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  • Life, Love, and Critters – of course!

    Death of a Friendship


    I’d like to think we can all relate to this topic, can’t we? It’s a sad time in our lives, when we lose a friendship that has become so important to us over time.

    Friendships are such a funny thing. You meet someone, and when you’re young you just go with the flow, if they stick around – great, if not – that’s fine too. Drifting away is normal, losing touch is commonplace. As you get older, though, those nagging thoughts (voices) in your head become louder and more prominent. The drifting doesn’t seem so normal, so immediately I think it has to be something I did. These scenarios play out in any number of ways.

    1. I think it’s something I did, or said. I haven’t heard from her in months, and calls go unreturned.

    2. There’s a strange pause in the conversation, and then a quick subject change, and then the gaps between conversations grow longer and longer, until they stop.

    3. A number of days pass where there’s no connection at all, then you talk but it’s rapid fire, and the fakeness is so thick you can hardly wait to get off the phone and replay the last several months in your head.

    4. She stopped reading my blog.

    Gasp! WHAT? She stopped reading my blog?! Of all of the sins of friendship, isn’t that one like, the most important? Even my mom reads my blog. C’mon. If you love me, you read my blog. That’s the only possible excuse you’d have for not calling. Right?


    So all of these things are a good indication that something has gone awry. There are ways to handle it, however, it just baffles me that people choose to let it just disappear without a word. Don’t they have any idea the amount of wondering a person can do? Wondering is dangerous. Side effects include dizziness, stomach upset and in rare cases, vomiting. See? Nothing good comes from wondering.

    Nothingness. And then if you happen to make contact? There are excuses. Are they believable? Legitimate? Do you hold your friendship at the same level as before the long absence? Don’t you feel like you’ve got a big “reject” stamp in the middle of your forehead when this happens? (Oh, please tell me it’s happened to you.)

    There are a few lines in “You’ve Got Mail” that I love, and they are SO true.

    Joe: It wasn’t… personal.
    Kathleen: What is that supposed to mean? I am so sick of that. All that means is that it wasn’t personal to you. But it was personal to me. It’s *personal* to a lot of people. And what’s so wrong with being personal, anyway?
    Joe: Uh, nothing.
    Kathleen: Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.

    Over the years, I’ve noticed a trend with me and my friendships. I’ve actually set some guidelines now before an acquaintance becomes a friend, and a friend becomes a cherished part of my life. This prevents a lot of pain, and it also gives my friends something to aspire to, if they can tolerate me long enough. It’s pretty simple, there are short-term, mid-term, long-term, and lifelong friendships. Yes, I split them up into categories. It helps me keep track.

    Short-term friendships are those that last two years or less. (I can expand or reduce that amount of time as I see fit, of course.) In this amount of time, you can really determine if you have enough in common to go to the next level, or if you just cut your ties and call it a learning experience. Honestly? Too many people don’t make it past this stage. I must be really annoying. Or something. Most often? No explanation is required. I’m okay with that. That’s not to say it doesn’t hurt, because it certainly stings and makes me analyze myself. Okay, I over-analyze myself.

    Mid-term friendships are 2-4 years long. If you make it past the short term, there’s a good chance you’ll make it – because anyone who knows me knows that one year should be about all anyone can take. If you make it past 2, you’re like, gifted. And special. You will get a Christmas card. If you vanish just before or after the 4 year mark, it would be really freakin’ nice to know what I did, because how am I supposed to NOT do that in the future? Really. Specifics are good. I call those losses a lesson in self-improvement. And I cry about them. Yes, I do. You might not THINK I care, but I’m over here caring like a banshee, I’m just not good at communicating that.

    Long-term friendships, 5-10 years long, usually these people know that I’m not good at communicating that I care. I appreciate them even more for knowing my slanted sense of humor equals love and affection, and my aloofness is a result of having children and looking at my monitor for too long. I cry for them, with them, and sometimes, because of them. When a long term friendship ends, it’s like losing an arm. Or at least some fingers. These people are IMPORTANT. They KNOW stuff about me, because I don’t share that stuff with just anybody, and you HAVE to know that if you disappear after that amount of time, I expect all my dirty laundry to have it’s own place on the web that I don’t know about with thousands of commentors saying what an ass I am. I had to have done something horribly, terribly wrong for a long term friendship to vanish. Seriously. What did I say? What did I do? You can’t just get to this stage and exit stage left without leaving a note. These losses are heartbreaking, and sad, and mournful.

