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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Here I am!


    Wanted to get a pic of me after my marathon, and since two of these (Honey and the Stargazer) shipped this morning I had to get it done early! So sorry for the scruffy dew-rag look but hey, it keeps my hair out of the paint. 😉

    Blog probs?


    Anyone else having troubles seeing the info and scroll columns to the right of the text here? Please let me know!

    I wanted to share some of the pics from my new camera..these are amazing! Yes, I will be painting a few of them, and Erikie will be, too!

    These are big files, if you want to see the detail of the shots you’ll need to let them load. 🙂

    Double Delight
    Double Delight II
    Caitlin Closeup
    Pinkie II
    Sweet Sleeper
    Squirrely eating Breakfast

    The squirrely shot is a smidge blurry viewed large. Still figuring out the zoom on this.

    Going to be sketching on Toronto Swampy today, we’ll be heading down to a local swamp/marsh for photos, too!

    Toronto Frog!


    Yep, the frog has arrived! I started working on him at around 11:00 AM and finished around 7 after a run for more paint. Over to your right, underneath that handsome fella I like to refer to as “my hubby”, you’ll see a blank frog. If you click that link, you will go to my “Toronto Swampy” Frog Log where you can see what I’ve accomplished today!

    EDIT: I’ll also put the Frog Log Link RIGHT HEREe that last fixer-upper of the frog pic/link didn’t work again! 😀

    I can’t remember what else I was going to tell you. LOL!

    The new camera is SWEEEET!! I will put some STUNNING-knock-your-eyeballs-out-of-their-sockets pics up as soon as I can!!




    Just completed Simba, Rocky’s roomie and pal.

    The frog arrived, got him unpacked and set up to start, I need to go hang sheeting around him under the carport so he’s protected from the elements while I begin to spray the first coat of enamel (it’s an adhesion promoter). By the way, Mom helped me clean out the garage yesterday so I could park Mark’s truck in there. I think this is the first time we’ve ever parked a vehicle in the garage! LOL! Yahoo! Thanks Mom!!! xoxo!

    My new digital camera arrived too, have the battery on the charger already so as soon as that’s charged I’ll take pics of the blank froggie and get a page up for him so you can see his progress!

    Here’s Simba… also 10×10 in oils…

    Rocky :D


    I’m going to be working on Simba this evening, will probably post him tomorrow. I sent Rocky off to Mama too so she can have a looksee (and just in case you’re wondering, all of the P’s said it’s cool for you all to see their babies portraits!)

    Also wanted to say a quick THANK YOU! to all my “new” friends and commenters! You guys are all so sweet! I am going to save replying & e-mail stuff for morning, it seems to be the best time for me to dig in on that before treadmilling. 😉

    So ok, here we go. He’s a 10×10 Oil Painting (caution: wet paint!)

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed your pit-stops here to see some pretty eye-candies!


    Completed Dom!


    Here he is! He is SO beautiful!! This is 12×16 in Oils. (by the way Honey the Yorkie is an india ink painting)

    Well Dom, how do you like your portrait? If you wouldn’t mind asking your mom what she thinks too, that’d be swell! 😉

    Saturday Painting Plan!


    Before painting commences, I wanted to share these lovelies with you:

    Double Delight Blooms
    New Orange Gerber Daisy
    Mama & Youngin’ having breakfast
    Jay with her hair down

    Ah yes, the last one is not a flower. 😉

    My new digital camera is scheduled to arrive on Monday, so I’ll be getting MUCH better macro shots of my flowers in just a couple of days! Yahoo!!

    Going to work on Dom now.. my Mom is enroute – believe it or not!!! She’ll be here helping me out for the weekend. I just love it when family offers a hand when you’re buried up to your eyeballs. There was a huge sigh of relief on my part, since there is SO much to do to finish up these paintings and prepare for a weeklong adventure in Enamel Froggieland. No easy task when you have two little ones hanging around and a household to maintain. Don’t get me wrong, they are SUPER and SO understanding about my painting schedule, but the Frog will be under the carport, so they will be outside with me all week. Next weekend the girls will be going to stay with Gramma & Grampa W. so I can put all the final touches on Toronto and get him ready to go.

    Off to paint!

    Have a great weekend all, don’t forget to stop back & see my finished paintings!

    Hiya Honey!


    I’m such an overachiever. 😉

    I thought I could finish 4 paintings today?! What was I thinkin’? I spent all day on this sweetiepie. I’ll be painting all weekend, and then Toronto Frog arrives Monday and I have to have him finished by next Saturday. So, what I don’t get finished this weekend has to wait until after the 28th.

    There’s still a possibility of some modifications on her, I will know after the weekend. Here she is!

    Where did today go?


    Has anyone seen today? I missed it. 🙁

    The morning flew by with my morning 2 mile walk, some urgent Toronto Frog business, talking to Mark, getting disconnected, reconnecting, getting disconnected (getting the picture?), then ordering Toronto Frog supplies, running errands, home, lunch, more Toronto Frog business, cleaning out the pool, letting the girls enjoy it for almost 2 hours, dinner, PAINTING, bedtime, more of the Mark DNR (I’m hoping you’ve figured out my acronym so I don’t have to retype all of that), and now here I am.

    Phew! I tried to reply to all my email today but I don’t think I’m going to finish. So for everyone waiting on me, I will reply soon! Tomorrow I will be painting ALL DAY LONG. Until the last brushstroke on all of these loverlies has been applied.

    For now, here are Honey’s sweet eyes. 🙂

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