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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Leanne the Photographer

    Caption This T-Shirt, And Buy One, too.


    I got to work on the climby squirrel yesterday, Robin and Lesley knew exactly what I had in mind for this climby squirrel. He’s SO COOL. I finished up this wicked neat graphic design using his photo and I think you have to have one of these t-shirts. Go here to see my broad selection of Climby Squirrel Shirts in my new CafePress store.

    Of course I need a caption, or two or three, so this is where you come in. Got any good ones? (I know you do. Spill it.)

    I Am Not Obsessed


    In an effort to dispel any untruths out there about my obsession with squirrels, I’ve rummaged through hundreds (cough) of photographs just to prove that they are, indeed, cute as hell and I have a justifyable urge to capture them from every angle.

    Now I’m faced with an even bigger dilemma – which one to put on a shirt? If you can stand the cuteness, go on and pick your favorite from the seven squirrels I’ve chosen. I am, seriously, going to design a shirt. I can’t disappoint Mr. Dell dude, now can I?

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    Me & Mine


    My mom & me

    My sis & me

    Just a couple more pics that we took yesterday during the visit with my family. I put a few more up in my photoblog, they’re pretty sweet.

    Glam Leanne


    glamour shots by tommi
    My sis and I had a little glam photo shoot today – check out this shot! I don’t think I’ve ever really liked a picture of myself. I must not look like me at all.

    Pucker up, dahling!

    Pick A Painting : The Decision


    Wow, you guys are great! You gave me a lot of really awesome feedback, and I appreciate it! I’m going to show you another photo of Katie, then tell you the photo I’ll paint her portrait from and why I chose it.

    yellow lab female dog photography art
    Katie, the remote control hog  
    Katie is more like the remote control hog of a lab. The lovin’ whap you in the arm with that long tail yellow lab. When she looks up at her mom, she’s sweet and wants to please and play at the same time.

    She’s a smiley, happy girl and the photo on the right is SO her. Now I didn’t expect you to know that just from a few photos, but I was really curious to know if you would sense her personality from the assortment I put up.

    After I studied the photos again and read your comments, I got to work this morning on her sketch.

    yellow lab dog portrait oil painting sketch work in progress custom art
    Now – to choose the hue for the background! (Anyone want to pick a nice shade from another painting in my gallery?)

    Merry Christmas


    christmas ornament photography
    handmade angel ornament crafted by my mom & sister
    Merry Christmas, everyone. Thank you for being part of my life, thank you for hanging out in my little bitty space with me – and thank you for letting me share my art (and stuff) with you. Hugs and blessings to each of you this Christmas, may your heart be lifted up by the Reason for the Season.

    Anatomy of a Christmas Portrait


    anatomy of a christmas portrait photography children girls

    Exhibit A: The fake smile pose. The talk about the natural smile, the begging for them to put away the fake smile (and the blue gum). Just be loving, and natural, I say.

    Exhibit B: The loving, natural pose. Older sister gives younger sister a nice big squeeze, resulting in tears because “she squeezed me too hard and it hurrrrts”. Tears welling, hair mussed up, no one is happy. Now is the time (because I have the patience of a squirrel) for the please, please pleeeease cooperate RIGHT NOW talk.

    anatomy of a christmas portrait photography children girls

    Exhibit C: I can make her smile, mom! See? Ugh. She hated that, don’t ever do that to her again. Hands to yourself, please.

    Exhibit D: I’m happy now! Peace out! Peace on Earth and stuff! Haha! I can count to two! Or I’m a hippie child! You decide!

    anatomy of a christmas portrait photography children girls

    Exhibit E: I’m falling off the stool, mom. Woaaahhh MOM! She pushed me!

    Exhibit F: Giggling ensues, because now sissy is on the floor being dramatic about how everything in her body just broke. Thanks a LOT. Now is the time for the scoot your butt over a little bit so your sister can squeeze in right next to you talk. The coersion of being sisterly talk. The begging for it all to be over talk, because I can’t take one more second of all the drama, and all mommy REALLY wants for Christmas is a DECENT PICTURE OF HER BEAUTIFUL WELL BEHAVED CHILDREN. Really. That’s ALL. I. WANT.

    anatomy of a christmas portrait photography children girls

    And then, they did it. And they proved to me once again that even though for a half an hour they can drive me absolutely out of my gourd, in the end, they’re perfect little angels that you can’t help but love and want to squish and kiss and huggle and snuggle.

    That concludes our portrait photography session. If you send your children to my house for Christmas portraits, please remember – no blue gum allowed.

    What’s Up, Buttercup?


    mourning dove photograph
    While I was waiting for paint to dry, I finished up the new Thursday Thirteen Forum , so if you’re a Thirteener, you can stop in and register for the new hangout. Cool, eh?

    I also shopped for two little princesses yesterday so they could be prettiful for their piano recital lastnight. I’d post pics, but all I have are videos, and they’re lopsided. Anyone know how to rotate a video? (Anyone else want to whomp me in the head the next time I try to capture video lopsided?) You’ll have to trust me when I say my children are brilliant piano players, and you’ll have to believe me when I add that not one piano student played better than my girls.

    I was totally impressed by all the students, really. It was amazing to hear them all at different stages of learning how to tickle those ivories. I am also excited to see how the instructor impacts my daughters over the course of the year.

    * * * * * *
    There are several of you whose addresses I must have within the next week, if you know what I’m sayin’ … (Christmas Cards. Want one?) So please drop me an e-mail with your addy, so I can do what I need to do! If you think I’m not talking about you, you’re wrong. I am. You can use my contact form, or just e-mail it to me at Leanne at mydomain dot com. Replace mydomain with my domain name. You know. hehe.

    Turkey Day Sunset


    thanksgiving day sunset

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