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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Mark’s Birthday Present :)


    I wanted to get these up here so you can see what Mark got for his B-day! He’s already received and unwrapped his present, so now I’m not spoiling the surprise… lol

    We made life-sized posters of the girls for him, so he can see exactly how big they are! Caitlin colored most of herself in, and I colored in Jay. Aren’t they cool? 😀

    Hey now! Check this out!!! Cowpainters Custom Painted Fiberglass Animals Page! See anything familiar? Neato frito!

    Now I’m off to paint ALLLLLL DAYYYY!!! Hope you have a good one!

    Calling all Prayer Warriors….


    For all of my readers, warriors, thumpers, groups…everyone who thinks about prayer but maybe never has before. As many of you know, things are heating back up over in Iraq.

    If you would, for those of you that will, please take a moment (or two or three!) to pray for our guys over there, they are needing God’s hand to guide them, protect them and give them strength and endurance through this one.

    On behalf of all of our Soldiers, and all of their families, thank you for thinking of them and holding them up through prayer.


    p.s. That is a Demdaco Willow Tree Angel, the Angel of Miracles.

    Custom Pet Portrait Auction!


    I’m nuts! Ok, here’s what I’ve done…

    I’ve just listed a Custom Pet/Animal Portrait Auction on eBay. I started the auction at ONE PENNY, no reserve, the highest bidder wins a custom portrait of their pet or favorite animal! So there you have it! Click the collage below to view the auction & bid if you like! 🙂

    New Blog Layout!


    I redesigned the template this afternoon, and honestly I am not sure what happened to the comment feature! LOL It’s just changed, the new one is over there on the right on the bottom, see?

    Hopefully I can fix whatever bugs there might be with the old comment function. Now, those of you who couldn’t get the old one to work should be able to use this one ok, yea? I hope? (crossin’ my fingers!)


    Hawk WIP


    Here’s a sneaky peek of him..remember he’s a work in progress! This is only a teenie portion of the painting. 🙂

    Edit: Also, two of my florals are now available on Artbyus. You can click here to view my listings.

    (Erikie, happy now? LOL)

    Red Tailed Hawk


    Hey everybody!

    I started another painting yesterday, it’s a gorgeous Red Tailed Hawk that resides at our local zoo. Quite a handsome pose! I’ll post a work in progress shot later today after I get a little further along.

    We had to run some errands yesterday, sent 5 packages out to Mark, one package of live plants to Erikie (I split my irises and had mucho leftover!), and we ended up at the Humane Society Animal Shelter. I wish we could have kitties!! Waaa!! I had my camera (of course) and took several photos. 🙂

    It’s been getting chilly here in the mornings and evenings, sure sign that fall is coming. foo! I don’t wanna be cold!

    Going to paint…have a good day!

    Blue Eyes…Scanned & Listed!

    Click on him to see the fabulous detail images in his auction

    Blue Eyes (8×10 Oil Gallerywrap!)


    Here are the “can’t wait until it’s dry to get a scan” photos… LOL

    You like? I’ll do “all that jazz” tomorrow.
    Pres. GW is going to be in town and I think we’re gonna go say hey to him, shake his hand, get some pics, yanno, Pres. type stuff. We saw his dad out at Camp Pendleton years ago, when Mark was over there the first time.
    Have a good evening!

    Blue Eyes


    I’ve never seen a black cat with blue eyes….

    so I decided to paint one.

    Will finish him up tomorrow.

    {Latest Projects}