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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • No Announcement yet!


    Sorry guys, I didn’t hear back about it today so I can’t tell you yet!

    I spent the day outdoors shoveling, my legs look like I’ve been in a car wreck. Daggone shovel. Bruises from my thigh all the way down to my ankle now! But the good news is, the pool is filling as I type. YAY for summer swim fun!

    Mark gets to see Ted Nugent and Toby Keith tonight (Saturday his time). Have fun at the concert & meet/greet! Take your camera!

    Wishing you all a great weekend…

    Pretty Flowers!!!


    This is one of my new roses, called “First Prize”, they are swirled pink.

    We have been planting and weeding and pruning up a storm here! I have LOT’S of pics for you today!!

    Yesterday was front yard day. First I cleaned out the gutters, which were horrendous to say the least. Blech! Then I weeded my mums and silver mound, then moved over to my Front Floral thingie and now it’s all spiffed up. First I added a Mandevilla Trellis, which has the most beautiful blooms, they remind me of Hibiscus. We already had a good assortment, the back row against the house you can see day lilies, stargazers right in front of the window, a couple of very tall guys that I believe are coneflowers (can’t remember exactly! LOL), there are a few hostas scattered in front of those, and the big bunch in the front are Primrose that Caitlin picked out last year that have spread like crazy! We needed more color, so yesterday we added some Begonias, and then today a couple of more… first, a couple of Zinnia’s, one is a dark pink the other is light pink. Also planted some Peach Geraniums which are really pretty! We have some Moss Rose that appear to be returning this year, which is the sortof bare looking spot in the front corner. 🙂

    On to the side of the house… yes I have been a busy and hopeful green thumber! We had 5 different roses there before, but all but one stopped blooming a few years ago. So I talked to Mark early this morning, he suggested taking those out and replanting new roses. So here you go, honey! Lots and lots of buds on these!! Four new ones, and one oldie! There was a ton to do here, weeds had overgrown all of it, it looked very very yicky. Now, from right to left we have First Prize Roses, which are swirled pink. The large bloom was broken so I clipped it and now it’s sitting right next to me smelling lovely! Next, there’s Remember Me, no tag, but I looked them up and they are a peachy yellow blushing a coral color. Really pretty! There are about 10 buds on that one. Then there are Helmut Schmidt, which are yellow. The next one is the one that has survived since before we lived here, Dark Peach, we always get quite a few blooms on this one throughout the summer. Last but not least (and hopefully not dying!!!), Double Delights, these are cream blushing red.

    I also picked up two more, Pink Rhododenderon & Pink Azaelia (I know I spelled that wrong!), those will go on the mound thing I’m shoveling around in the backyard, since it’s partial shade. 😀

    Ooh! I almost forgot! (ok I did forget, I’m back editing. LOL) I saw Jayden out in the yard holding really still, and asked her what she was doing. She said “there’s a birdie!” Yup, a baby sparrow, hasn’t quite learned to fly, down on the ground. I moved him away from Chloe (our dog), and awww he’s a baby! he’s so cuuuuute!

    I will definitely be putting images up here as they bloom so you can enjoy them with me this year!


    Prints & Mud!


    Welcome to my mudpile. LOL!

    I spent all day yesterday cleaning gutters, and getting this huge pile of dirt broken down enough to move easily into a landscaped type mound that will follow the corner fenceline and be covered in hostas and nice partial shade plantings. Of course we got the torrential downpour as scheduled this morning, and now I won’t be able to get back to it until it dries out a bit. So far so good though, I think it will look nice when it’s finished! Not that you can tell much from this photo, but the dirt was taller than I am, about 6 foot tall I’d say, and now I’ve got it down to about 4 feet.

    Ok on to business!!! For those of you who are interested in a print of Squirrely III, he’s been added to my print gallery, and my print gallery has changed a bit! It is super cool, so even if you don’t plan to purchase anything right now, have a look anyway! I spent quite a few hours figuring out the coding for this, in preparation for an overhaul on another one of my client’s sites, so I tested it out on my site first! 😀 Click here to go directly to the new prints page!

    I plan on beginning the backgrounds for my two cat portraits (in oils) later today.

