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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Painting!


    Well, no I’m not painting NOW, but I did paint yesterday and today, and I finished the Cockatiel portrait. I am waiting for the final OK from my client, and then I will post her here for you to see!

    I have a few more things to do, but DISHES aren’t one of them thank GOD! hehe! They’re all done!

    Caitlin and I both wrote letters to Mark today, and I have to run for large envelopes to send them all. Oh now wait. Doh. I should send them all in separate envelopes! Yep, that’s what I’ll do. He needs LOTS of envelopes. Not just one big one. 😉 Silly me, I need a refresher course on how to spoil your husband overseas.

    I am going to paint my Macaw tomorrow! Yep! I am! Yahoo!!!

    G’nite everybody!



    I am so excited, my new dishwasher will be delivered and installed today!

    Since Mark’s initial departure in November, we lost the stove, the furnace, and the dishwasher. I had the stove replaced before he came home for Christmas, the furnace went out shortly after he left again so we had that repaired, and then the dishwasher. I’ve been handwashing for over a month. blech. Yesterday morning, Jayden and I went and picked out the new one, and I am excited to test it immediately with the 4 days of dishes that I have refused to do. hehe!

    I began working on my pet portrait commission yesterday, the Cockatiel. What a beautiful bird! I love their rosy cheeks. 🙂 It will be finished later today and go to my client for proof/approval. It felt good to paint yesterday (in india ink), I have to say I am in love with all of my chosen medium. Seems like each new thing I learn in a different medium I can apply to another, and it’s really cool!

    I’ve also decided that I am going to rework Mark’s portrait in oils. This will happen between commissions and ebay pieces, either that or I’ll break for a couple of weeks to just paint him. I really want to push myself to do awesome figurative pieces in oil, I also want to feel closer to him by painting him and remembering little things about his appearance that seem to fade with so much time apart. It will be a good thing!

    Lastnight I tried to play Dr. Doolittle, with no success. 🙁 I heard a cat crying outside so I went to look for him and saw him, a sweet black cat, near my fence. I approached slowly, and he seemed receptive, rubbing up against the bushes and yowling. I didn’t have any luck making contact though. He wanted to stay out in the cold and snow. fooey.

    I spose I better get back to “work”, though it doesn’t seem like work to me!

    Have a great day!!

    Some sadness


    *Sniffles warning; may need kleenex*

    I need to write this out, so forgive me in advance for sounding more emotional than usual.

    Mark called lastnight. He waited in line for nearly an hour at a bank of 40 phones among nearly 5000 others, several in line behind him. Calls were limited to 10 minutes.

    I have this horrible habit of thinking I will remember the things that happen when I stop and think “I need to tell him about this”. Then he calls, and my heart sinks, and I can’t remember anything I wanted to tell him. 🙁 I need to do better writing things down as they happen, I feel like I’m being so vague with him saying “everything here is fine, normal, same-o”, and I know that’s not what he needs to hear (and at this point, I don’t know what he needs from me).

    So during our conversation we talked about the sandstorms, how their sunglasses are “sealed” to their faces to keep sand out, and when they shower there’s sand in places you never thought existed. During a “normal” sandstorm, he said he can see 10-15 feet in front of him and that’s about it. So the sniffles were explained away as sinus problems from the wind and sand.

    He gave me the address he will have in a couple of weeks so that I can start putting together mail and packages. If any of you want his address, please e-mail me and I will give it to you.

    I asked him what kinds of things he wants or needs, and all he said he really wanted are books. The guys pass them around and it keeps their minds busy. I thought about picking up some college course type books for them so they can learn about stuff, too. Other than that, he said “the usual”, including snack packs, brownies and the normal homey type things I sent last time he was there.

    Last time, I wrote usually 2 letters a day to him. I purchased a case of pre-stamped envelopes from the post office and bought a couple of rubber stamp kits and hand numbered all of the envelopes. This way when he received several at a time, he could put them in order and then read them. I sent over 300 letters to him during that tour. Lastnight I wrote my first letter in a long time.

    Our conversation ended just past 10pm my time, and I wrote until after 11. I ended up with 7 pages written by candlelight, and my hand is sore today. I will have to get back in the groove with using my hand for more than painting and typing.

    My heart broke for him when we were saying goodbye on the phone. I knew something was on his mind, but he didn’t share. Maybe because of the guys standing in line behind him. But the end of the phone call made me feel so terribly helpless, I can’t reach out to him, I can’t call him back, and I can’t get on a plane to go comfort him. All I can do is hope that he knows how I feel, and hope he’s able to call me again soon so I know he’s ok.

