on vacation again very soon? heheheeeee…..

    Of course if you’re in the area you are all invited to stop over and have a piece of cake, some ice cream, and hear war stories for the day! (We’ll have chips and beverages and stuff too, of course!)

    I think that’s everything, yea? Dang I hope so. That’s enough for 2 days worth of vacationing isn’t it? Good golly!

    The convention last night was PROFOUND wasn’t it?! I was bawling. But if you watched it toward the end there when GW was all teary eyed, you should have seen me. God Bless the creators of extra soft Kleenex with Aloe.

    Have a great one, my prayers are with everyone in the path of Frances!!

    LaLa Land


    Hey gang, I am going to take a couple days of “vacation” and go to lala land, ok? I’ll take pictures and bring home souvenirs. Want anything special? ;P


    Busy Day Ahead!


    Good morning!

    It’s going to be a busy day today. Caitlin leaves for school in a bit, then I’ll be getting Jay ready for her first day in Pre-K! She is so excited, and has to wear a necklace she said. LOL

    I have an appointment this morning while she’s at school, and will also be swinging by the post office to drop off the paintings I wanted to ship yesterday (the Coon wasn’t dry yet). I got up at 6AM to get all of the packages put together.

    Today is also “pay the bills” day, iew! Sitting down at the table with the big giant calculator, you know how that goes? Blaaahhhh I’m glad that only happens 2 days a month. hehe! Oh how I wish my brain was a calculator some days. I suppose I should take some Advil an hour before I do that, huh?

    I also have some website updates to do today, to my site as well as another one. I have so many things to add to my galleries!

    I think that about covers what I’ll be up to today, how about you?

    Have a great day, I will leave you with the scan of the Coon painting as your eye candy today! See ya later!

    Coon’s Done!


    Hey I just finished! I repositioned the cam over him so it’s still on, but here’s a digital pic I just took. 😀

    Now he’ll dry overnight, and I’ll prep and ship 4 paintings tomorrow…weeee!

    Have a great afternoon!

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