Some dumba$$es decided it was my turn to be hacked, so they dumped a “Paypal” folder into my domain and mass e-mailed a bajillion paypal users with some crap that they needed to update their password, etc, etc… You know the spam mail some people forward to Yes well the fraudulent link that people were redirected to? Right here on MY OWN DOMAIN. Bastages. Truly. I *wish* upon the biggest brightest star that people used their intelligence for GOOD, not EVIL and make real money doing real productive things in this life.
GAWD some people really truly SUCK!!
So my domain was suspended temporarily, I frantically spoke with my hosting company and they were so very nice about what I needed to do. All is well again, but you know? For a half hour or better I coulda just thrown up.
The good news? Really, there isn’t any. Come on. I just deleted the folders, but those jerks are still out there, and will do it to someone else. I wish there were good news.
Is it time for a password change on all of your accounts?
UPDATE: A great way to avoid this on your own domain? Go into your cpanel, create a paypal folder, lock it up with a password, and then add a redirect from that paypal/ directory to your index page. There. Then if they try to dump that crap on your server, anyone who clicks the link in a spoof e-mail will get redirected immediately, and the hackers can get to work on another evil plan to destroy random webmaster’s days.