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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • I ache….


    All over. From missing my hubby, to feeling like someone beat me with a big stick!

    Spent most of the day yesterday outdoors on a sunny yet chilly spring day. When the studio construction was completed, they were supposed to clean up the yard and put the patio back as a “courtesy”, but since it wasn’t “in the contract” that courtesy was not extended in any form other than a verbal “let’s close the deal” pitch. Ah well, more work for me, lesson learned. My father in law, bless his poor achey back, brought his rototiller and helped break up the ground and concrete blobs left behind. We got about half of the patio done before we were both too sore to continue. Today, ow. Walked half a mile on the treadmill, if that. I walked and moved with extreme caution today!

    I also miss my man. I’ve not heard from him since Tuesday, and with all the goings-on, I really would like to hear his voice. I know it’s ok that he hasn’t called, no calls are better than calls from the “other” kind of military people, so I reassure myself saying it’ll either be him, or nothing. And that’s ok, but still I miss him. Today was a rough day being so sore, the first day of spring break, girls at eachother from 7 a.m. until dusk. FUN!

    The picture there is a very intricately beaded piece done by a client of mine. Isn’t it beautiful? She had been working on it for quite some time and when I painted for her and got to know her she decided that this was meant for us. I am such a gush, I wept when I opened it. It is truly beautiful. I meant to post it when I got it but kept forgetting to get a picture of it. I finally did, because I wrote to Mark about it and included this pic in his letter so he could see it. Anyhoo I wanted to share it because I have been thinking a lot lately about my clients who have become such wonderful friends that are so dear to me, and it means a lot to me that this sweet special bond is all created by a love for art and beautiful animals. 🙂

    Have a good night & great Sunday, don’t forget to change your clocks! (Spring ahead!)


    Time For Dinner!


    So where’s dinner? Huh? I’m huuuuunnnnngry. Got any grapes? Apples? Well? FEED MEEEEEE!!!!
    He looks really pixelated in this pic. Fooey! I’ll get a flatbed scan of him when he dries.


    He’ll be going up on the auction block in a bit! 🙂

    WEIGHT LOSS PROGRESS: Down 21.5 lbs. in 61 Days!>Over 2.5 miles on the treadmill yesterday, over a mile so far today. YAY!

    Gotta get some other things done today, I’ll try to get back later!


    Flowers to Inspire you! Thanks, buddy!


    “May we indeed inculculate in the lives of others that like the rose, that like the baby breath, like every flower that blooms. For it does its best with what has been given it by man, to glorify its Maker with all its beauty, its color, with all of its love for the appreciation of spring, of the rain, the sunshine, the shadows. And so the man in like manner, with the worries, the troubles, heartaches, the disappointments, may draw closer and closer to God, knowing that this may be done as in the Son. He gave Himself that man might know that appreciation, that love, and how that in meting it to others we come to learn, to know the meaning of disappointments, of little hates, little jealousies, and of how they may grow by entertaining them; but more importantly how the joys may grow also just by entertaining them, as do the beautiful flowers that God hath given, that man might see His face in them.”

    More later. Just had to share this from a mail I received from my bestest buddy this morning. Absolutely inspiring isn’t it?

    Here’s more! I just finished the design and shading on the bowl. You might be able to guess by now where the baby possum is going to be sitting in the bowl. I am very excited for these layers to dry so I can rock & roll on the little critter! His tail is going to wrap around the side of the canvas a bit.

    Still, no progress on the weight loss today. It’s frustrating! But I am not giving up! If I am not gaining, and not losing, then I am still on the right track. This will be a year of constantly battling my body to do what I need it to do! Walked over 2 miles on the treadmill yesterday, and so far today have just over a mile in. It is getting easier to walk a mile at a quick pace and get it done in under 20 minutes, so we’ve been keeping it at 30 minutes and ending wherever we end.

    No other news to report today, woke up, cleaned up, treadmilled, painted. Nice relaxed life I lead, huh? Not sure what I’m going to futz with this afternoon, maybe some website changes, maybe try to sketch out a blueprint for the changes I’d like to make to the playroom. (Turning it back into a family room!)