    Lifelong friendships – well, obviously they never left. Beyond the stage of needing any explanation that life happens, comfortable enough for just 2 calls a year (as long as she never forgets my birthday, and I never forget hers, we will always be sisters at heart). Those are wonderful, cozy, giggly and loving friendships that you know will never end. I’m so glad I have these, because I truly cherish them. And I’m also very glad I haven’t mourned the loss of one of these friends, because that would only happen by death, and that would be so sad that I would be blogging through Kleenex. There would be no other way.

    I do spend a lot of time wondering, though, about those mid and long-term disappearances. Why is it so hard to say goodbye, if you share so much? I have friends who have gone through this as well. One day you wake up and one of your best friends is just gone. Someone you let in a little more than others, someone whose friendship you thought you were building to go to the next level. No explanation, no forwarding address – and when you leave more than just a few messages you start feeling like a stalker. How can one person care so much more than the other? How can someone just let it go *poof* without a word?

    What has to happen in order for it to be SO bad that a person doesn’t even rate enough for a call, an apology, a friendship breakup song on tape in a small brown box without a return address in the mailbox on a rainy gray afternoon?

    Love Me Anyway.


    chiapoo chihuahua poodle mix puppy' class=
    I did not finish Emily’s portrait today – it’s still wet, and under a fan to speed up drying time.

    You’re just going to have to settle for this cute-a-licious Copper puppy head tilt eye-candy today. I hope you don’t mind?

    I’m Down With That.


    valentines day red rose photograph vignette antique effect copyright leanne wildermuth' title=
    As I was trying to fall asleep last night, thousands of thoughts ran through my head. This made sleeping quite challenging, as you can imagine. All I kept thinking was “I’m down with that.”

    • I can’t breath out of the left side of my nose.
    • The room is spinning, while I’m holding perfectly still.
    • My eyes feel waterlogged.
    • My hearing is muffled, clarity achieved only by the annoying popping of my jaw. I have not changed my altitude.
    • My throat randomly misplaces my voice, no amount of clearing helps it return.

    So yep, I’m totally down with that. I’m down with whatever the “crud” is that everyone else has. This is the first time I’ve been sick all winter, that I can recall – so I’m grateful to have held out for as long as I have. Tylenol Severe Cold is my friend. The room can stop spinning any time now.

    The rose, by the way, is from my Valentine’s Day bouquet. I’ve applied some special effects – vignetting and antiquing with PhotoScape, a really great free photo editing software that I found through Pam. I am in the midst of a software deliberation that is bordering on making me insane as the price tag is just — ouch. I love the product I’ve been using for years, but it lacks the vector editing that I desperately need to make my life as a blog designer a much happier one. Of course that will necessitate a new system (Hello, Dell Dude, this is where you come in and offer me a great deal). I’m not entirely down with that, yet!

    Today, I’ll be painting. After I have a steamy hot shower and clear my head. Then I’ll dive back into the design front, as I’m working on 6 projects simultaneously, as my schedule is quite full and I’m very excited to be keeping so creatively busy!

    My Mouth Hangs Open


    At the audacity of some people on this planet. Truly.

    I have never given an artist a critique unless they asked – no, more like begged for it. I hate giving my opinion on things as sensitive as art. Hate. I mean, really, if the person you’re critiquing is having an overly sensitive and self-critical day (as most artists tend to have frequently) you could do some serious damage to their self worth. And that’s nothing I take lightly, and absolutely nothing I want to live with having had an impact on (unless it’s positive, of course!).

    purple tulip original india ink painting
    I got a comment in my portfolio yesterday, where a person suggested that I should have used a different color in one of my paintings. Um, ex-squeeze me? What? Did I ask for a critique? No, I don’t believe I did. And honestly, I don’t ask not because I don’t care, but because I do what the Holy Spirit leads me to do, and I believe every choice I’ve made in every painting is a deliberate one that has been directly impacted by something far bigger than I am. The end result is exactly as it should be, and I don’t ever question that. This particular piece is one that I love dearly (because it’s my favorite flower, and from my own garden), and is hanging in a lovely home and appreciated every day for exactly what it is.

