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  • Stage Fright and Delight


    mini me angel stage freight Church Christmas Program 2007' class=

    Our Church Christmas program took place this past Sunday and it was so sweet and wonderful to see the kids put on a play about Baby Jesus’ birth. The funniest part of the show was seeing my usual kooky crazy Chickeymonkey (see above deer-in-headlights girl) frozen like a statue on stage. Her mouth, which flaps non stop at home, just barely moving while she sung her part – her hands, which only stop when she sleeps, tucked inside of her angel robe holding perfectly still.

    Yes, people turned and gave me the “how cute!” giggle grins – while I sunk lower into my chair wondering how the bodysnatchers got into my church.

    In all seriousness, it was adorable. Every play needs a stage-frightened kid, and mine fit the bill perfectly. I like to think that she just knew all the movement would make for blurry shots, and she knows how much I love to take photos of my kids!

    Meanwhile, my other normally quiet and reserved girl (yes, she is too), beamed and giggled and romped around IN HER PAJAMAS on stage. She was completely in her element and it was really awesome to see her have so much fun playing her part!

    Here she is with our Pastor being all engaged and cute – he had just asked her if she thought anyone would mind if he wore HIS pajamas to church. heh! It was sweet. Her reply: “Well that would be awkward!”

    I just love this time of year – the warm fuzzies floating around the air seem to catch just about everyone. Even my mom, who is recovering slowly but surely (thank you for your continued prayer!), has a peace about her that is really indicative of the season. I’ve found myself being more calm and patient – especially on the road, where I usually tense up and get aggravated really easily. I know we won’t be having any kind of extravagant Christmas this year, but it seems more special anyway. All the stuff and fluff could fall away, and I’d be content to sit in the living room and just gaze at the tree and enjoy the warm glow.

    Are you celebrating Christmas, or just another Holiday? I’m curious, what does Christmas mean to you?

    My Momma


    Today is the day – my mom is going in for Open Heart Surgery at 7:30AM CST. I will update again later today/tonight when I get a chance to let everyone know how things went.

    Thank you, everyone who shared your stories and care and have added her to your prayers. We appreciate everyone’s kindnesses and thoughtfulness.

    I’ll update later today, keep those prayers coming!

    Update: Her surgery went well, thank you all so much!! I’ll update with the details when I get back into town this weekend. Huge, huge hugs to all. xoxo

    A Thousand Words


    christmas photography sisterly love hug photo Leanne Wildermuth 2007' class=

    Our Tree


    Our Christmas Tree - 2007' class=

    Our tree is up and fully decorated.
    You can see a neat photo of our topper here.

    How’s the decorating coming at your house?

    Get in the Christmas Spirit!
    Now Playing : O Christmas Tree


    When I’m Not Working,


    When I’m not working, I’m freezing, people. Holy cannoli, it was NINE lastnight. Nine. Nine degrees. Ugh. That is just stupid cold. Really. How do I manage to forget every year that this part of the country really stinks and WHY haven’t I moved to a warmer climate yet?!

    I am the type that, once frozen, does not thaw until Spring. My nose is cold. My fingers are numb from the second knuckle up. My eyes are dry and my toes are shivering. The only thing I want to do in the winter is curl up under my blankie and/or bake. Yes, bake. Brownies, cookies, cakes, whatever – just keep the dang oven on and don’t turn it off ’til March. Oh and this is SO not good for my *cough* girlish figure! Not good at all. Dang Betty Crocker and her Super Deluxe Moist Turtle Fudge Brownie goodness. I will smack her if I ever meet her.

    * * * * *
    I do have a question for you today, if you’ve made it this far (thank you, the check is in the mail.) – My mom is undergoing Open Heart Surgery next week. (I capitalize because that is a surgery that demands some respect, IMHO.) Now she truly needs this surgery and it will greatly improve her health, so I am relieved that it’s proceeding, finally.

    I would really like for you to share with me a story or tidbit about you or someone you know who has undergone Open Heart and tell me how they are doing now. Truly, I ask because my feeling is that medical technology is such that there is less to fear now than ever before – my concerns are with recovery and the mental processing of having the surgery. So please share your experience, and also – if you could keep my mom in your prayers I would be most grateful.

    Stay Warm!!

