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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • A little more painting!


    I’ll be painting for a smidge more tonight, only for about another half hour. Sooo if you happen to be on, you can watch me work on Sandy’s nose! 🙂

    Painting on the Cam


    Hey! That was a fun painting session! I got pretty far this afternoon, have to stop now, we have a “back to school night” in just a little while. I will leave the cam on for a while, it will start getting dark in there in a bit and I’ll shut it down for the night unless I can get back there to paint more!

    He’s a pretty dog, I’m sure you might be thinking “huh?!” but trust me, he will come to life right before your eyes!

    Have a good night!

    Watch me paint!


    Erikie talked me into it… you can now watch me paint on my webcam!

    If you look over to the right, you see Mark’s photo, and links to my auctions. Under my auction links I have added a link to view my cam. Click on that, and the page will open with a small window where you can watch me paint! Please let me know if the image quality is wierd for you, I am sure I will be working out a few bugs as I go.

    I will not have the cam on all the time of course, so you will have to check back and I will let you know when I’ll have it on for public viewing. It is on right now, and I will start painting shortly!


    Grampa’s Dahlia


    It’s rainy today, so here’s a lil sunshine for you! We stopped by Grampa’s house a couple of weeks ago to drop off some of my excess Irises, and I saw this beauty & had to get a pic of it! You can click the flower to see a closeup of it. It looks like a pretty sunset, doesn’t it?

    I will post again later, a progress shot of the pup I’m painting. 🙂

    P.S. The MCFA letters were just sent out yesterday! So…today or tomorrow I should find out if I’ve been juried in!

    Asia’s Scan!


    Ahh much better. 🙂

    Asia’s Portrait


    He’s finished! I’ve been working on him on and off for a few days now, today was “finish Asia’s portrait” day!

    I will be working on a dog portrait next, his name is Sandy. This one is my custom pet portrait auction winner! He’s a sweetie pie too, of course!

    Our baby Cardinal is back, mama was watching overhead as I took some photos this afternoon. I got a couple of really great pics, I think this lil guy wants me to paint him (her?)! So I will just have to do that!

    I am hoping to hear from MidCoast Fine Arts tomorrow, the application said that letters would be mailed out on the 20th. I thought for sure they’d be in yesterday’s mail, but nope!

    I am also very excited that my beloved Anniversary Rose oil painting has a new home. What a phenomenal journey the past week communicating with my client about this piece, I will have to share the whole story soon! (It’s a long one!) I could not have hand picked a better owner for this painting, and I wish I could deliver it in person! It’s one of those things that was meant to be. You’ll know what I mean when I have a chance to sit down and write it all out! 🙂

    I hope you all had a great weekend!

    New Painting – Kitty Commission


    I’m working on another kitty, this one is a commission. He’s a Siamese sweetiepie. My intent is to leave the background very loose like this and paint Asia realistically, I think he’ll really pop off the canvas this way! 🙂

    I was up at 6:30 this morning, just had to paint. It was nice and quiet, the girls were still sleeping. Just me, my coffee, and my paint! 🙂

    Jayden is feeling TONS better today. Her fever broke yesterday afternoon, I think she had a fever for a whopping 5 hours total. Any of you with kids, Tylenol Plus is the way to go. I gave her Tylenol Plus Cough & Cold yesterday morning, then Tylenol Plus Sinus at noon, and Motrin Cold in the afternoon and her cold is pretty well wiped out. Phew!

    I have to share my new plants with you, too! Miss Erikie sent these lovelies to me and now they are living happily in my sunny studio! Thank you Erikie! I hope the Jasmine likes its new bird cage, I found that yesterday at the grocery store. The other…starts with a B…Erikie…argggg my poor memory and these foreign sounding plant names! What is it again?!?! LOL

    We’re just hanging out today (you know, like every other day! LOL) I will paint more, do s’more webdesign stuff later today, and also I need to get THREE paintings’ documents ready & packed, all three of my latest kitties are going to their new home tomorrow! 😀

    Have a nice, relaxing Sunday everybody!


    Red Tailed Hawk COMPLETED!

    I just finished! My wrist is KILLIN me, going to run to the store & pick up a few things, one of them a wrist support.

    This is a pretty accurate pic on my monitor. I’ll let it dry tonight & scan it for auction in the morning. Put your food away, I don’t want him spotting it and gettin’ all hungry. Especially since I sharpened his talons so well! 😉

    Have a great afternoon & evening!


    Hawk 2nd WIP Shot


    Still working on this fella!

    and this next one…well this one is for P. Yes, this is my cookie jar, on my messy kitchen counter. We’ve had it for a couple of years now. Look familiar? 😉

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