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  • Sniffles for Vasko


    Michael Frรคse, someone whom I consider my Artful Guardian Angel, just listed this painting – a tribute to a Police Dog named Vasko.

    Have a look at his painting, grab a tissue (or two or three), and read through the auction text.

    Tribute To Vasko

    God Bless Vasko and every other K9 Police & Rescue dog. What amazing creatures they are.

    Tortie is done!


    I just finished Tortie and listed him too. This is a digital pic, of course I can’t wait for the painting to dry to scan it on the flatbed! I will replace the auction images once I get the scan, but this is accurate to color (just not to all the detail I like to show!!)

    Click the pic to see the auction:

    Scan of Logan


    Here’s a better pic of him, and he’s linked to his auction, where you can see a nice detail scan of his eyes. ๐Ÿ™‚

    meow… >^..^< …meow

    Someone who reads my blog will probably find this cutie pie to be a familiar face! One of my wonderful clients and friends has a slew (slew is an accurate term, isn’t it P?) of kitties. She shares the sweetest moments that she captures of her babies with me. This is Logan, sneaky kitty, thinks that basket is all his. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    This one should be dry some time tomorrow so I can scan him, for now an evening digital is just going to have to do! (by the way, he’s 8×8 in oil)

    I will leave you with a teenie tiny sneak peek at the other gorgeous feline I’m painting. I actually have had them side by side and have been painting on each of them today, but once I got to Logan’s basket I decided to just concentrate on getting him done first. hehe!

    His eye is done; he’s a tortoiseshell kitty (10×8 oil)

    Here ya go…. (updated with another late night work in progress shot!)

    Have a great evening, all!


    Mark’s Birthday

    Mark’s b-day is coming up in a couple of weeks, so of course we need to get his package out today so that he (hopefully) gets it on time!

    Here’s his box:

    Since Mark will be reading this, I’m not going to post the contents of the box, but I linked the photo to my e-mail, so if ya wanna see the super cool present we made for him (it’s very artsy!), drop me an e-mail and I’ll send you pics!  ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m going to paint today, I have two kitties on my easel, one is a little black kitty in a basket, and the other is a tortie!  ๐Ÿ™‚
    Show ya later!

    Anniversary Rose Painting


    It’s complete!  Remember that nice photo I took from the anniversary bouquet that Mark sent?  Yep, the painting is done.  I love it, it turned out so beautiful I had to close my eyes and type out the listing!  Here it is, available on eBay. 

    Thank you for the beauty-full flowers, Mark!   :)*

    Ebay Listings…


    Yep folks, I gave in to eBay’s one day listing fee sale.  I will be changing over to Artbyus for future listings, but for today I went ahead and listed everything I’ve got!   That includes my Peach Rosebud, First Prize Macro, and my Buckeye Wing that I’ve hung onto from last summer.  All of my prints are up, too!  Here are all of my listings….

    Going to go paint!  Have a great day!

    Emotional Painting


    Yesterday was a pretty emotional day for me.  The last few days have been a little rougher than I am used to, but yesterday was something different.  I paced, I tried to lie down, tried to redecorate, nothing worked.

    Finally, at about 6PM, I went straight out to my studio and opened up my tubes of paint.  I felt relaxed, finally not thinking about everything on my mind, in my own zone.  I still have to go back to my zone for a bit more to finish, but here’s the result of my loose & free painting episode.  I don’t know if I will ever be able to not paint realistically, but this is probably the farthest I’ve gone impressionistically.  (Erikie?  Do you agree?)   It’s a good size, 12 x16, and I even painted it around to the sides.


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