Please visit my new, improved website!

>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Bits n’ Blurbs. Small enough to chew on.


      Hey all, I’ve finally got my most recent 5 pet portraits updated in my portfolio if you’d like to have a look!


      I took a whopping 783 fireworks photos last night. I just combed through them all and pulled out 78 “good” ones. Stay tuned for some of my best shots!


      If you had to choose three colors to describe me, what would they be? (Throw in a couple extra for good measure, if you wish.)


      OMG – I’ve been nominated for something! Go vote for some peeps, you can find me in the “Most Artistic” category! *squees of delight*


      I’ve repositioned my webcam and I’m heading out to the studio to finish painting Jambalaya today. Stop in and have a look!


      Upgraded my streaming video to UStream – options and quality are really great! Stop in and watch me paint!


      I was surprised to see a blog I subscribed to in Bloglines has been turned into a SPLOG. iew. Don’tchya hate when that happens? ::shakes off yucky feeling::

    {Latest Projects}