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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • More painting today!


    Here’s the progress on Honey. I am scooting off to the studio now!!!

    Painting late into the night…


    I painted late lastnight and finished blocking in the colors for Rocky & Simba. There’s still a lot of refinement to do, the paint has to dry for a day or two before I can start the next layer. 🙂

    Now today I’ll start working on Honey (sweet lil Yorkie), and if time permits I will work a little more on Dom’s portrait.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!!!

    Another one begun!


    This is Honey, she’s a Yorkie. In case you’re wondering why the background isn’t already painted, it’s because she’ll be painted in india inks and those are applied in layers all in the same session. So I’ll actually be erasing as much of this sketch as possible, leaving just a very faint line to work from.

    I did also paint on Rocky & Simba’s portraits today, but I want to get a little further along before I post another progress pic. I will probably do that later tonight or tomorrow! UPDATE: this is my favorite part, seeing the eyes come alive on the painting! They’re not done yet, but I just love this part so I had to share. 😀

    Back to the easel I go!

    Dom’s Work In Progress shot #2 & #3


    Progress on Dom: He’s sketched onto the canvas now and I’ll start painting him either this afternoon or tomorrow morning! Isn’t he a stud??? (Yes this is the pet portrait contest winner!) UPDATE ON DOM 5:42PM CST: Dom has been blocked in with base colors now, he’ll dry for a day or two and then I can move on to the next layer. 🙂

    Cat portrait progress: still sketched, I think I’m going to go ahead and work on them in a little bit.

    Toronto frog progress: sent the downpayment for the frog fabrication today, they will probably start fabricating on Wednesday or Thursday of this week and it should arrive end of next week! 😀

    I spent the morning cleaning up and doing some paperwork, sent Squirrely III off to his new home, ordered contacts, all kinds of fun stuff! The girls have been playing and making tissue paper flowers all afternoon, I’ll have to put them in a vase and get pics for you guys!

    Happy Monday everyone!

    Stargazer Painting Listed!


    Click here to see the Stargazer listing on eBay, detail shots galore!

    Dom’s WIP


    I’ve also started my pet portrait contest winner’s portrait today! This is a gorgeous setting for a purebred Smooth Fox Terrier. He’s mostly white, but has some beautiful rich browns on his head and a couple of other areas. I used a transparent gold ochre for the background, layering some areas a bit heavier than others for this rich finish. I was actually going for something else when this started yelling “Yea! Perfect!” as I was painting. Yes, Winsor & Newton Pro Oil’s do speak if you listen closely. 😉

    Had enough of me today yet? I’ll give you a few hours to catch up while we run errands. hehe!

    Rocky & Simba WIP


    Here are the two cat portraits I’m working on now. I hope to have these finished by Monday! The kitty on the left is Rocky, and Simba is on the right. I’ve got them sketched out with an angled ground which will probably be woodgrain.

    In other news, I got some better pics of the Stargazer this morning and will prepare that auction and start it tonight. I’ll put a linkie up to the auction when it’s ready!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

    oh, yea, PS!
    I just calculated INCHES on my weight loss. Those commercials are misleading to me when they say “so and so lost xx inches!” ok so now I know they’re adding up the total. hehe! So far I’ve lost a total of 23 inches. 5-Bust, 8-Waist, 6-Hips and 2-Each Thigh. 😀

    Dedicated to my Hubby


    This one is for you, Mark. Thank you. I love you.

    Better pics tomorrow, need some daylight! I’ll list it tomorrow too, unless of course anyone wants to make me an offer on it before it goes up for sale to the public.

    Stargazer Lily 12×12 – 1 1/2″ Gallerywrap canvas in OILS

    a lil addition for the day…


    Here’s a WIP shot of what I’m working on. 🙂
    Clickie to see what I’m painting!

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