    Also, the pet portrait giveaway contest ends tomorrow! Have you entered? Ya gotta play if you wanna win! 😉

    Have a wonderful Sunday and Happy Memorial Day everyone!!!


    Pretty in Pink!


    Happy Graduation Day, Caitlin!

    Yes, my little weed is growing so fast. She’ll be in 3rd grade this fall! She received a “Positive Attitude Award” this morning, and her final report card was super, putting her 2 levels ahead of her grade in reading, and at a 5-6 grade writing level. 😀

    I had to run to the doc this morning for some wierd thing I was just curious about that he ended up wanting to see me about. So it turns out I’ve got an infection brewing, and my goofy thing that I was curious about is the beginning stage where your immune system is trying to fight it off. He said if I hadn’t gone in, by Monday I’d have been feeling pretty crappy. So I guess it was a good thing that I got in there! Now I have to go get antibiotics though. Foo. :P~

    It’s kinda nice out, the prelude to a rainy blechy weekend, I hate it when the weather teases me like this. LOL Now I am going to try to get outside this afternoon and start working on the landscaping, and then paint this weekend while it rains.

    Happy Friday everyone!!!

    Identifying the Owl…


    Ok so it’s not a barn owl. That fella kinda looked like this Northern Spotted Owl, didn’t he???

    Northern Spotted Owl pic on

    He’s on the endangered list?!?!

    Squirrely the Third!


    He’s done! Boy do I love these little critters. In fact I just put out a bunch of popcorn for them out back!

    Yesterday went by so fast, I was a little bummed I didn’t get him finished. But now he’s done. YAY! We’re leaving in a few minutes for an eye exam appointment for me, I’m going to get contacts! 😀

    Not much else going on today, just catching up on housework. I just want to know how 3 people can produce 4-5 bags of trash a week? At least I know I’m not a packrat. LOL

    I’ll be testing prints of this one later today or tomorrow, depending on how long the appointment goes. I have some webdesign projects that need attention tonight, so we’ll see!

    Hey, now that I’m thinking about it, those of you who voted for “other animal”, I’d love for you to reply here (even if it’s anonymous!) and let me know what animal! I know one of the 4 is a skunk… anyone else wanna let me know?

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!!

    How sweet!


    You know, it really does a heart good to know that my clients can see a work in progress and already feel confident that the finished piece will be worth investing in. {{{{{Hugs for you, P}}}}} So Squirrely the Third is not quite finished yet (will be later today), and already has a new home. ::sniffles:: Thank you!!

    That other thunderstorm hit lastnight, and by this morning the concrete was dry, but the darn yard is mush again. My family is supposed to be coming down this weekend, but now we’re watching the forecast to see if we’ll even be able to be outside for a few days in a row. Having 4 kids trapped in a house with 4 maybe 5 adults while it’s raining just doesn’t sound like a lot of fun! Even though 2 each of the kids are the same ages and they play well together, they also FIGHT well together! LOL So here’s hoping for a change in the forecast for Memorial Day Weekend!!!

    The past week or so has been amazing with being able to chat with Mark on webcam! Sunday we spent a good 7 hours chatting, I broke to treadmill and Caitlin chatted with him, then Jay climbed up on my lap and chatted (pressed the buttons!), it was sweet, spending Sunday’s together is something that Mark and I feel is really important and special. 🙂

    So today I finish up on the Squirrely, treadmill, have to get some bloodwork done, finish packing up another care package for Mark and getting it off in the mail, and hopefully starting the next painting. 😀

    I hope you have great weather in your forecast!!!

    As promised!


    Squirrely the Third! This is just a work in progress now, he will very realistically be begging for corn by the end of the day today! (So if you want to snag him up before he’s finished or list him on ebay, drop me an e-mail! He’s 8×10 in ink!)

    We’ve had such funky weather here the last few days, another thunderstorm is supposed to hit tonight. All I want is SUMMER! LOL And I want the mud in the yard to dry out so I can get this landscaping done, too! 😛

    I’m going to try to finish up this fella tonight, and tomorrow get that Stargazer going, and then I’ve gotta work on some commissions. I’ll check in with my client and if it’s ok with her I’ll post those WIP shots too.

    Feels GOOD TO PAINT!!!!!!




    I painted today!

    Show ya tomorrow. 😉


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