I was bored and had my camera in my lap. These are my Levi’s denim shorts.

Who, me? Pose? Lemme swallow, first…. ::gulp:: Okay, shoot!
(male cowbird.)
Hey Fred! They’re fresh out of suet — c’mon over here!
(female downy woodpecker.)
Hi! I’m Chip! Chip! Chip! Chip!!! CHIP CHIP CHIP CHIP!
(chipping sparrow.)
I am infatuated with my new Batik Irises. This is a Tiger Honey.
Ooooh so comfortabuhhllllsssss. Dusty Bunny says “Yessss”.
Extreme close up of Mini Rex comfortabuhllness. Stretch those kickers!
mmmm. Strawberries.
A gigantic German Bearded Iris that I cut and brought inside to enjoy.
My Knockout Rose bushes are in bloom – don’t forget to stop and smell the roses!