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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Tuesday already?


    Another warm & fuzzy about my hubby, he checks up on us every chance he gets. He knows how my auctions are doing, what I’ve written in my blog and if I’m painting live within 5 minutes of logging on. (If the connection is good, that is!) Awwwww.

    I know I’m supposed to be upset/offended at the “awful awful mean person” whose intent was to make fun of Mark’s portrait, but you know I ended up having a bit of a chuckle. Whoever “added my link” obviously didn’t understand the intent, and of the thousand or more folks who viewed it yesterday I bet 90% of them understood it just fine. I did add a little text though, for those who actually thought I had the paintingat a million bucks, hopefully that will clear things up for a few folks.

    Tomorrow is my pre-op appointment for my foot surgery on Friday. Yes I’m a little nervous about it, it’s not easy for me to be off my feet for any period of time! Last time I had this surgery I was off my foot for about 1/2 hour. Got up and drove myself back to work. LOL

    I’m grateful that my job is one where I can prop my leg up if I need to. 😉

    Today I’m either going to start working on the layout of one of my custom pet portraits, or start painting another. I’ll sketch two that don’t require layout first, and try to get the layout of the other figured out, but if there’s a delay on that one I’ll go ahead and start painting one of the first ones! Yes that’s a little confusing. There are actually 4 paintings, which I’m guessing will go in the order of (1)Dog (2)Cats (3)Dog (4)Cat. Then I’ll be working on a huge one that I am realllly excited about, (2)Cats and their Mom! That will be my first person/pet combo portrait and it’s a big one. Fun fun paintings ahead!!! 😀

    r />Ok off to “work” (hehe! work! I love my job)…



    Found where Mark’s portrait is linked:

    Mark, the Million Dollar Man Auction



    If anyone reading this knows if there’s been a link to Mark’s Portrait auction posted somewhere, could you let me know where it is? Holy Wow there are a ton of visitors today!

    I’ve had a few more really nice comments through it, and a couple of poopie heads, but you’ll have that, eh? I’m grateful for those who appreciate what I did. I’ve even had an inquiry for a custom portrait of another fella, of course I’m not charging a million bucks for ’em, so if you’re curious about that and my pricing, just ask. Our guys and gals in uniform get special pricing. 😉

    A more normal morning!


    LOL – Up at 6:30 to the sound of the rooster crowing, literally. 😉 Things are back to normal as we knew them just a few weeks ago. Phew. I think the rooster actually helped!

    (For those who don’t know, I have my IM with Mark set to crow like a big ol’ rooster when he logs on, so cock-a-doodle-doo!)

    All I wanna know today is why the Army can get ’em back there faster than they can get ’em home. :P~~~~

    White Chocolate Raspberry.


    The best comfort food in the world!

    A thousand little things.


    I feel like I never really say how blessed I know I am. After 15 years of ups and downs, struggles, hardships, good and bad times, memorable and forgettable moments, I can still sit down and list a thousand little things about my husband that I love, that I hate to live a moment without.

    I guess being apart has its advantages and disadvantages. You get to visually see the things that you know you’ve missed all along but couldn’t quite put your finger on what exactly it was you were missing.

    I may add to this as I walk around and am reminded of more stuff. A lot of it is silly small stuff, but it’s huge when it’s not there. A lot of it just speaks to the kind of man he is.

    Being in his presence makes me feel grounded. Normal. Calm. When we’re apart I feel like a disheveled mess, even though I try to keep it together as best I can, that part of me that is him is missing.

    I can do laundry over a couple of days and leave it in the laundry room. I take it into the bedroom to start folding it, procrastinate, leave the room, and ten minutes later he tells me it’s done, all folded and put away. Something that I dread, that takes me half hour to do, he just does it.

    When we get up in the morning, if he’s been in the kitchen before I get there, he always puts one of my favorite mugs next to the coffee pot.

    In the car, he’ll reach over and takes my hand, and hold my hand while we’re driving.

    When I go outside, if I’m out for a couple of minutes he’ll come out and join me.

    He’s so appreciative of the little things that I do, when I feel like it doesn’t even compare to the little things that he does.

    He is so wonderful with the girls. He interacts with them in such a loving, caring and curious way. He is their friend as much as their father. He memorizes everything about each of their personalities as much as he’s memorized everything about me.

    I know I will be adding more. I hope that from reading this you are motivated to just take a day to notice the things about your spouse that you love and would miss if you had to live without them for any period of time. I really believe that seeing these things, writing them down or just knowing how they affect you will enhance your relationship and make the little negative things that can sometimes consume us just melt away.

    Sigh. It takes a few days to get back into the groove. Bear with me, crumpled up tissues and all, I still have 5 months worth of goals to achieve.




    Today is another hard day. :*(

    Meet Cocoa!


    Here’s the newest addition to our family, Cocoa! She is a sweetie pie! 😀

    We saw some other cute critters today too…I told you today was Bunch-a-pics day!

    Bunch-a-pics Day.


    Yesterday was a nice day, we decided to take a drive and then a long walk. We have today and tomorrow left now and then 5 months to go. That’s really not so bad, we’ve got 13 down! It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long.

    I spent a couple of hours lastnight scanning Mark’s portrait (24×36) on my flatbed (8 1/2 x 11). I was a little frustrated with how the digital pic was representing the painting, it looks more like this (on my monitor):

    I changed all of the auction images too.

    Here are a few shots of our day yesterday. Purdyful.

    Caitybug spotted this bugger on a tree. HOW? How do you see a bug that looks like a leaf on a tree, and know it’s a bug? Kids.

    As much as I want to be in awe of Fall’s majesty, I know what follows. Still, I appreciate the changing colors as best I can, until they get dead. :P~

    Now this is what I’m talkin’ about! One great big blue heron to go. What a beaut!!! I wish I woulda had that super zoom lens! Well, if Mark’s portrait sells for a million bucks, I’ll go get a reeeeeeally great camera first thing. 😉

    Have a good one, I’ll be off enjoying the day with the Mister and our ducklings.

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