    I’ve known him since 1989. 15 years. Up until a few years ago, he was the love of my life, but not until recently when we remarried (2001) was it clear to me that he’s not just the love of my life, he is absolutely my soul mate. When we’re together, we don’t even need to talk. It is never uncomfortable, it is always right. We have such a peaceful relationship that is so filled with love and devotion, more now than ever before. I’ve watched him grow into such a beautiful and strong man, a loving father, a kind, compassionate soul. When I hear his voice it’s like my heart has been jumpstarted. I miss his physical presence with us, and at the same time I feel him with me every moment of the day. If you had asked me 15 years ago if I knew what love was, I would have said yes – but my understanding of it then is nothing compared to now. Now, when I say or think about how much I love my husband, I feel an overwhelming sense of him in my soul, occupying every hidden space in my mind and heart. It’s nearly impossible to explain it’s so huge. Bigger than I ever knew it could be.

    I thank God for Mark, for our bond, for the opportunity to experience this feeling that I will hold like the precious gift that it is, for the rest of my life.

    Eli’s Cheesecake


    Lori Rase Hall has some fabulous cards, if you haven’t seen those, it’s a must as well!
    Here’s the link to view hers: Lori’s Cards

    I am proud to say that I own a set of her cards, they are amazing. Artwork in their own right, mine are framed and on the walls!

    After some relatively thorough spring cleaning and grocery shopping, I am going to surf and play a bit online before I begin my next commission, which is a sweet white Cockatiel in india ink. I am also snacking on a bit of Eli’s Cheesecake as I browse, covered in big chunky strawberries. Yum! I wish I could send some over to Mark, he lurrrves cheesecake.

    Speaking of my hubby, where on earth is he now? I haven’t heard from him in a few days. I am anxiously awaiting an address so that I can bake him up some homemade fudge brownies and put them into a nice fancy care package. I did this with every package I sent when he was in Desert Storm, fresh brownies vaccuum sealed travel very well and remain tasty through the military postal system! 😀

    Pit Stop


    Hi all!

    Thought I’d post the final scan of my Bernese Pup painting, it’s more accurate. Hopefully I’ll be able to update my site soon to include my newer pieces.

    In the next few weeks I would like to get a few things accomplished:
    1. Get a new dishwasher!
    2. Complete a couple of commissions.
    3. Finish the Macaw painting
    4. Paint that Squirrel!
    5. Start working in the yard.

    Yes, spring has nearly sprung, and I have so much yardwork to do without Mark around (I have allergies, and he usually does all that stuff). I have to till the backyard and lay the patio blocks we pulled up for the Studio construction, reseed or lay sod – my grass basically consists of creeping charlie. 🙁 I also have leaves everywhere (still) and need to plant new lovelies in the front planter we created last spring. I think I may repaint that too, to match our theme of the year.

    Here’s the Bernie scan:

    I hope you’re all having a great weekend!

    Busy Busy!


    I have been cramming for finals, eh Carrie? 😉

    I’m working on some website stuff, which will probably take me through the weekend. I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to get back in here and say “hey”, so if I don’t, “hey, hey, hey!” (say it like Fat Albert.)

    That ought to last through the weekend, and if it doesn’t please let me know. ::giggles::


    New Work In Progress!


    I’m creating this sweet Bernese Mountain Dog puppy painting for a raffle at the 2004 Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America National Specialty taking place in Mesquite, Texas in just a couple of weeks. It’s 8″x8″ on a canvas panel, in OILLLLLLLLSSSSS 🙂

    Here it is now, I finished it up and it’s wet, hence the glare. It’ll be a couple of days before this one is dry enough to ship.

    And the first wip shot:



    I listed the Egret here: eBay Egret Listing

    Using my new template! Have a look and let me know what you think!

    Blue Egret


    Here’s the Monochromatic Blue Egret piece, I’ve signed it, it’s done, but I won’t list it on ebay until tomorrow when it dries. (and I will be listing with my new fancy schmancy site-matching template, too!) I hope it feels as peaceful to you as it does to me. I really enjoyed working this. Here was my palette: Cerulean Blue, Cobalt, French Ultramarine (oo-lala, Lolo), White, Dioxazine Violet (just a smidge to deepen the French Ultramarine) and Alizarin Crimson to deepen even further on the beak and foot reflection (and my sig).

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