Tess – Dog Portrait Complete

Tess – Dog Portrait WIP #1

I’ll start showing completed pieces by the end of the day Monday. It’s been a busy week – I’m going to go play in my garden for a while!
Tess – Dog Portrait

Today is also Pam’s 50th Birthday – so stop over and wish her a Happy Birthday!
Callie, Annie & Momo Final Scan

9? x 12? Oil Painting
3/4″ Profile Gallery Wrapped Canvas
© 2007 Leanne Wildermuth
All Rights Reserved
Here’s the final scan of these beautiful cats done in a sepia oil monochromatic. The color is really warm and rich, like milk chocolate in the sunlight. I’m late posting it – usually I post the scan before I mail the piece – this one is probably already halfway home. I’zza little excited for their mama to get the painting.
Callie Annie & Momo Complete!

I just completed the lovely composition captured by Debbie of her three cats. This painting is 9×12 on gallery wrapped canvas, it’s a sepia toned monochromatic.
I did fade out the lace curtain in the background a bit, I thought too much detail would detract from the cats – the subtle lace in the foreground and impression of lace on that back curtain feels just right to me.
The digital pic of this painting isn’t entirely accurate, of course – the final scan is always so much more accurate to color, clarity and detail. I’ll capture a scan once it’s dry.
Callie Annie & Momo WIP #3

Callie, Annie & Momo WIP #2

Callie, Annie & Momo WIP #1

Sometimes I wonder if my readers know how vast my artistic occupation is. From doodles to photography, birdwatching, landscaping, blog designing and back to painting again, I think my interests are either overwhelming or I have too many boring ones to fully entertain my readership. To me, it all feeds the creative side of my brain, so I won’t hesitate to jump from this to that to the other thing. Maybe it’s creative AADD? (ADD of the adult variety?) Whatever the case may be, I think there are a select variety of people who understand it and hang in there on my big ol’ trampoline of a blog.
Back to my sketch, Meet Callie, Annie & Momo. They’re a 9×12 trio of kitties – what a photographic capture, huh? Mom did a great job, and now I get the pleasure of turning it into a sepia toned monochromatic oil painting that she can cherish. I’ll be working on these purrrfect posers the beginning of the week, so stay tuned for another progress shot (or two)!
Want a custom oil painting for $100?
I have alot of monochromatic paintings in my portfolio – but only one of them is an animal. After I finished that last series of monochromatic rainbow kids, I decided I wanted to offer up some custom 10″ x 10″ gallery wrapped monochromatics for $100 each.
My kids each want one of their own in their favorite colors to hang in their bedroom. I think it’s a cool idea, because it’s something they can hang onto when they get their own place. (I’m such a forward thinker, huh? lol)
I’d love to add a few pet monochromatics to that section of my portfolio, so I’ll leave this pricing open to either people or animal/pet portraits. It’s a pretty simple process, really – you pick the color, send me a photo (single subject), and I paint a cool custom portrait in oils and send it to you ready to hang on a gallery wrapped canvas.
I’ll keep this offer open until the end of March, so if you’d like to order a custom monochromatic by then just contact me and let me know. (or just go ahead & place your order.)