    Aaah decisions, decisions. 😉

    Have a great afternoon!

    So far so Good! Baby Possum progress!


    Woah can you see the possum? No? Hm.. I’ll have to fix that! 😉

    Seriously, This is my progress for the day. Oils. Gotta let ’em dry. So today, the base coat for the bowl. Tomorrow, the bowl design. Thursday, the possum. Then on to the auction block!

    I spent a good portion of the day making very cool labels for the CD’s I mixed for Mark! They’re so cool! Have a look! It took me hours to put them together. I love the one on the top left, that was taken on our (second) wedding day. It really shows how much I love him. Yep. It does. And I do. That much. He called today too. In the middle of the day even! There was a little skirmish today. They’re all ok. Thank God.

    No Weight Loss progress to report today! Same same, a day later. I guess you’ll have days like that! Foo on days like that though! Foo I say!

    I shipped out my Macaw study today, as well as a print of Possy 2 to the very wonderful owner of the reference photo. Of course all of my reference photo providers and copyrighter-givver-uppers get a free print of the painting if I use their photo. How fun is that! Almost like a free portrait, eh? It’s the least I can do. 🙂

    I think I’ll be getting back on the treadmill in a bit. Gotsta stay motivated!

    Happy Tuesday all!

    Baby Possum Oil Painting Work In Progress!


    Looks like a table, yea? It better! 😉

    This is the beginning of what I’m working on now. There will be a baby possum sitting in a dish on this table. It’ll be so cute! (it’s actually 6×6 – 1 1/2″ gallery wrapped canvas, hehe!)

    Not much to report yet today. The weather is gorgeous, nearly 60 degrees, bright bright sun, green green grass – I love spring & summer! I’ve got to get some yardwork done, too! My father in law has a rototiller that I need to borrow to break up some ground and get our patio blocks back in place from the studio construction upheaval.

    WEIGHT LOSS PROGRESS: still 20.5 lbs., 59 days! already walked a mile this morning, shy of 30 minutes but my leggies were rubber from yesterday’s near 3-mile walking!

    3:15pm CST: I’ve got 3 paintings going at once now! 😀

    Catch ya later, have a great day!!

    Have you seen….


    The picture of the day! Jayden and Caitlin wearing Daddy’s spare hats. Awwww!!

    Yes can you tell I am a smidge wired? You can call it excited, too. Here’s why!

    WEIGHT LOSS PROGRESS: Down 20.5 lbs. in 58 Days!!!!!!!>I am now under goal for the week, and 9.5 lbs. from my goal for the end of April! Go me!

    In addition, I’ve been SO motivated, today alone I’ve walked over 2 3/4 miles. Sorry, Paige – I walked more after our morning walk! After burning 5 new CD’s for Mark lastnight, I just had to test ’em out. 🙂

    You guys are all so great, making me feel warm and fuzzy when I check in and while I’m thinking of my next entry. Thank you. For reading, for chattin’ back with me – I appreciate it! {{{huggles and snuggles for all}}}

    My next artistic project is a baby POSSUM! Yep. A possum. Those little critters are just the cutest things! I’ve started prepping the piece and will get to painting here after I rid myself of the post-workout um…yiky smell! LOL

    I hope you are all having THE BEST weekend!

    Completed Kitty!


    Good morning everyone!

    I was up late lastnight (make that early this morning) finishing up Timmy! **THIS IS THE FINAL SCAN of the painting! Much nicer than the digital, eh? Click on his image to view the auction! 🙂

    Mark called a little while ago. He’s doing good! They have 2 man trailers over there that are a pretty decent size. No kitchen/bathroom or any of that fancy stuff, but they have power and blank wall space that needs fillin’ up. I think I can take care of that problem! Those calling card minutes are expensive! He ran out of minutes on the first call ’cause I didn’t have the right number from him to recharge it. So we got off the phone (after getting the right info) and he got back in line while I recharged. 😀 Caitlin got to talk to him when he called back. whooohoo! Now I have some shopping to do, he needs powdered gatorade, they don’t have it over there. He also wants me to go “pick up” a wireless laptop. I have no idea how I’m going to do that, do you think computer sales people take good looks and short skirts into consideration when bartering? hehe!