    So, how do you react to that kind of situation? It’s one thing when your mother (or mother in law) is giving you unsolicited advice on how to raise your kids, you can tell them to bug-off a bit easier and without being snottish, you know? But this? This came from someone who claims to be a “fellow artist”. Fellow. As in comrade. Member of the same group. Really? Are they really? Because wouldn’t an artist know not to EVER give unsolicited advice like that on a completed -and sold- painting?

    I try not to come off as an arrogant artist with an overly inflated ego. I am *not* all that. I am what I am, and that is all. I do what I know I can do, I learn the things I’m driven to learn. I never claimed to be an expert painter, or the best portrait artist on the web (and trust me, there are artists out there who claim exactly that). For the most part, I don’t even know that I know what I know until I try to explain it to someone who has asked. And even then, I think I don’t know what I’m talking about. (Didjya get all that?)

    Could I be more humble? Because that’s all I really want to be when I grow up.

    So I replied in a way that told my “fellow” artist that the painting was sold, and if they wanted to commission one with the advised changes, I’d be happy to provide a quote.

    Yes, I do say on my portfolio that I love feedback. I do love feedback. Perhaps I should modify that so that even an artist would understand that a critique is not being requested, because I just don’t “get” how someone could not “get” the difference.

    ….closing my mouth now.

    Introducing … Bits n’ Blurbs!


    I’ve added a new feature to my blog, Bits n’ Blurbs. You’ll see these little guys floating around between my posts now – these are things that I want to mention but they’re little bitty and sometimes blurbish, so they really don’t warrant a big old fancy post. They’ll be totally random ‘tweeners to keep you all current on what I’m up to. B)

    Pick A Politician, Any Politician.


    .. it all boils down to the issues.

    Slobokan spent a lot of time on this 2008 Presidental Candidate PDF – print it out and start marking it up, it’s a really great way to find out who will stand up for what you believe in.

    Super Tuesday has come and gone here in Illinois – and I got some first hand experience about how these online “polls” that help you “choose your candidate” are completely skewed. You have to do the leg work yourself, and this chart will make it so much easier. I hope you find it as helpful as I have!

    Update: Robin left this link – I checked it out and it seems unbiased, as well – another cool resource and place to get some background on the issues. Visit Select2008. Thanks, Robin!

    A Slew of Awards & Recognition. For You.


    I have been neglect in paying it forward, so today I shall pay it forward AND backward, and then round and round. By the time I’m done, you’ll have so many places to go you won’t know which one to add to your feed reader first!

    I know I’m not a big blog. I don’t count up my inbound links or think Alexa (or whatever) has any bearing on the reason I blog or the awesome people I’ve met. I honestly don’t really care about all that. What I do care about is whether or not you all come back, because if you don’t – that means I’m a dork. Maybe a neglectful dork, and most likely a boring dork. In the spirit of knocking out the former, I give you a full on comprehensive payback of the wonderfulness that is you guys, those of you who find my blog dork-free. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart and the deepest darkest archives of this place that is my blog. For making it what it is, for making me feel special, and for letting me share this gift I’ve been blessed with in an honest non-braggy sort of way. I’m glad you’re here.

    {{insert warm fuzzies, mushy gushy stuff and hugs here}}

    Without further adieu, here’s just about everybody I’ve come to know. If I missed you, you are hereby granted one virtual smack upside the head (for me, not you) and also a free pass to my contact form to write me up a well deserved keyboard lashing.

    awardbmp-754462.jpgKim awarded me this lovely flowery “You Make My Day” award. It’s very springy, so of course I was tickled about that, but even more tickled that Kim just happened across my blog not too long ago. I’m delighted to make her day, since she’s such a chipper chick herself. That’s flattering all by itself. Now I’m supposed to pass this on to 5 people, but I may go over. I’m sure you’ll forgive me, right?

    I’m giving this one to: D, Mert, Robin, Caren, Friglet, Geekwif, Angel, Ladybug, Pamibe, SleepingMommy, NappyGirl, and YellowRose.

