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>> Wildermuth Creative Portraits <<

  • Callie, Annie & Momo WIP #1


    callie annie momo cat cats trio oil portrait painting sketch

    Sometimes I wonder if my readers know how vast my artistic occupation is. From doodles to photography, birdwatching, landscaping, blog designing and back to painting again, I think my interests are either overwhelming or I have too many boring ones to fully entertain my readership. To me, it all feeds the creative side of my brain, so I won’t hesitate to jump from this to that to the other thing. Maybe it’s creative AADD? (ADD of the adult variety?) Whatever the case may be, I think there are a select variety of people who understand it and hang in there on my big ol’ trampoline of a blog.

    Back to my sketch, Meet Callie, Annie & Momo. They’re a 9×12 trio of kitties – what a photographic capture, huh? Mom did a great job, and now I get the pleasure of turning it into a sepia toned monochromatic oil painting that she can cherish. I’ll be working on these purrrfect posers the beginning of the week, so stay tuned for another progress shot (or two)!

    Great Blue Heron : Complete!


    great blue heron work in progress oil painting original fine art realistic realism
    I did it! I was up until the wee hours of the morning (11pm is late for me, c’mon.) and I think I need to buy stock in aspercreme or something, but he’s done. What a magnificent bird Laura captured, I’m so excited to have her blessing to create this gorgeous 18×36 portrait from one of her amazing photographs. (I can’t find the link to it – Laura – help!)

    This is the final piece that will be displayed with my collection. I’ve got a ton of paperwork, scanning etc. to do (and I’m waiting for this guy to dry) so I’ll check back with you with photos of everything on display and a YouTube Vid once they’re all hung. Keep in mind, this is a “window exhibit”, meaning I have a 16″ wide by 5″ high glass enclosed window area where they’ll be exhibited for 2 months to about 30,000 people who walk through this particular area. If I had more pieces in my collection, I’d have a regular gallery show, but since my paintings are never in my posession for very long (yay!), I couldn’t hog up a whole gallery with one wall worth of work. Still, it’s a great thing to have the exposure on a local level.

    View work in progress

    16 Eye Ate It’s


    eye ate it original oil painting series food candy art

    Here’s a sampling – the spacing and stuff is all wrong, but it will look something like this on exhibit. The whole thing will display at about 24″ x 24″.

    Eye Ate It Paintings #4


    eye ate it snack original oil painting food art leanne wildermuth
    Here you go, the last set to complete a 16 set series of “Eye Ate It” paintings that will be presented as part of my exhibition that begins – WEDNESDAY. Yes. Wednesday. I have 2 days to complete my biggest, largest most complicated painting for the show now.

    These should be easy guesses, and now I’m starving – because my kids ate all my painting subjects. Dangit. I swear, as soon as I had the painting finished, they snagged it and ran. In fact, Chickey is standing right in front of me right now saying “Are you done painting the Eye Ate It’s?” and I said “yeeeessss” and she said “Can I go get the rest of the candy now?” and of course, my reply was “yeeeessssss”.

    Grumble, grumble, grumble
    (that’s my tummy)

    Eye Ate It Paintings #3


    eye ate it snack original oil painting food art leanne wildermuth

    One more set to go in my “Eye Ate It” series to finish – did you guess on the last set? This one may be easier – although that one to the right may stump a few people since the image isn’t a very big one.

    (Yes I’ll put them all together when I’m finished for you to eat up, you know, that’s a lot of Eye Candy. Save your appetite eyepetite. :winking:)

    Happy guessing!

    P.S. Got ice? We do! On a normal day, that bush is not so vertically challenged. I think it may split in half. Can’t go out, you might get pelted by the ice cube sized stuff breaking off the trees. One more – look at our coated power lines. (Hoping they don’t snap!)

    Eye Ate It Paintings #2


    eye ate it original oil painting series bite sized paintings fine art leanne wildermuth

    The next three in my “Eye Ate It” series are complete, 6 more to go to complete this series. Go ahead and name these goodies!

    Eye Ate It Paintings


    eye ate it series original oil paintings leanne wildermuth fine art

    Three of 12 are complete, 9 more “Eye At It” paintings will complete a 16 piece series of 4″ x 4″ square bite sized edibles for exhibition.

    Can you name all these goodies?

    Kiki – Completed Calico Cat Painting


    calico cat original oil painting art leanne wildermuth
    Kiki is done. Daylight is gone and this is the best pic I can get of her tonight to show you – but man. I have to say, when I finished this one I shed a single tear. As it was running down my cheek I wondered if it was just from sheer exhaustion, pride, or pain shooting down my hand. Probably all three – and a little regret, as well, since I couldn’t bring her home with me the day I met her. Dang she’s pretty.

    (view the work in progress here.)

    I’ll show you a better pic tomorrow.

    Updated with more accurate daylight pic (you may need to refresh your browser a couple of times to see it), and also – here’s a closeup of her face.

    calico cat original oil painting portrait art artist leanne wildermuth

    Violet Monochromatic : Jayden


    “You’re turning violet, Violet!” kept going through my head during my Chickeymonkey’s purple portrait painting session today. Of course the moment I completed Caitlin’s yesterday, she was right beside me saying “paint me NOW.” She couldn’t wait to be purple! And now, she is my little purple Chickeymonkey.

    This is the final portrait in this series of six oil paintings for my exhibit. I’ve got quite a lot of work to do yet, but it does feel good to have this whole concept finally down on canvas to giggle over. It’s a happy series, playful – joyful – colorful kids. Here they all are in my studio together:

    custom monochromatic rainbow oil painting series original art leanne wildermuth
    I hope they bring a smile to your face, too!

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