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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Bits n’ Blurbs. Small enough to chew on.


      Just received mail from a client, her baby Sheba passed away today from Lyme disease. Sending condolences and hugs for her loss. 🙁


      The struggle: “this one little bite/piece/chunk/meal won’t hurt me” – but it does. It means we allow it, and if we allow it, there’s no denying it.


      Finally – we’re making steps in the right direction. We’re going to build our dream home (timing yet to be determined). View the PDF!


      I started eating core foods again on Tuesday. Wednesday: down 1.1lbs. Thursday: down 1.6lbs. Friday: down .7lbs. Total: 3.4lbs. I can do this!


      While I’m a big fan of most of the finalists on AI this season, Amanda makes my ears cringe. What IS that noise, anyway?


      I find it fitting that while recently obliterating someone’s non-existent a$$ from their photo, I had to use the warp tool.

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