    SleepingMommy awarded me this beautiful Bloggers of the World award that Colin created.

    I’m going to pass this on to the bloggers who make me feel more worldly for knowing them. Whether they live in another country or just a different part of this one, at some point I’ve felt like “man, there’s a lot out there that I haven’t experienced” at least once, thanks to these people:

    Kailani, MiscMum, Dylan, WhyMommy, Lolo, Susan, Lesley, Kim, Sharon, Sheila, JAM, Audrey, Carmi, Michele and David .
    Pam seems to think my blog is Excellent. (The check is in the mail.) Seriously. From a woman who says what she thinks with no apologies for being real. First, I’m going to give this right back to her, second, I’m gonna poke her with a pointy stick for trying to be sneaky about it, and third, I’m going to give this one to some, but not all, of the excellent people I read. Obviously I only hang out with excellent people, since I’m rated “E” for Excellent and we attract those most like ourselves, right?

    Here are some excellent people you might not know yet: InterstellarLass, Thumper, Laura, Marisa, Shelly, Heather @ Swordgirl, WhyRUStalkingME, Heather @ Nurseblogger, Crazy MomCat, Mrs. Flinger, Nancy, Kevin and WackyMommy.

    Although I find it slightly odd and mildly uncomfortable to be kissed by a girl, it happened and I have to get over it. Robin says “The Mwah! Award is a sweet kiss given to say thank you for friendships and comments in the blogosphere. Apparently it was started by Jenn in Holland.” so with that said, I’m going to have to give a big fat wet one to my long-time friends and top commentors (who actually have blogs).

    Virtual kisses to Erikie, Nancy, Kimberle/MommaK, Lisa and Sue.
    Tinkerbell forwarded this great compliment and it’s about dang time I pay it forward, too. I have a serious blogroll, folks – and I don’t want anyone to go without knowing that you’re on it, and I read you as often as possible (and sometimes, as often as you slackers update your blogs! haha! ::nudges Raehan::). Some of you might not even know you’re ON my blogroll, so nyah-nyah – now you do.

    Jo, Lindsey, The Rock Chick, Darren, DeeJay, Janet, Bitsy, Marshamlow (which, btw, sounds like marshmallow in my head), Christine, June, Melissa, Lulu, Jennifer, Kerflop, Lisa @ Lisa’s Chaos, Forrest, All Adither, Alicia, Emila, MeeAugraphie, Apocalyps, LifeCruiser and Renee.

    Did I miss you? Let me know. Feel free to pay it forward yourself – DO let someone know you think they’re awesome, surely it’ll brighten their day as much as you all brighten mine!

    A Tiny Puppy


    chihuahua poodle mix chiapoo male puppy

    Yes, this is our new puppy. He belongs to Chickeymonkey, officially, as she’s the only one in the house without “her very own” pet – she just wanted a pet she isn’t afraid of. How could anyone be afraid of this little dude? He’s a long haired Chihuahua-Poodle mix, they call ’em ChiaPoo’s. His momma is 5lbs, daddy is 3.5lbs, so he’s not going to get much bigger than this. He’s had a nice bath, his toes are clipped and filed, and he slept in a little ball next to my head last night. (And he’s curled up in a ball in my lap right now).

    Say it with me now, c’mon… “awwwwwwwwww”.

    How Far I’ll Go For $2.


    furry winter flip flops' class=
    You got it, folks. For just $2, I’ll wear furry flip flops in the middle of winter. I found these awesome little flip flops on clearance at Meijers while on a trip up to the Burbs to see my family this weekend. Of course Chickeymonkey had to re-paint my toes before I’d take a photo to show you (so don’t judge the polish – or you’d definitely get the big puppy dog eyes from my sweet six year old who did a FANTASTIC job.) – these are just pure genius. Like UGG’s for flip flop addicts.

    I hate winter. I do. (This is not new to most of you.) Winter makes my feet dry out to the point where the edges of the cracks in my heels could kill a person, or maybe just perhaps give an irritating sharp little jab. I don’t know that these will cure the dryness, but they sure as heck make me feel a little bit closer to summer!

    Lovin’ my new furry flip flops. With a big huge pink puffy heart.

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