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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Completed Dom!


    Here he is! He is SO beautiful!! This is 12×16 in Oils. (by the way Honey the Yorkie is an india ink painting)

    Well Dom, how do you like your portrait? If you wouldn’t mind asking your mom what she thinks too, that’d be swell! 😉

    Hiya Honey!


    I’m such an overachiever. 😉

    I thought I could finish 4 paintings today?! What was I thinkin’? I spent all day on this sweetiepie. I’ll be painting all weekend, and then Toronto Frog arrives Monday and I have to have him finished by next Saturday. So, what I don’t get finished this weekend has to wait until after the 28th.

    There’s still a possibility of some modifications on her, I will know after the weekend. Here she is!

    Stargazer Painting Listed!


    Click here to see the Stargazer listing on eBay, detail shots galore!

    Dom’s WIP


    I’ve also started my pet portrait contest winner’s portrait today! This is a gorgeous setting for a purebred Smooth Fox Terrier. He’s mostly white, but has some beautiful rich browns on his head and a couple of other areas. I used a transparent gold ochre for the background, layering some areas a bit heavier than others for this rich finish. I was actually going for something else when this started yelling “Yea! Perfect!” as I was painting. Yes, Winsor & Newton Pro Oil’s do speak if you listen closely. 😉

    Had enough of me today yet? I’ll give you a few hours to catch up while we run errands. hehe!

    Dedicated to my Hubby


    This one is for you, Mark. Thank you. I love you.

    Better pics tomorrow, need some daylight! I’ll list it tomorrow too, unless of course anyone wants to make me an offer on it before it goes up for sale to the public.

    Stargazer Lily 12×12 – 1 1/2″ Gallerywrap canvas in OILS

    The Big Big News!


    Okie doke folks, here’s the news!

    The City of Toronto (Canada) has a big, beautiful waterpark (links to come). It has been up and running for about 10 years now, and they are expanding! Their general contractor searched for a large frog to add to the new section and found one of the frogs I did last year, Swampy, and contacted me to create a frog similar to Swampy for their waterpark!

    So this will be a BUSY summer! The frog fabrication will take approx. 2 weeks, and once it arrives here I will be a busy bee! I’m estimating the whole project will take about 4-6 weeks or so. Then, next time you’re in Toronto, you can stop by the waterpark and see Swampy II!

    I will be creating a separate page to display the progress of this one, and of course keep you all updated!

    This is going to be FUN!!!!!!

    So there’s my big big big announement. Not bad, eh?

    Squirrely the Third!


    He’s done! Boy do I love these little critters. In fact I just put out a bunch of popcorn for them out back!

    Yesterday went by so fast, I was a little bummed I didn’t get him finished. But now he’s done. YAY! We’re leaving in a few minutes for an eye exam appointment for me, I’m going to get contacts! 😀

    Not much else going on today, just catching up on housework. I just want to know how 3 people can produce 4-5 bags of trash a week? At least I know I’m not a packrat. LOL

    I’ll be testing prints of this one later today or tomorrow, depending on how long the appointment goes. I have some webdesign projects that need attention tonight, so we’ll see!

    Hey, now that I’m thinking about it, those of you who voted for “other animal”, I’d love for you to reply here (even if it’s anonymous!) and let me know what animal! I know one of the 4 is a skunk… anyone else wanna let me know?

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!!

    Orange Poppy!


    BOING! Good afternoon! How ’bout this for a afternoon wake-up call? I just finished and listed it on ebay, you can click the painting to go see it there. You may want to go grab your sunglasses. 🙂

    It’s a great day, chilly and windy – where am I, Chicago!? Sheesh! But it’s sunny and bright and beautiful. I’ve been walking and painting today. I also ordered this very cool vacuum sealer thingie so I can send Mark more brownies and not have to use so much tape (and suck the air out of the bags myself) next time. haha!

    We did get to chat this morning too, which of course is very cool. Funny thing happened (don’t you love sentences that start like that?) we were chatting away and about 10 til 8 this morning I hollered for Caitlin to finish getting ready since she leaves at 8’ish for school. Right then Mark says he’ll let me go so I can get Caitlin off to school. Hm. I am far too predictable! LOL

    I am loving the new equipment – the scan of this painting went insanely fast for the resolution I used, and the colors were right on, didn’t have to modify them at all. Go Epson!!!

    Ok off to play around s’more. Have a great afternoon!

    Mark’s Painting


    It’s Caitlin’s turn to say good morning! This cute little short outfit brought to you by none other than the Easter bunny.

    I had mentioned starting work on Mark’s second portrait. Well here are a couple of shots of what’s going on with it. First, we have the full painting, which is an accurate color representation, even tho you can’t see him. The piece is 24×36 on 1-1/2″ deep gallery wrapped canvas, and the sides are gradated to match. Then there’s the close up of his face where you can see his profile outlined. And this is the photo I’m working from here. You like? He’s a handsome fella. I will work on this one soon. Gotta finish up that Daisy, which I plan on working on today. 🙂

    Back later with more! Have a great day!


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