    Get in the Christmas Spirit!
    Now Playing : Frosty the Snowman


    The Power of … Power.


    At 9pm yesterday (Saturday), we lost power and it was just restored about an hour ago. I can tell you this – I am feeling the strong desire to learn how to be energy independent. I felt like someone chopped off my arms and said “NOW let’s see you pick up sticks!” Sheesh. No shower. No latte. No garage door opener, no lights. No phone, no computer, no toaster. No nothing. We spent the whole day wandering around stores to stay warm, since the temp dropped in our house about 15 degrees overnight.

    I’m really, truly spoiled.

    I thought about those people who normally go without all these things that are just part of my daily life. I really respect those people, because I realized today what a brat I am. I told my hubby we should just become missionaries and really try to find ways around technology – but he kinda already has that experience being in Iraq and training in situations like this. I wish I weren’t so put out by it today, and I thanked God when we got home from the store and saw our lights on. Deep down, I think I’m given these trials to help me become more empathetic to those who have to go without much more for so much longer than we do.

    We did spend some time today in the peace and quiet of nothing running in our home, and I started working on my cat portrait. I’ll show you how that’s coming tomorrow.

    All I want now is a hot shower and a blow dryer, you know what I’m sayin? I know you didn’t miss me, but dang – it’s good to be back.

    Happy and Thankful


    425p1120035.jthanksgiving morning view' class=
    Happy Thanksgiving! The day has arrived and the last several days have been filled to the brim with blog code, as I tried to get as much done as much as possible before the Holiday (so that post Holiday shopping wouldn’t be horribly guilt inducing). I’ve been really absent from my own blog, but of course you can almost always find me in the code of someone else’s! I’ll actually be working up a graphite cat portrait in the next week or two, so you’ll get to see some actual “art” (for those of you who don’t consider my graphic design skills art, I know you’re out there).

    We awoke to this wonderful *shudder* snowy view just a short while ago. It’s white out there, people. That means it’s cold enough to stay white, which means my absolute least favorite season has arrived as well. Brr!!!

    We’ll be spending the day with my family this year, so I won’t be cooking and I won’t have any leftovers. (All the better to get back on track after a day filled with mom’s pie!!)

    So on to my list of mushy gushy things I’m Thankful for. Please fill my comments with your own Thanksgivings, too. That’s what today is all about!

    I’m thankful for a safe road trip in the rain with my family, a warm place to lay our heads and an assortment of pillows to choose from.

    pillow menu' class=
    I’m thankful for my family, as crazy as they are, they are filled with love and kindness and acceptance, and most importantly, giggles.

    I’m thankful for the wonderful life that we’ve been blessed with, to be able to work from home, make our own schedules and be together as a family more than most people get the opportunity to do. I treasure this time that we’re able to go and do things without worry or stress.

    I’m thankful that my girls are so well mannered and that as sisters, they have a wonderful bond and rarely fight. That is so good for them, and I’m so glad that they are good to each other more often than they are not.

    I’m thankful for my Church family, who has really made me realize how important it is to not just be thankful on Thanksgiving, but every day. To see each good thing as a blessing and a gift and to feel a love and peace in each day makes worry and stress diminish unbelievably fast.

    I’m thankful for you, my friends who are reading this, because you’re here and you care and that matters to me more than I can express to each of you individually. I’m wrapping you up in a great big virtual hug and wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Dinner Demands from a Six Year Old


    dinner demands from Chickeymonkey

    Chickeymonkey presented me with this beautifully hand crafted dinner demand lastnight. Note the period “.” at the end of her request? When she handed it to me, I read it and giggled and replied “oh, really? Yes ma’am, I’ll fetch your dinner right away, ma’am!” – she left the room.

    About 20 minutes later, realizing that her demand wasn’t working on me, she returned and took her note away. A few minutes passed and she returned, this time she pointed out that it is now a question (see the red question mark?). NOW will I please go get her some dinner?

    Just look at the hearts! And the lime green coloring inside the circular letters?! How could I say no?!?!?!

    (I chose a honey mustard grilled chicken wrap, with 260 cal/9g fat/27g carbs/18g protein, it’s one of the best options on the menu, second to a grilled chicken Cesar salad with no dressing.)

    Giggle Inducing Grin


    I GOT IT OUT!!

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