    Weight loss progress: Same as yesterday, only add a day! (Friday night. Had to eat out. daggone it!)

    HAPPY SATURDAY!!! I’ll stop back later and update if anything exciting happens. For now I think I’d just like to hang out with the girls a bit and find a new fuzzy animal that inspires me.

    Have a great one!

    Cat Painting Progress!


    I painted late into the night lastnight, Timmy is coming along nicely! Here’s another progress photo. I need to finish up the lettering on the side of the book and then work on his layers. I will finish this piece today!

    I’m in the process of burning several songs from CD’s to my hard drive so that I can mix and burn a few more for Mark. I’m waiting for 5 more CD’s that I picked up on eBay, and need to pick up a few more at the store that I jotted down in the truck while we were out yesterday. Do you guys keep pens/pencils and paper in the car with you? I have it sitting right in my dash so if I’m ever stopped and think of something or just want to doodle, I have supplies right in front of me. I need to get used to taking my camera along with me wherever I go, too. I am ALWAYS thinking “ug I wish I brought my camera!” when we go places. (Lolo, your photos inspire me to bring it along too! Do you ever forget it and beat yourself up about it?!)

    I would love to know what each of your top 5 all-time favorite songs are!


    Back later! Have a great day!!

    Macaw Painting Prints, Great recipe & Kitty progress!


    Happy Thursday everyone!

    First I want to share with you this wonderful concoction I put together lastnight! I’ve made it quite a few times, and love it. I don’t even have a name for it, so you can make one up for me. It’s really easy, very light, low cal, and yummilicious!

    Things you’ll need:
    Tri Color Rotini
    1 Can of Del Monte Italian style diced tomatoes
    Grated cheese blend (the good stuff that melts a bit!)
    Steamed zucchini slices (get these ready before hand, I use a tupperware steamer with a smidge of water in the microwave for 10 minutes.)

    Boil the pasta, drain, dump in the tomatoes, mix in the zucchini, sprinkle with desired amount of grated cheese and blend it all together. Voila!

    Hope you like my quick mom-on-the-go-painting-in-every-spare-moment recipe!

    I will be heading down to test a print of my Macaw painting. Keep your fingers crossed, I am hoping for a fabulous print! It’s tough to scan larger pieces in sections, and I found a place that has a large enough flatbed to capture all but about 1/4″ of the edges on that painting. YAY!

    I painted more on the kitty yesterday, but had to wait for it to dry enough overnight to put the lettering on the cookbook. I painted his sweet nose. I couldn’t resist. But since there’s not a lot *more* progress, I will refrain from another WIP until I at least have the lettering painted. 🙂

    Weight loss progress: down 18 lbs in 55 days!

    HAPPY HAPPY! Have a good one, I’ll be back later today!

    5:50 PM (CST) UPDATE
    Welp, folks, It’s official. I’ve got prints of Alex, the Macaw! I am really excited! I put a lot of work into getting them just perfect. Color correcting, trimming, adhering to foam core, they look great! Here’s a shot of my very first Limited Edition (of 5), sitting right beside the painting. You like?

    Ran errands doing this today and picking up groceries. I had a huge order arrive today from Dick Blick with 2- 18×24 canvas (one is for my remake of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring), 2-16×20’s and 3-12×16’s. They have modified their 1-1/2″ deep gallery wrap canvas and it’s PERFECT! Also picked up a few new colors in oil; Renaissance Gold, Transparent White, Winsor Yellow and Flesh Tint. I bought those with the Vermeer piece and the new (additional) portrait of Mark I’ll be doing in mind.

    I haven’t had time yet today to work on the kitty painting. I would like to do that here in a little while. I will definitely have it finished tomorrow!

    Have a great evening!


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